A funny thing happened on the way to a patronage hiring.
Just when they thought they had all their ducks lined up to protect former Pct. 1 Constable Horacio Zamora's retirement pension and salary, Cameron County commissioners pushing for his rehiring ran into a snag.

Additionally, Hodge wrote that the candidate "must have at least eight (8) years full-time job experience in law enforcement with a minimum of four (4) years in a supervisory position. Have Basic Life Support for the Professional Rescuer and Community CPR certification. Must be Licensed and TCLEOSE certified peace officer and a valid State of Texas Driver’s License."

But, alas, Mr. Zamora's political fortunes took a dive for the worse and he was defeated in a runoff election by Pete Delgadillo, surprisingly, a Republican.
Then, despite the fact that it was Mr. Zamora who had argued against the reestablishing of the park rangers when he held the constable's office, the move by the court to open it signalled to most courthouse watches that it was being created to make a space for Mr. Zamora to lick his wounds until the next political go-round.

So when Zamora lost, the answer, of course, was to reopen the department at untold cost, take the deputies from the constable (Delgadillo), and install Zamora as chief of the park rangers. Neat, ain't it?
Someone, however, forgot to tell the 12 applicants that there was already a finalist for the position. Of the nine that applied, three (Zamora, former Pct. 2 Constbale Pete Avila, and Hector Ramos, a 30-year veteran with the Texas Department of Public Safety) had made the cut. But when Hodge told the commissioners (now joined by Pct. 4 commissioner and wannabe county judge Dan Sanchez) that there was a little sticking point because Zamora did not meet the academic requirements posted on the job description, the plot, as they say, fizzled.
Instead, the commissioners chose to table the item and have put the hiring of the chief park ranger on the backburner. The standard bureaucratise explanation in cases like these is for the Human Resources personnel to ask the court to readvertise in order to "expand the pool" of applicants. As they do so, we might notice that the job description might be altered slightly to require the sheepskin or "experience in lieu of an academic degree" thrown in to "taparle el ojo al macho."
Whatever the case may be, one would expect that by now the patronage mechanism at the courthouse might have been better oiled than to have such a simple maneuver messed up by such a simple thing as a badly written job description. We'll see what kind of stratagem emerges from the Dancy puzzle-house to confront this little snag.
great job cascos . . .
you 3 dont think we voters see how
you operate....
and yea you bet we are still talking to the feds every day .. .
and yea that is more concerned
voters keeping tabs on you and your staff..... trying to get pics of your special meetings with vendors
and special friends . . .to talk on
special county business matters . . .
We are fed up with your tricks...
Par for the course of local government hires. No one needs a degree for anything. God forbid, someone actually be qualified to head a department. This mentality is the reason that this area remains nothing more than a shithole.
duh you dont need a degreeser, i have lots of years of experience dont they count for something? got to count for something right? Pinche vato changed the job description at the last minute para chingarme cool arrow.
That's our County Commissioners for you....biggest dirty corrupted SOB trying to bring a BIG TIME LOSSER like Zamora! Now of course the commission tabled the item just to make changes to the job requirements because this LOSSER ZAMORA does even meet the requirements. There's no place in LE for this ARROGANT LOSSER........
And the corruption goes on and on and on and on. Yet, the Brownsville Herald seems to disregard the corruption or supports it, which is it?
I find all of this mildly amusing. After 70 years down here, this is to be expected. We will forever be a backwater of corruption and influence peddling, with the occasional rays of sunshine coming from Federal indictments.
It would be more than just midly amusing if the citizens of Cameron Country were not being screwed over by the people they elected to lead. Yep..one pig, leading the others to the trough, that is the way it works down here on the border, by the sea.
I will be totally honest with you Montoya? Those requirements for that particular position is ridiculous! First of all, all those who have been Park Ranger Chief sucked at the position. Sucked at their investigations and cases submitted for prosecution. Yes, its nice to have a degree but does not guarantee a good Chief. Attending the FBI or other academies only looks good on paper and does not guarantee a good Chief.
But, the fact that Benavides and of course Mr. Suckass hernandez and Dan Sanchez are trying to re-open something that was closed for budget reasons SUCK!
Juan: Why is Mr. Barratry Man (Bobby Wightman-Cervantes) putting you down for covering the corruption around here. What a loser, yes that's LOSER, not looser or losser. What a puss.
Keep up the good work. Their probably paying him to make you look bad. I can't believe he's trying to take credit for anything other than being a total asshole.
You go JMon!
Anonymous said...
I would not take sides, Cascos has a corruption degree as well. Every politician has a personal agenda, and yes kickbacks are a common in Cameron county. So (whoever said SHAME ON YOU!!), if you want to intimidate by saying you are talking to the feds, go right ahead, but know that they are watching your favorite corrupt politician as well.
We are just voters, shit will hit the fan anyhow and the wheel will keep on spinning? After all you are not the only one with FEDERAL CONTACTS.... PENDEJETE!!! or should it be PEDEJETES!!!
And they do it RIGHT in front of you with a straight face! When will Cameron County voters ever grow up and see that these people are no better than the drug lords when they play their dirty tricks?
