By Juan Montoya
Just as former Vice-President Al Gore claimed credit for inventing the Internet, one of our precocious city commissioners has taken time from her chronic bouting matches to take credit for the development – not only of Strawberry Village – but for economic development all over Browntown.
Yes, we speak of City Commissioner Jessica Kalifa-Tetreau, already on the hustings from the get-go to get reelected in two years as representative of District 2.
In a posting with her huckster web site Cheezmeh, the feisty commissioner thanked all the "entrepreneurs, business owner, investors, developers, the real estate community, and most importantly, local customers for working together with me to revive District 2."
Now, we don't know if construction on 10,000 square feet of the property adjacent to a Walmart and KFC franchise is a chancy business (not!), but it's hard to see how this qualifies as a revival since down the road on either side stand the empty hulks of 100,000s of square feet of what used to be a Target store, Burlington Coat Factory, Office Depot, Wendy's and other so-called anchor franchises.
The developer, Gallegos told the local daily, is from San Antonio.
Ms. Tetreau cites the Herald article as proof that everyone is pitching in and helping her revive District 2.
Now, we looked high and low in the article for proof that it was Jess who did the heavy lifting to entice the San Antonio folks to choose District 2 and for the life of us, we can neither find her name nor even a mention of the political subdivision she represents (District 2).
However, we are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. If Jess says she – along with the rest of the little people – are working together to revive her district, maybe she is. Perhaps unbeknownst to us her connections on Wall Street helped to lure the Fortune 500 companies that will anchor the new development to District 2. Who knows? District 2 could be Wall Street's best kept secret.
Remember – and I'm dating myself here – the scene in "The Graduate" when the older successful Mr. McGuire buttonholed Ben and gave him some advice?
Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Benjamin: Yes, sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Benjamin: Yes, I am.
Mr. McGuire: Plastics
Well, nowadays, our District 2 commissioner wants us to believe that they re buttonholing young hotshot stockbrokers and – instead of "Plastics" – they are whispering "District 2" in their ears during their cocktail parties.
What we did find was a mention of the local business that Jessica has been associated with and which she claimed to own during her campaign in her effort to paint herself as a successful businesswoman and a one-gal economic dynamo.
That's right. It's the story of how the South Texas Civil Rights Project was suing four businesses – along with one of hers – for paying their workers slave wages. Kelsey Snapp, attorney for Texas Legal Aid, represents four former employees at Car Wash Plus located on Paredes Road.
“The workers were working 9 to 10-hour days but they were only getting paid when they were actually cleaning cars,” Snapp said. “However, they were required to be there the entire day."
The complaints were filed by the workers before the Texas Workforce Commission and perhaps the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division. One of the workers said that the wages he earned averaged to just over $1.50 per hour and included going to do work at the home of the city commissioner and her husband.
It's no wonder that the commissioner spoke of "reviving" District 2. Hell, paying starving wages like this it's a wonder the poor people make enough to eat, much less spend their considerable expendable income at the new high-end developments the commissioner is bringing to revive the economy of District 2.
You go, girl!
Oh yeah, cause Wal Mart was lured there by JT.
Tithead doesn't do shit for the district. I've been watching. O yeah, really classy how she's partner to an illegal operation.
Funny title!
PINCHE vieja fea y rata. Si tan Rica y buenota, entonces pagale bien a tus empleados!
-El Mojon Inflado
YAWN. You are becoming predictable and annoying Juan. Is there anything else out there to write about except cheezmes and their people? Obsessed much?
Wage theft is a Federal Crime, and Honey-Doo-Doo is going to get in big trouble. The IRS is looking at her ass-etts already, I am sure. Seize them!
What happen to her assault charges? With that nose, someone please give her money to get rid of it! Every time I use a can opener, I picture her! FUGLY BITCH!
you know folks someone has to step up to the plate and be doing all this edc work cuz the people in charge of those organization dont have the slightest idea how to do any of these projects? they are all clueless and dumb and dumber.
Down zeke....down...
This is what happens when they get elected. They see everyone else posturing for re-election and they begin to pop up at every single event taking place, shaking hands and kissing ass, oops I mean babies.
When a person mistreats their employees and then steals their wages its TIME TO VOTE THEM THE HELL OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!
As for "Juan" posting what he does, good for him. Seems that if there is a little bit of smoke, it always sends the rats packing. If you are, BORED, dont sing on and read Mr. Juan's post.
Atleast he has "the balls" to report on such issues! Rubbing you the wrong way for a reason?
They are probably broke and are just hanging on to the appearance of being wealthy business owners.
Anonymous said...
They are probably broke and are just hanging on to the appearance of being wealthy business owners.
Are you talking about Peña's Tow Trucking?
Why does she insist on being on Brownsville Cheezmeh? It is obvious Erasmo controls her and is her PR because she is so stupid and is in a life time debt to him that she is his puppet. They (Brownsville Cheezmeh and Norma Hernandez) are desperately trying to change her AirHead image but she just seems to have NO BRAINS. None what so ever. It was always ABC. Anybody but Charlie. We voted Charlie Out NOT Jessica IN. Even a Monkey had a chance to beat Charlie. The people wanted Charlie Out and We ALL KNEW IT. Sorry Jessica but it seems District 2 has been cursed by stupid Commissioners and you are just continuing the tradition of David Bentacourt, Charlie Atkinson and now you. You should take credit for being The NEW Heavy Weight Champion for beating your Elderly Husband not once but 8 times. You go girl.
I was talking bout Jessica......but I guess you can throw the Pena's in there.....
Better than have your abusive ass zeke....ohh and better than having a CONVICTED FELON...
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