Lawyers for incarcerated lead singer Joe Lopez of Mazz say they will file an writ of mandamus in the 357th Court against former Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos to force him to disclose DNA results they say may exonerate him for his 2006 conviction for sexual assault.
This is the latest attempt by the front man for the legendary Super Grupo Mazz of Brownsville to gain his freedom.

Lopez is eligible to apply for parole in 2016.
The Tejano star, whose real name is Jose Manuel Lopez, had been fighting for a new trial since his October 2006 conviction.
According to his Houston appeals attorney Timothy A. Hootman, Villalobos failed to provide the defendant with all the DNA and other case evidence used in his conviction even after Lopez filed the Open Records Request back in Nov. 26, 2012. Twelve business days after the request, on Dec. 12, 2012, Villalobos asked for a Texas Attorney General's Opinion asking if he could withhold the evidence that put Lopez in prison.
His attorney says that "essentially, (Villalobos) is claiming that a person who has been convicted based on DNA evidence should not be allowed access to the DNA evidence pursuant to an open records request, even though that evidence would show innocence of the offense for which the wrongfully convicted defendant is being held in prison."
Villalobos faxed Hutton a copy of his request for an AG's opinion on Dec. 14 opposing the release of the information.
Lopez's attorney charges that because Villalobos' failure to comply with the statutory deadlines (no later than 10 business days) to notify the AG and Lopez of his desire not to produce the requested information, he waived the right to assert those objections via the doctrine of procedural default under Texas Government Code, Section 552.301.
Hutton claims that when a governmental unit desires to oppose an Open Records Request, it must do so timely, and if it fails to meet the deadlines for objecting, the objections are waived.
Since Villalobos failed to comply with the Act in a timely manner, Hutton is asking the court to sing an order granting Lopez's request for a writ of mandamus and does not ask for monetary relief other than costs and reasonable attorneys fees, which are significantly less than $100,000.
His brother Raul said the request for the case and DNA information might uncover exculpatory evidence that may have been withheld and could exonerate Joe.
"We are praying that we will find evidence that was not brought up in the trial," he said in a statement.
In an interview from prison with River City Attractions reporter Ramon Hernandez, Lopez claimed that "...all the evidence – Harris County Juvenile Probation Department Medical Department records, her images and other damaging information — against the alleged victim was inadmissible because she was then a minor."
Lopez, while eligible for parole in 2016, is still looking at a 2038 release.
Joe looks happy in prison. I guess Bubba has been good to him. " De reversa papi De reversa...."
Looks like the Revlon hair dye is still widly available at TDC.
Senor Montoya, you need to do your homework! Joe Lopez has exhausted all his appeals! The only appeal is the Texas Supreme Court and his odds of a hearing are 1 million to one! Joe Lopez just better get use to leaving in a 10 x 10 and making sure he doesn't drop the soap!
Appeal hell !
With all the corruption at the cameron county courthouse . . .
With the indictments of the judges
the district attorney, the investigators, the bailiffs and
the attorneys and those yet to come......
the expected hammer to drop at the district clerk by the Feds.....
Any New York lawyer or honest attorney can overturn every case the district clerk touched...
every case the D/A touched . . .
every case the corrupted Judges touched . . .
Cameron County Commissioners you
better get ready to pay the families and people messed over for the wrongful, illegal acts of your
trusted buddies . o. . .
He looks pregnant.......and gay.....
It is a well known secret that Villalowbooos would ask people for mula to have a favorable case results?
Lopez Atty should of done a better job by moving this case from Cameron County to another county... Alot of people @ Cameron County Dont like Lopez to begin with.. I wish Chepe Lopez the best.. God Bless
1 million to 1 is sure freaking better than none at all!!! He will prove his innocence ALL OF YOU ARE NO DAMN ONE TO JUDGE ANYONE YOU ALL AREN'T GOD TO BE JUDGING!!! Puttin some1 in jail with fake proof how many ppl have been in jail for So many years n turns out they are innocent!! The law the police judges All in it for the money corrupted is what it is! Law enforcement are worst crooks u all let ur authority get way over ur heads! Hope when it comes down to it n he is proven innocent u all will grow balls n apologize to the innocent man!! And to the one talkin about bubba I can see u have met bubba n been put de reversa n I can see u liked it! N the 1 talkin about his hair don't hate even in jail n still looks good! I bet u r all bald or full of grey hair! IT IS A SHAME HOW PARENTS DON'T TAKE CARE OF THEIR KIDS DON'T SHOW THEM RESPECT OR HOW TO B HONEST! Like think about it ppl JOE LOPEZ HE COULD OF HAD ANY WOMAN WHY WOULD HE DO THAT B REAL NOW HER MOM BEING A CRACK HEAD NEEDED MONEY FOR THE DRUGS PUTTIN HER OWN DAUGHTER TO MAKE UP LIES JUST BC HE WOULDN'T GIVE THEM ANY MONEY! N NO I AM NOT A JOE LOPEZ FAN B4 U ALL START ASSUMING BUT I DID DO A LITTLE RESEARCH ON HIM N HIS FAMILY BACK GROUND IT'S CALLED GOOGLE!!!!! U can learn so much on google
(CALLED GOOGLE!!!!! U can learn so much on google)
You mean that the rest of us can aspire to become as enlightened as you?
