Wednesday, January 23, 2013


By Juan Montoya
According to the local daily, University of Texas at Brownsville President Juliet V. Garcia will be in Austin today to ask the UT System Board of Regents for more than $151.6 million from the state to build a new campus.
But she is going up to Austin knowing that the Regents are considering at least four sites for the UTB campus, and that nothing is guaranteed, not even the much ballyhooed "urban university" campus pushed by Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez.
And actually, in the bigger scheme of things, $151 million is just a drop in the bucket for the oil-and-gas wealthy UT System. But getting them to fork it out is easier said than done.
Since 1994, the UT System has dodged a $15 million rental fee they owe TSC, and no relief to pay for this debt is in sight, despite the fact that during the 22-year life of the "partnership," UTB received an average $53 million in annual transfers from TSC.
The plans – as outlined by the daily from the Regents' agenda – are for "546,000 gross square feet of buildings and will include classrooms; a library and information technology center; student and administrative support services; space for music instruction and performance; a physical education building; a physical plant with campus safety, security and emergency operations spaces, and a thermal energy plant and infrastructure..."
If the regents agree to the proposal – and there are no guarantees – the funds will come from tuition revenue bonds sold by the university, or in this case by the University of Texas System to the state, Steve Collins, associate vice chancellor for governmental relations of the UT System told the Herald.
In other words, the tuition-revenue bonds are loans made to the school which will then be repaid from the students' tuition payments over time. 
It's been some seven years, according to a UT source, since the state issued funds to multiple schools. That was in 2006 when a total of $1.8 billion in bonds were issued which included $846 million toward the UT System.
Rep. Rene Oliveira, D-Brownsville told the Herald that such bonds have not been approved more recently due to state budget shortfalls. But with increased shale oil income rolling into the state's coffers, he said it's time for the UT System to step to the plate and fork over the dough.
“We need to start growing the new UT Brownsville and that has to happen independently of the medical school and the super university.”
But not to worry, UTB Provost Alan Artibise said recently. The UTB ain't going nowhere .
“We are here to stay; we’re not going to become a satellite to Pan Am,” Artibise told the Herald. “The board is committed to building a new campus for UTB. Some people say we’re not going to be here anymore. That’s simply not true. There’s no sign at all in that direction.”
Well, there you are. No money, no honey.


Anonymous said...

Local taxpayers, most of whom are not even paying attention to this process, need to recognize that "revenue bonds" means their tax dollars. TSC is a taxing district...will Juliet seek to create another local "taxing district" to pay for her bungled job of the UTB-TSC partnership. UTB-TSC has always been the local
"13th grade" for local students (most not qualifie for a university course of study) and Juliet has depended on federal and state financial aid to keep things running....warm butts in seats means money....and is the reason Juliet continued to dumb down the academic keep those warm butts in "her" seats.

Anonymous said...

We understand that Juliet will serve as "pied piper" for a gaggle of folks from Brownsville going up for a "show of force" to support Juliet's request. Of course, those going are the regular "sheep" who follow Juliet around. No doubt "Hissoner" Tony Martinez will be in that gaggle. This trip to beg for $151 Million could backfire....when the regents see that it is cheaper to reorganize in Hidalgo County and downsize in Brownsville. I don't think Juliet, the Lucios and Rene Oliviera have the political clout to do anything except give Juliet a "Lone Star Card" to continue UTB and force the local tax payers to pay for the rest. Queen Juliet has been making the rounds to promote herself and UTB, but.....she can't "show them the money", like Hidalgo County can. Looks like the return of UTPA to Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

a city block in downtown is 78,000 square feet. Seven floors of that would equal the 546,000 square feet they need. Put a parking garage on a neighboring block and there you have it.

Anonymous said...

who wants to bet $ 500 that utaustin
and the weak rep lucio and lucio hijo and senator oli cant get shit for brownsville.......

mcallen has the power, the honest movers, the money to make things happen mcallen

brownsville will become cameron county ut america . . . . .

thanks to the disaster of tsc, disaster of juliet, disaster solis
brownsville / cameron county will
be left with the crumbs . . . .
part time ut..... part time professors . . . part time investment by puf......

Anonymous said...

What is the existing outstanding bond debt of TSC? If I am not mistaken it is somewhere around the $151 million being sought. If so, why did the UT system refuse to assume the TSC debt with their attempt to take all of TSC's real estate?

UTB Student said...

Hey Julieta, you make a lot of money! Fix that fucking ugly ass nose, PLEASE!

el monkey shines said...

folks the deal has been done already and its going to happen in hidalgo county, senator chuy hinojosa has already cut the cake (deal ) with eddie lucio and rene olivera-el oink oink so you all are wasting your time chango.

Anonymous said...

It UTB were to take a downtown block and build a seven floor facility and also build a parking would that fit in the "Historic Overlay" of Brownsville. Peter Goodman and his cohorts have brow beaten simple citizens to "maintain the historical integrity" within the historical will they change their policy for Queen Juliet and UTB; and won't that set a precedent that will damage the "historical" concept. The push by Tony Martinez for an "urban" center, is really an interest in a "historic distric" university....because Brownsville has moved out of downtown.

Anonymous said...

The Herald this morning, in its report that the UT Regents will allow Juliet and UTB to request $151 million from the Texas Legislature, the Herald or Juliet indicated options from "downtown to San Benito" for the new UTB campus. I just find it interesting that the Kardenas Klan is "willing" to sell property on the east side of the Expressway; across from Rancho Viejo, to re-locate UTB. The Kardenas Klan is part of the overall reason that the UTB-TSC "partnership" failed...
they got too greedy. What concessions to the Kardenas Klan will have to be met (named streets after Mary Rose, named buildings or facilities) in order to relocate to the Kardenas property. We know the Kardenas Klan is harrassing local planners to provide new exits and entrances from and to the expressway to connect with that property. Does that push for planning changes mean the Kardenas Klan believes a deal is done. We know Juliet Garcia is indepted to the Kardenas Klan for educating her in the philosophies of greed and autocracy. Will Juliet follow the Klan again????

wethepeople said...

Gee, I wonder how Queen Julie's presentation to the UT regents on the need for $151.6 million in tuition revenue bonds went??
I hope they are smarter than I think they are! How does someone recklessly squander millions of taxpayer dollars and NOT GO TO JAIL?? SOMEONE tell me PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

ask able limas, he knows how,

Anonymous said...

anon of January 24, 2013 at 11:27 AM said
"...How does someone recklessly squander millions of taxpayer dollars and NOT GO TO JAIL?? SOMEONE tell me PLEASE!..."
That's how democRATS ROLL
It's what b HUSSEIN obama the GETTHO MAN, Tonia Martinez, Julieta La Mensa Garica are and have been doing...SQUANDERING TRILLIONS!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What is this about an investgation of la reyna?