This is not "politics". This is downright theft of public funds, when the process is manipulated to give a compadre a job. OPEN your eyes people!
Does anyone know the level of education of Sofia Benavides, and Ernie Hernandez?? Just curious.
Cameron County CourtHouse could best be discribed as the slut wagon. Puros bastardos rateros, chuecos, criminales.
I guess the beach will still have all the cholos and thugs out on the beach and the cops will be too scared to kick them off the beach.
response to Mr or Ms Jan, 7th, 2;14
What is this "great job cascos" stuff. It was cascos and comm. david garza that got Horacio hired as constable in the first place. Of course Horacio had to agree to take the park rangers and put mendoza the park ranger chief into a position that he would have to resign to satisfy cascos and garza's "GOTCHA" complex. Open your eyes, cascos loves to play the 'good guy, but it is only a PLAY.
I helped Sanchez by getting my family and friends to vote for him in Harlingen and La Feria. That won't happen again.
(staff..... trying to get pics of your special meetings with vendors)
Someone should video tape that David Sanchez porker, gulping down tacos while in his office. I bet it would turn viral on youtube.
In the best interest for themselfs. What ever happen to the saying of "In the best interest of the community" as this politician are sworn to do? Shit i think they don't care when they know they need to place their commotes on high possittions so that when they run again on the next elections they would all get together as good compadres as they are and scratch each other's back and as long as they keep their nice comfortable high paying jobs who cares for the communitty. Now that's are true Cameron County Politicians at work.
let me tell you folks aa lil about sofiea, if i recalled correctly she did learn from the best crook of them of cameron county/ or should i say nueces county when he came to brownsville to sell floreshem shoes right joe? cuz sofie used to work at the county clerks office years ago along with her mother and a sister, o ya se te olivido sofie dear, as for ernie well he learned from his ex mayor tio emilio hernendez, folks what better schooling than that. Do you really need a formal education to be a county commissioner?
They should just put the so call parks police back with Pct 1 and give a chance to the new elected Constable Delgadillo run the beach. Zamora did not accomplish a thing as constable of pct 1 all he did was allow nepotism in the department cousins supervising one another who are now part of the park police. Cascos is aware of the nepotism but still nothing has been done. But then again it's Cameron county and people allow this to happen.
Nothing accomplished I can walk through the trailer park without being offered crack. His constables did a great job here in laguna heights. I am proud of the old department they would always patrol our park and not to mention they would not resell us drugs confiscated from the previous dirt bag. Thank you for keeping our small city and park safe. Cousins or uncles thank you
Well go over to Adams St Michigan St and Coolige I bet those dirt bags are still sells drugs out of thier shacks. I grew up it the general area and I can still see the traffic coming and going out of those shacks when I go visit and hear the people stories.
You need a cop thats not afraid to take down politicians, crooked cops, or dirty ex Sheriffs. There is one candidate that also has the trust of the feds....do you know who that is????
How can Benavides and Sánchez and Herendez created a position for a buddy? Whatever happen to integrity? Im ready to vote them out.
Pete Cantiflas Avila is a joke, Hector Ramos is not trusted, and Zamora does not qualify. Out of 9 these 3 were finalist. B.S.. I heard a David Martinez with Fed connections applied and that he took down our old Sheriff Dirty Perez...need someone from outside of Cameron County politics that dont owe any compadre favors..
Hector Ramps was fired for taking the gun off a sheriff he was riding with to shootout the tores of a car he wss pursuing. Got fired the mext day yy zGus Reyna Cjief Deputy...High Risk...DPS are traffic cops with no Criminal Background...ForcedTermination by DPS ..
The only way to get rid of all the Sh_t......is to use a box of Riddex!!!!!!
I heard of a David Martinez with a very impressive background I believe he works for port Isabel police department right now... oh but wait that's right I forgot Sofia C benavidez ( by the way Ive always wondered what her middle initial stands for...maybe Cisneros) wants to get someone dumber than her and with less ethics and professionalism to fill the chiefs position. I wonder who she wants there? Hhhmmmm. Well folks that's a given its Zamora. That's right the former constable Zamora. The same guy who told one of the surfers on south padre to call someone else after the surfer complained about trash on the beach and people littering. The same guy who wrongfully fired other deputies just so that his " lieutenant" could put the rest of his cousins in office( by the way people that's called nepotism, I guess it doesn't apply to Cameron county). Now you want to hire this guy to protect the beach( by the way chief of parks police pays between 60 and 70 thousand dollars that we apparently don't have). Come on folks we need a sane, competent, unbias, loyal, honest, educated, experienced chief cause if we rely on what's there now I know security guards that will do more than what's there now.
You must be talking about a trailer park within the city port Isabel cause as far as what I've seen, Laguna heights is a dump and the drugs are better then ever.
Just like when Abel Gomez lost and Villalobos made him his right hand man. The crooks always take care of each other.
Yeah you got that right. Zamora I hope your reading this because this is true. I've known you for a long time and this sounds just like you
And what is cascos doing about, oh yeah what are WE going to do.
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