Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Dr. Jesús H. Chávez, superintendent, Round Rock Independent School District
Jesus ChavezCareer highlights and education: Dr. Jesús H. Chávez has 33 years experience in education, beginning as a third grade teacher in Brownsville ISD and working as an assistant principal, central office administrator and superintendent. He served as superintendent of the Harlingen Consolidated ISD and Corpus Christi ISD before moving to Round Rock ISD in 2006.
Chavez received a bachelor's degree in elementary education from The University of Texas at Austin, his Masters of Education from Pan American University at Brownsville and received his doctorate along with his superintendent's certificate from UT Austin in Special Education Administration in 1989.
What I like best about my job is:
Running a school district is a collaborative process. I enjoy working with people towards making important decisions that positively impact students and the community.

The best advice I've received for my current job is:
Always do what's best for the children. If you keep the kids as your primary focus, you arrive at good decisions.
Advice you would give a new hire in your office:
Buckle in. The work we do is fast, it's hectic, but it's extremely rewarding.

If I ever snuck out of work early, I could probably be found:
At home with my wife, Martha, or spending time with both of my kids. They're 27- and 18-years-old now, so they're not little ones anymore, but that's still where I like to spend my extra time.
People would be surprised to know that I:
actually enjoy shopping. Any kind really - going through the aisles at the grocery store or window shopping at the outlets here.

One thing I wish more people knew about Round Rock ISD:
I would hope they know that we have great people and that the students in our district do extremely well. What I think people should realize is that part of the way we achieve that is by having multiple grant programs throughout our district, so each student can find their niche while they are here and their own path to success.


Anonymous said...

Typical politics of HCISD and BISD! We get a good superintendent and because of the BS politics, he moves on and doing a helluva lot better!

Anonymous said...

I applaud the comment "Always do what's best for the children"....a motto forgotten in BISD. In BISD it's all about administrators and teachers....not about the kids. We struggle here with a "social experiment", while foregoing education and academic achievement. We are happy that Round Rock has such a positive leader for their education process. Unfortunately, BISD has no leadership....a rudderless ship drifting at sea.

Anonymous said...

What a waste he's just another TAX DOLLAR EMPLOYEE!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Escobedo's leeching is creating a financial risk to BISD, BND, City, and County?

Of course Escobedo is not the only one, look at Aurora, Armando, Ernie, Limas?

Anonymous said...

Atta boy, Mi Chuey!!

Anonymous said...

And the next Super at BISD will be?????

Does the name Gonzalez sound familiar???

Southmost kid said...

Not bad for a Porter High school student class of 1976, Great job, Mr. J Chavez

Anonymous said...

This is what makes a teacher's job so rewarding. Students like Jesus are our pride and joy! I am proud to have been one of Jesus' teachers at Porter High School in 1974, the school's initial year. He was the track star under Coach Hank Masur who earned the first boys' cross country trophy for Porter. That same weekend, Sofia Salinas, won the first girls' cross country trophy. Those two were the ipitome of dedication and hard-work. Since then, Jesus had a sense of knowing what he wanted and how he would be contributing to society. He is a Southmost-son raised by parents who pushed the value of education. We are all proud of your, Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Not bad for a ex porter student from 1976, great job jesus

Anonymous said...

Y la mama de Dr. Jesus----'La reyna de politiceras de Southmost!
