Brought to you by the same folks who brought you the indictment of Cameron County District Attorney' Armando Villalobos and the unexpected resignation of 357th District Judge Leonel Alejandro: the possible resignation of 444th District Judge David Sanchez?
As the last firecrackers burst across the skies of Cameron County and resonated across the delta, we have heard that Sanchez will be the next county jurist to call it quits as we head into 2013. Sanchez is the twin brother of current Pct. 2 Commissioner Dan Sanchez who has made it no secret that he wants to be the next county judge.

Now – right here at grassroots level – we hear that Sanchez will be the next in line to leave his public office.
Like Alejandro, some feel that Sanchez's resignation might well be linked to the testimony that resulted from the trial of disgraced 404th District Judge Limas, who has pleaded guilty to racketeering and was one of the witnesses in the federal trial of Brownsville attorney Ray Marchan.
Marchan, a successful trial attorney originally from Port Isabel, was found guilty on seven counts of racketeering, aiding extortion, and mail fraud. Southern District Federal Judge Andrew Hanen later threw out one of the charges and sentenced him last week to 42 months in the federal penitentiary.
During the trial, Marchan’s defense attorney Noe Domingo Garza Jr. prodded Limas to name other state district judges in Cameron County who may have engaged in unethical conduct or other wrongdoing.
Limas named Alejandro, 138th District Judge Arturo Nelson, 444th District Judge David Sanchez, and 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez.
We won't know the whys and wherefores of the Sanchez resignation – and we tend to believe there will be one forthcoming – until his letter reaches the governor's desk.
For now, however, Perry may have two vacancies to fill in the Cameron County judiciary.
The feds should really throw the book at these judges. Charge them up the ass and make it stick.
What the heck is going on? What a shame if this is true, much corruption is out there? It sure is shameful to say that these people were elected to public office, truley shameful.
Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson
Good job by the feds . . .
How about the Cameron County Courthouse bailiffs who think they
own and control inside the courtroom ?
The taxpayers own the courthouse and you are nothing more than a
peace officer.
His resignation would be a shame , he is a great Judge allways doing what is best for the children of Cameron County, he is one of the few Judges that shows fairness to all who appear before his court. This truly saddens me.
I didn't believe the Armando Villalobos story you published, nor the Leonel Alejandro...if this is true, I will not doubt you ever again Rrun Rrun. Why is the Herald quiet on everything?
ANOTHER DIRT BAG BITES THE BULLET the 444th...way to go Feds! A FEW MORE NEED TO the District Courts of the 138th,197th,404th,103th and of course the 107th. Leave the 445th...alone.
The Sanchez twins, Dan and David are very ambitious and seem willing to compromise themselves to the corruption of the Dumbokratic Party of Cameron County to realize their political goals. Anyone who hasn't been in a coma for the last few years is familiar with how they embraced Judge Able Limas and were often seen as his "travel mates" to lobbyist funded junkets. Their raw desire for "power" makes them dangerous...because they must serve themselves, not the public to gain power. Just say no to both of the Sanchez twins....Dan and David.
I just got off the telephone with David Sanchez who said he has no intention for stepping down. Runn Runn has gotten this one way wrong.
No one from Runn Runn has tried to call him to confirm this story, which he would have denied.
He just won his re-election without opposition.
Have you seen him in action? During a trial?? He is either falling asleep or messing with his cell phone.
It should be more than 2 vacancies that the Gov will have to fill. Heck, we may well have a full Repukican district and county at law court system before the year is over. Rolando Olvera is already there.
Trey,Trey,Trey,.....That is exactly what Villalobos said on the Maclovia show. I have done nothing wrong. It's not true. I'm innocent......we all know how that turned out don't we? Do not be naive my friend.
(Have you seen him in action? During a trial?? He is either falling asleep or messing with his cell phone.)
Someone of high authority must have told him to "keep the tacos in the office, you fat fuck".
Leonel Alejandro had two years left in his term and he left Trey,....that argument does not carry any weight.
Hey Trey. Im sure Limas also was in denial at first.
Not me. Not Me ! ! You know me Trey.... I am a judge and would never well only with my true true friends like with only attorneys . . .
yea by the way .... do you have some extra mula ..... I only need the cash ......
who are you fooling Trey..... not the Feds . . . not the voters of ..... cameron county .....
who thinks every attorney in cameron county is . . . a saint ?
yea. stay in denial.... so you can sleep......
He may not have the intention, but will he be made/forced to?
Another one bites the dust ! That's Cameron county for you , how sad
I was invited to a Christmas party where many politicos attended and became disgusted. They truly live in a bubble and believe they are above any laws. Ethics has no meaning and deals are being made.
Did someone say AURORA??
FEDS dont forget to check in city hall, chingo de ratas
puro cool arrow or cool aid, gig them
"I just got off the telephone with David Sanchez who said he has no intention for stepping down."
Did you happen to notice if he was munching on something? Because, I'll bet he was,huh? lol.
I agree with Trey!
Bad folks, all of these people. In the end, God will catch them all and make each one pay, and give each one what they deserve coming.
Trey is a PENDEJO...
I agree! Leave the 445th alone!
Wow! When I read this. I had to flow this to the public. The people do need to know the corruption that goes on in this so called "Valley." Every Court room besides the 445th has been corrupted. Until we get new electives, we might as well close the courthouse!!!! I am truely ashamed to even walk in there now, to think justice was what I thought was being served! It's more like taking it in the A$$!
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