The edict has gone out to those who have drunk the Cheezmeh Kool-Aid: pitch in to the group or be banished from the inner sanctum.
Cheezmeh, which has morphed from a cuddly, fuzzy, feel-good social club has now shed its lamb's skin and identified itself as one of the cogs in the Ernie and Norma Hernandez vote-harvesting machine and the Head Cheese and Head Cheeza (?) are making no bones about it that they want their followers to toe the line and follow the cult's line.
"Starting the New Year I'm weeding out 'friends'," writes Le Gran Fromage Erasmus. "Time to weed out again. So if we haven't seen ya on the page, haven't interjected on the post to inform or entertain, then we'll be weeding you out. New Year, New People. I know that some pages and groups pride themselves on quantity, I'd rather keep quality."

In a sense this amounts to what happens when a new elected official take over an office and asks the exiting workers to reapply for their positions. However, we fail to see who elected this bunch to run the Cheezmeh scam except for themselves.
There is, obviously, some material gain to be had from having followers do your bidding at your beck and call, especially during local elections when desperate candidates seek votes where they can get them. But if the track record of this bunch is any measure of their effectiveness (one winner out of 10 in recent mind), it is obvious that these are self-delusional claims swallowed only by the most ardent supporters.
No doubt that there are some who (like Lincoln stated) you can fool some of the time – if not all the time – who will heed the siren song of the Cheezmeh. In fact there are some, like a woman who identified herself as Priscilla Castillo, who stated that after the Chairman made his purge pronouncement to "Let the beggin begin" to be allowed to play follow the leader.
We imagine that Ms. Castillo is ready to the Great Leader's bidding and use her time an money to go out and do whatever he wants at a moment’s notice, post pictures, harvest votes and bash people that give him a hard time or don’t pay up.
Judging by their past performance, the Chairman and Commissar will put people through the social wringer and give them a bad review until they cry uncle or pay up and shut up. Until then, the rule of thumb for this dwindling group – the vanguard of social progress in Brownsville – appears to be like the slogan at Capt. Bob's restaurants: 1. The Captain is always right. 2. When in doubt, refer to number 1."
There are better and much more important things for you to write about than these social rejects.
This trio belong on the cover of Vanity Fair as the most beautiful people in Cameron County
For the life of me, I can't figure our why anybody would give a shit about what these people do or don't do. When you write a story like this, it makes them seem to be important, worthy of the space on your blog. Juan, you need a job or something more to occupy your time, than trying to figure out this meaningless group of people.
Arrogant self loathing scumbags with idiots that fall for their bullshit.
Obssessed much? Why are you stalking their FB page? Just live and let live.
By the comments above telling you not to write about them it is OBVIOUS it is none other than the Erasmo (Brownsville Cheezmeh) Linda (Tranvestite)Castro and Erin Hernandez. They would rather as they say Let them BE. Why so they could start their new scam and start harvesting new and improved Politiqueros through the Brownsville Cheezmeh site. Norma H. has instructed Linda and Erasmo if they wish to be part of the Corruption they must contribute new gullible people that don't know they are creating power for the crooked Hernandez people. They think they will be the King Makers and have people vote for the candidates they endorse. For instance they are preparing to try and re-elect John Villarreal AKA "The Mute Puppet". Keep up the great work JM and expose these pieces of manuer.
No one is stalking you Erasmo AKA The Head Cheeze, we are exposing your Crooked ass. You and your transvestite sister and your Crooked Friend Erin. Nothing more and nothing less. You WILL NOT Get Away with another fund raiser without the FBI and IRS on your tail.
That prissila character that posts 24/7 is a know it all. Pura gordiflona and nasty too. Her posts are so ridiculous and she gets herself in every coversation. I can go days and days without going to their page and when I do there she is 24/7. She seems so nasty like she has experienced too many nasty things. Lastima.
These people are so full of shit that they twist anything people say about them. If you call them fat (which Erasmo and Linda are) they write Oh Fat is Beautiful they are bunch of Haters. If you call them stupid they write We Take credit for Jessica (Tyson) Tetrau but what they won't twist the fact that they are harvesting new politiqueros for Norma and Erin Hernandez. That is what they don't people to know and that is why they tell ANYONE that doesn't agree with them or questions them to Fuck Themselves and they get blocked. They are bunch of Con Artists taking advantage of the needy who actually think these people really care. The only thing they care about is for themselves and their bank account.
Hmmm. Interesting. If in fact, I 'post 24/7' then that means you are there to stalk the page 24/7. I find it ridiculous and more than a little sad that you find it necessary to not only misspell my name even though it is spelled correctly right up there and that you have to misjudge people. I see by the use of the very 'ghetto' word 'gordinflona' you have issues. What is wrong with you? Is this how you were raised? To bash people you don't know and then be a coward and hide under an anonymous post? I most certainly do NOT 'get myself into every conversation'. Again you are wrong. But then again, why wouldn't you be?
The poster of 1-7-13 did not say he/she is on there 24/7. He/she said that the GORDIFLONA(not GORDINFLONA) is there 24/7. In your haste to play Freud; you mis-represented the whole gist of the post-----GENIUS!!!!!!
The use of the word GORDIFLONA does not make the user ghetto Miss Country Club. Many older and wiser people use this term.....sometimes as a term of endearment.
I grew up in the ghetto and I don't have "issues". There is nothing wrong with being raised poorly.....just as long as we are good people and strive for a better life. This poster seems to know the price of everything and the the value of nothing.
People DO NOT have to agree with you as this is a free country and everyone is entitled to have a voice.
I address this to 1-17-2013 @ 7:05 a.m.
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