By Juan Montoya
Just as the plan proposed by UTB President Juliet Garcia to gobble up Texas Southmost College was described as a "must-do before the UT System-imposed drop-dead deadline or else they would go away," now we have the a rerun – this time with Mayor Tony Martinez as the protagonist – to force the college to sell its real-estate.
Granted, this time Martinez isn't trying to do what Garcia and TSC trustees David Oliveira and Robert Robles were attempting. That is, trying to ram the "give-us everything for nothing and you keep the debt, thank you, ma'am' scheme" past the majority of the board. That majority has told Garcia, the UT System, UTB Provost Alan Artibise, the Regents, the Cameron County legislative delegation, and anyone who is willing to listen that the UT System can lease all the land and buildings it wants, but to forget the idea that the trustees will agree to sell any of the community college's assets.
"That's not on the table, and they know it," said a source close to the board's majority. "What Martinez and Artibise are saying to the Brownsville Herald is not true."
Martinez is playing the role of the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time" player who is a day late and a dollar short. Even with his lavish outlays for overpriced real estate compliments of the city taxpayers, he is still some 250 acres short of the 300 to 400 that the UT System is asking as its pound of flesh to stay put downtown.
But with the UT System's own projected 7,400 cap on the UTB student body, some skeptics of the proposed “urban campus” think the real-estate conundrum is a red herring meant to distract residents from the fact that they may already have another site in mind.
"I have a friend on the Rancho Viejo board of aldermen who has been approached by the (Renato and Mary Rose) Cardenas about making improvements on Carmen Road just in case they can get the UT System interested in buying some of the acreage they own out there," said a source close to the UTB-TSC administration. "Obviously, they don't believe that the UT System is seriously considering investing its PUF (Permanent University Fund) dollars in Martinez's downtown."
The city's property includes two vacant armories the city owns near the REK Center on campus; Lincoln Park, which the city also owns; and an adjacent 17.4-acre parcel owned by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service but which the city may be able to acquire through a land swap, Martinez told the Herald.
And, the UT – at arm's length – asked Martinez whether the city will be able to acquire the USFW's 17.4 acres as well as 35 acres just east of the Expressway and north of Veterans International Bridge at Los Tomates. Martinez, who is downright generous when it comes to public assets and bucks, said he hadn't decided yet whether to sell or give the land away to the fourth richest university in the United States.
But first, though, there is a small matter of the smell of feces permeating the air down heah'.
Martinez said that UT and the consulting firm hired by the system to look into the downtown proposal could tell the Brownsville Public Utilities Board to make its wastewater treatment plant on East University Avenue near the bridge smell a little better by using chemicals to hide the stench.
Da Mayor said that BPUB already has begun engineering work on odor mitigation at the plant.
So it was OK for the residents of the area (Southmost, East Avenue and those around Tony Gonzalez Park, etc.) to live with the smell of raw sewage for all these years, but when the UT System complains about the smell Tony – a ex-officio member of the BPUB – gets flatulence and jumps.
Even then, with Martinez jumping through hoops and spending the people's money to speculate in real estate and and indebting them for the foreseeable future with property tax-funded certificates of obligation issues, it still won't add up to enough land to make the "urban campus" option viable, Artibise said.
"Get this straight," said the source. "Nobody is negotiating with UT about selling the land. They can lease if they want, but we are not going to sell."
Conveniently left unsaid in the Herald article was the fact that UTB has offered TSC "construction" prices for the buildings, overlooking the fact that what may have been built for $300,000 is now valued at close to $800,000.
"The quote attributed to Artibise that 'We are actively in negotiations to buy land and buildings from TSC,' is a bald-face lie," he said.Once again, the UT System is putting the TSC trustee under the gun by stating that it has to know whether it can get its cut-rate deal from TSC by the February meeting when the Board of Regents is "expected" to hear the site selection committee present options for them to make a final decision in it March meeting.
Martinez said that From UT’s perspective, the system already has invested some $130 million in campus facilities here.
Funny how he doesn't mention that over the 20-some-odd years that TSC has been hustled by the UT System in its "partnership" with UTB, TSC has "transferred" some $53 million annually to the oil-and-gas wealthy university system. Do the math. Over 20 years at $50 million a pop, it means this community has "transferred" more than $1 billion (with a B) to UT.
And don't forget to thrown in the $55 million in bond debt that college district residents still have to pay and the $15 million or so that UTB still owes the district in rent arrears.
And he doesn't mention that as part of the anxiousness of Garcia, Cardenas, State Rep. Rene Oliveira and Texas Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., to bring the burnt-orance cow skull head logo here they agreed to forego UTB-TSC's participation in the state's distribution to UT and Texas A&M systems of the state's $13 billion PUF money.
Now that fund is again being dangled like a carrot before a starving rabbit to get it to give up its land.
When is the UT System going to put its money where its mouth is and buy land and build its own campus like it has done elsewhere in the state without leeching off the local community – one of the poorest in the state and country?
