As Robert Euresti tells it, he was at the Central Public Library late Sunday (about 8 p.m. or so) when he heard people panicking and screaming that someone was going to shoot people with a gun.
Euresti, a Vietnam vet, didn't panic and run toward the other side of the library. Instead, as he sat, the staff there began to tell patrons to move toward the outside.
When the alarm about the supposed crazed gunman was shouted out in the library, it caused a near-panic as patrons sought a way out. In one case, Euresti said that a mother couldn't locate her child and was frantic in her search. It was only after the cops arrived that they found the child was standing right behind her but she hadn't seen herbeing she was so frightened.
Euresti said the Brownsville Police Dept. showed up quickly in force and that at closing time the library was surrounded by police cars.
It is unknown whether police arrested anyone over the incident or if there was a gun there to begin with.
"I was going to hit the floor if there had been one," Euresti said later. "If he passed by me, I could have come up behind him and that would have been the end of that."
This morning, the story at the library was that a mentally-impaired street person was having a panic attack and started threatening people that he was going to shoot up the place. That lit the panic fuse and calls to 911.
The gun scare at the library, coming as it did against the backdrop of the debate over gun control and background checks, only shows that the public is antsy on the subject and the slightest mention of a potential shootout like the one in Colorado, Connecticut and other places can set off a panic.
Now, given this apparently false alarm, do we need everyone at the library pulling out their piece to confront the nonexistent gunman?
Based on the logic of the times, perhaps the solution is to arm all library employees and volunteers to protect themselves and those using the library. It is a reflection of our society and our "must have gratification now" syndrome. Americans have become like seagulls; "Me, Me, Me and Mine, Mine, Mine". We demostrate this when we line up outside stores for sales, lining up for "Me, and Mine". Few signs of public courtesy and charity in our society these days...unfortunately reflected by threats and poor behavior.
Hey I have an Idea? Lets name the Public librairy after him XD
The consequences of fear and panic are far worse than a crazy man's mutterings. Fear is the response of people who are not in control of themselves and their circumstances. When you panic, you do not think and when you do not think, you are a helpless victim.
I am 70 years old and have been in real life or death situations several times over that period of time. I never lost my head or paniced. I am still here.
Folks need to get their shit together and not crap in their pants if a crazy man does his thing. The poor crazy man is the one in trouble and not you. It is all a matter of attitude and knowing who you are. If somebody tried to do harm to me or mine, they have made a very serious mistake.
Haven't seen anything about this in the Herald.....seems they only print advertisements these days. Obviously this isn't "news" to the Herald. The Brownsville Herald has become another "Bargain Book"....mostly advertisements with news we saw yesterday on TV or the internet. Local news is limited to what advertisers spoon feed them and little local reporting. It is sad when I hear that people only subscribe to the Herald to keep up with the obits.
le hubieran habladdo a willy gonzalez del heath dept, a proposito este individo deberia ir a corte este mes, sr. montoya deberiamos preguntar que paso con este caso, aporque hay dos jentes heridas de bala y este guey anda suelto.
When you say crooked?
Are you talking about Rick the dick?
Saltry Mark? Ruben Kotex? Otis al Panochete?
Tony "La Lola" Mamazota Zamora, Estela "I don't do nothing" Erin, Ernie and Norma Cadril, sofia I still use my dead husband for profit?
where is the public information to this incident why were customers not informed? everythime I go I can never talk to the so called manager cory galvan she is never there
(Lets name the Public librairy after him XD)
Clint (Dirty Harry) Eastwood library. Sounds magnificent.
Wow, knowing robert, had there been a gunman he could have talked him to death with all his rambling.
Would have been, one nut vs an other nut.
Lucky there was no gunman as I know Robert would have done all he could to remove the threat. Good job Robert for letting us know what went down.
Keep your powder dry.
Juan, Make my day
Juan.....can you ask questions about the elevator at city hall? It's not "out of order" like the posted signs say.. .they are not allowing us to use it just to please Gowen and her health program....they make us walk up and down all day...... its should be MY choice whether I take the stairs or the elevator!
have to send this anonymously if I want to keep my job
The reaction is what saddens me. Virginia God, Virginia, land of such heroes and exemplars of bravery. A nut goes and kills 30-some odd. Where is the bravery? Where is the collective notion to charge, one and all? Even Fort Hood? Why not charge, one and all?
Some of it is because we have been estrogenised. Some of it is because the culture wants Father Abraham Obamaham to free us from our duty to provide for, and defend ourselves.
The police, while in some ways laudable, are also the ones who will come soon to take you away because of an income tax dispute. They enforce warrants that are not justifiable. Think even of that dumboe who made the movie that Obama and his septic zomboe coterie said caused the excesses on September 11th past. He is the only one in jail as a result of the actions of 9th century pseudo-religious zomboes in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.
We must re-learn the art, science, and yes, even the civility involved in knowing right from wrong, fending for ourselves, being willing to interject with the least force necessary when required, even if that least force is, lamentably, lethal.
Our problem is that we are losing our self-reliance and giving it to a government who sees us a consum-o-matic slugs and dregs to be minimally cared for. False Security for Human Rights,'s free? False Security for Human Rights, anyone?
The free and open practice of a Judaic, or (Roman)(Anglican)(or other Orthodox)(Protestant) catechism...or some form of the Golden Rule and the Beattitudes, would go a long way to solving the issues of violence, reasonable self-interest, self-protection, and self-reliance.
No more anchormothers or babymothers, 26 year old grandmothers, or multigenerational welfare industry professionals, please.
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