Thursday, January 10, 2013


"La mentira que a ti te dijieron
Nos a separado
Te lo juro por mi madre santa
Que no soy casado"

La Mentira, by Intocable

By Juan Montoya
In his zeal to convict, and using anonymous "unindicted co-conspirators" as sources for his allegations, Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael J. Wynne – the lead prosecutor in the government's case against Austin attorney Marc G. Rosenthal – has cast a wide net to snag former Cameron County lawman George Gavito.
Gavito, most recently police chief and director of security at the Brownsville Navigation District-Port of Brownsville, is alleged to have "had interactions" with Rosenthal. Among some of those "interactions" are included claims that he might have allowed Rosenthal to draft a paragraph in one of his port police reports of a fatal accident in 2006 at the Port of Brownsville. Wynne – again quoting the unnamed co-conspirator – charged that the language had been highly favorable to the plaintiffs that Rosenthal represented in a subsequent civil lawsuit.
He also charged that Gavito at various times received lump sums of money from Rosenthal through convicted former state representative Jim Solis, who pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting  former state District Judge Abel C. Limas in an extortion scheme and was disbarred from practicing law.
Solis pleaded guilty in April 2011 after admitting to involvement in the extortion scheme of Limas, who pleaded guilty to racketeering in March.
As if this wasn't bad enough, Wynne alleges in the documents provided to the court that Gavito is now married to Rosenthal’s partner, Lynn Watson.
Now, we searched our data bases far and wide and for the life of us we can find no record of Gavito's getting hitched to Ms. Watson. Unless they eloped and left no paper trail, this is probably going to throw a crimp on Gorgeous George's social life.
But, ah, well, all good things must come to an end, we suppose.
This is not the first time the feds have come after Gavito trying to tie him directly to Rosenthal's alleged criminal activities. We remember that George was among the people that they wanted to turn over to them their personal computers and all the emails in their system going back years. This ended up in the dismissed basket as we suspect the current batch will, too.
What does make the Herald's reports suspect is that we have the transcript of Wynne's allegations where he states that according to Solis, Rosenthal instructed Solis to pay Gavito $15,000 for referring a case to Rosenthal’s firm and for providing investigative information.
What the Herald's Emma Perez-TreviƱo doesn't report is that Solis at first told federal investigators during a briefing that Gavito had traveled to Corpus Christi Feb. 17 with him and in a hotel room at a country club to pay him $15,000 as per Rosenthal's instructions for his help on a case involving an accident at the Port of Brownsville. Solis told investigators at the debriefing that he had cashed the check before the meeting and given the money to Gavito
However, when confronted with the fact that the check was dated Feb. 15  two days before the accident, and that it would have been impossible for Gavito to have contacted the family of the victim, Solis changed his story and said that he had given Gavito the money in his office in Harlingen after they returned to South Texas.
The tangled web that the feds are weaving, the morass of facts that leave the Herald gaping, and the myth that is being built around Gavito as a legendary lawmen and now an alleged runner for a law firm is awful. But to have one's alleged marital status aired to the four winds by a federal prosecutor is definitely below the belt
"Te lo juro por mi madre santa, que no soy casado..."


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

George Gavito's brain has always been below his no foul by the federal prosecutor. George has long been a player in the corruption of this community and no one should be surprised by this allegation. Let's just hope the federal prosecutor continues to investigate....keep going and hopefully the hook will land in the big mouth of Aurora de la Garza....a more important player in this corruption than George Gavito.

Anonymous said...

And another one bites the dust, and another one bites the dust. Praise be to the federal prosecutor for unwrapping the Dumbokratic Party. For so long these unethical scoundrals have had their way with this county and have kept the county from progress just to protect their party corruption. The Cameron County Democrats can't play well with others and have hobbled the development of this county. The Democrats like Gilberto Hinojosa have created a political environment that is bigoted, racist, and corrupt. Their position of "La Raza uber alles" is harmfull to all here and has created an environment where no progress is possible. This end of the Valley is a swamp of corruption where progress is limited by that corruption.

Anonymous said...

What is Filemon Vela going to say in Washington...."I represent the most corrupt political district in the U.S." or "I am here to protect the welfare district that I represent". Filemon cannot correct the failures of the Cameron County Democratic Party.....

Anonymous said...

Its not surprising that George Gavito is mixed up with the corruption of the Limas fiasco? George Gavito has the face of a crook and lived like a crook! You bet that he will testifying against his wife's boss but remember he took money also! He's not out of the woods yet? He will be indicted along with the others with the exception that he has gotten some credit with the testimony against Rosenthal> Just like Limas, Solis and sources (rumored) that Oscar De La Fuente will be key witnesses in those trials. Only time will tell?

monkey shines said...

otro mojon grande del cameron county democRAT party, nothing but shit wow lol wowo lol mr. mahoney where are you?

Anonymous said...

When will Jimmy Manrique and Gamez be unvailed. This ex-corrupt cop was caught selling police reports and sensitive information to rosenthal yet he was let out the back door only to run for county sheriff with the blessing of gamez who introduced him to rothenhal.
Punks wearing a badge they took an oath to protect and serve. Not one drop of blood shed on our streets are you worthy of. I hope you live in shame the rest of your lives!!!

Anonymous said...

Gavito a crook, liar, cheat, trampa? no never. very honest, no es trampa hard worker, never a woman skirt chaser, LOL wow LOL

Anonymous said...

---------BREAKING NEWS---------the following 4 individuals WILL be indicted by federal government: Judge David Gonzalez, Judge Leonel Alejandro, Judge David Sanchez, Aurora de la Garza.

Anonymous said...

We all knew Gorgeous George (3G) was crooked, it was just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Gavito look in the picture above like dont look at me yo no fui. I am an honest cop. my family and I have been a democRATS for over 100 years.

Anonymous said...

nohting but PURE SHIT este gavito

Anonymous said...

What about Gomez? He's still got a badge and is the most crooked cop at large.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they can name and indict these people but if they keep getting off with just a slap on the wrist nothing is EVER going to change. I am seriously DISSAPPOINTED in Judge Hanen. They need to MAKE EXAMPLES of these theives in order for the upcoming politicians to at least think twice BEFORE they do anything. It just seems they are getting bolder and more "in your face" nowadays. Maybe they should be tried elsewhere to make sure they get punished.

Anonymous said...

Este peladito es mierda. Su pinche Sancha (Munivez) bien que molestaba por telefono a ex esposa en el trabajo y en la casa. Ninguno de los dos conoce la verguenza. A pero el todo queria arreglar con flores y viajes. Se cree bien bueno el estupido! Nada que ver!

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot, no wonder why she cheated on you.

Anonymous said...

"Just remember. It's not a lie if you believe it to be true." - George Costanza

Anonymous said...

Gavito es un patan mentiroso, no esta casado con Lynn Watson, pero juntos empinaron al pendejo de Rosental porque es mas pendejo que 10 putos juntos!