Last time it latched on to our community it didn't even kiss us before it had its way with us. Now it's putting the screws on the trustees through its handy megaphone the Brownsville Herald to get them to bend over and do it again.
Reba Kardenas McNair is putting big hustle on local planners to accommodate a re-location of UTB to Kardenas Klan lands across the expressway from Rancho Viejo. Reba is trying to move roads, add exits to the East side of the Expressway and seems eager to relocate UTB to Kardenas Klan holding....but we don't know at what price. We know that Tony Martinez is a puppet for Juliet Garcia who is struggling to stay in the UT game...which seems eager to move to Hidalgo County where investors are more willing to support progress.....unlike our welfare community in Brownsville. We talk about an "urban university" downtown Brownsville was the heart of the city. Wake up Mayor....the city has relocated and is moving North. The "center" of Brownsville is well North of the Mayor's office. This idea of an "urban university" along the river creates many security issues/problems. Juliet has run an educational scam on this community for over 20 years. She and her staunch "pawns" seem willing to support her, even when it doesn't make sense. She seems to be hanging on in the UT System by the skin of her teeth....and is waiting to be saved by guys like Tony Martinez...willing to sell us all out for Queen Juliet. TSTC has a growing enrollment, STC has gone from a Community College to a 4 year college and UTPA has been able to add first rate academic programs to its cirriculae. While Juliet continues to use TSC statistics to hold up her shell and we know the end of open enrollment here is the end of UTB as we have known it.....the 13th grade for most.
Dear TSC,
Sell your excess land! Juliet was buying any property she could get her hands on back in the day when she wanted to create a large university campus. Now that the split is imminent, sell them your excess land and build the partnership that you all had talked about building all along. Yes, the one that you guys said was the alternative to UTB swallowing you.
Dear @January 21, 2013 at 12:47 AM:
We are willing to entertain your motion, but only after UT pays it's rent in arrears. That alone will demonstrate their good faith in negotiation with the TSC Board.
TSC existed before the partnership with UT and will continue to exist without them. Remember that before the creation of UTB/TSC, Texas Southmost College shared campus space with Pan American University-Brownsville to offer upper level courses leading to Bachelors and Masters degrees.
OMG!!! you guys are really crazy!!But I have to admitt that the picture of accepting donations was perfect for this guy!! He looks so funny lol, lol, lol!!!
i say sell the land at a max price, make enough money to pay off all the debts and bonds that TSC taxpayers have accumlated for the past 20-25 years under the so called partnership if UTB is willing to fork out the cashola, which i personally dont think they will. Dont give away the farmer like they did before. Divorce time is a bitch and then some,right julie? maybe julie its time for you to RETIRE con la cola entre las patas girlfriend. I think the taxpayers in brownsville have been milked too damn long. Time to throw out the garbage, starting with you fulie, good riddance.
The money used to build Lincoln park came from TxDot when the expressway was extended across International Blvd over to the Los Tomates Bridge because, if you remember there was a half-ass park ( the old Lincoln park) that was removed because of the expressway extension. Therefore, even though the city owns the new Lincoln park, if it goes to anyone other than the city or is used for anything other than a public parkthe city will have to replace it. Maybe another $36million sports park? Also the 17.5 acres that belongs to US Fish and Wildlife --- the County has an agreement with USF&W to acquire that acreage through a land swap. Those issues need to be considered when the Mayor is selling (giving) land to the UT System. Perhaps he should do a little homework instead of flying off around the world making buddies everywhere...
La foto, de calidad Juanito, de calidad!! Brownsville is definitely in a good change coming, cleaning and removing the corruption!
We suppport this great boycott, movement, oust, now of kicking wealthy robbers and thieves out. La universidad, what the hell is that?
How will Queen Julie ever justify her bloated salary now?? With such a low graduation rate, no land to call her own, and no cash cow, how will she ever be able to maintain the SCAM??
The stains that you have left on this community will be almost impossible to EVER rub out, Mommy Dearest!
Sad, very sad.
We need to hang tough on not selling TSC land. Leasing is a perfectly useful alternative if all parties deal in good faith (something long missing from UT's relationship with Brownsville). Once the dust has settled, there will be time enough to prudently dispose of excess assets at fair market values. Thank God the board rejects the legacy of pandering passed down by its predecessors since the inception of the so called Partnership!
Someone tell our fuking Senator Lucio
and fuking Rep Oliveria and jr lucio
we want no new taxing district . . .
arlington, texas did not have to create a special taxing district to
get ut - arlington
el paso did not have to create a special taxing district to get ut - el paso
galveston did not have to create a special taxing district to get ut -
galveston medical school
lucio, oliveria, disgraced solis, lucio jr., cuellar, chuey hinojosa
each of you need to call
sanchez in laredo and ask him to call perry and dewhurst to get this done.....
in exchange..... the south texas voters will agree to create 5 new
republican districts.....
Better that the new campus be well away from downtown and the border. No need for students to be dodging bullets that come over the river as they walk between classes.
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