Renolds I give an fing f**k about u obviously not a moron like you enlightened no idiot every1 has their right to their opinion but u all think about it Is ridiculous what he is accused of its a shame how sometimes who we call family stabs u in the back n more when it's a deadbeat father a crackhead mother an a daughter who's been with so many guys n that's being the fact she was so called a minor gold diggers couldn't get any money out of Joe n look how low they all went THERE IS A GOD UP THERE N KARMA IS A BI**H u all can think say talk sing bi**h whine no1 cares all u all care about is talkin shit about some1
Who can't defend himself n about lame shit
Seconds of fame U ALL SHOULD GET A LIFE!!! I'm done here
U all have a great night n Renolds stop acting like a clown u aren't funny at all! Just lame n pathetic :)
search "get a life"......may do you some good
U fu**ing moron I have a better life than u!!!!!!! Funny how u poor ppl r n behave cracks me up!!!!
(Seconds of fame U ALL SHOULD GET A LIFE!!! I'm done here)
Is it a promise that we will never have to witness your illiteracy here again? Well then, thank you.
Poor? Spend some of your money on an education nimrod....a writing course would not hurt!
Mari & Jay,
Would you kindly SHUT THE HELL UP? Under the eyes of the law, a child is a child! You should also learn to write.
Fu**ing idiot Renolds only thing u will witness is me looking for u n beating the shit out of u! N that is a promise stick ur lame thank you shit up ur old f**cking as*!!! IllIteracy please I have better class n better education than u!!! Ur a bum with nothing better to do looks to me like u sit on ur as* all day online with no job asking for help from the government pathetic!!!!! Keep it up RenOLDS!!!! Makes me laugh poor man!! If ur married I feel sorry for ur wife n kids gross!
que triste a lo que llega el mexicano ... acusar a alguien de tu familia de algo horible para chantajiarlo por $ para logra la minita de oro. ojala todo quede aclarado y que los de dano sean castigados por la justicia de la tierra y del Senor celestial. Podiendo tener a cualquier mujer porque menterse en problemas el cantante... Saludo Joe ... te extranamos!!!
So many ways to look at this. A child was involved (whether wrongfully or rightly accusing). A well known tejano icon and money. Not to mention a prosecutor that allegedly wasnt morally where he was supposed to be in this case. Whatever the truth is, it is a messy situation that apparently got anylized and to the bottom of. However if there is something that needs to come out, then believe in the system and whats left of it, for that something will show up. It always does!!. Have faith that everything will be spoken for in the end. I appreciate you guys reading.
To all who wish to read this: We must leave this in the hands of our God, for only he is our judge. We must also pray for the young woman to come forward and admit her lies. She is now old enough that her mother should not have an influence on her anymore, unless of course there is money involved. But still that is ok because God is greater in us than he that is in the world! Joe Lopez is an INNOCENT man! God has allowed these trials and tribulations in order to bless Joe and use him to bring God's message home for all to hear. And he will be preaching God's word in his music with his beautiful voice. So let's just take a few minutes and pray that all will be behind him come June 2013. God Bless You Joe, we love you!
According to what I have read about this case Lopez did not have compete council. Why won't the DA release the evidence to be retested. Hell I'm in the medical field mistakes are made in lab work and diagnostic testing all the time! When evidence is sent to the lab for testing the victim and perpetrators DNA are sent for comparison. It is possible a mistake was made! A mix up in evidence! Human error! When dealing with a person life, dignity and reputation why not retest the evidence! Teenagers don't lie right? Was money a motive? Was this girl trying to get her way? Forensics never make mistakes? Crime committed 2004? arrested 2006? Evidence on girls shorts? Where did this girl keep that ONE pair of shorts for 2 years? Well if lopez did commit this crime i'm glad this teenager was smart enough to seal the evidence properly and save it for authorities. Let's rethink this..... If the DNA came back "not a match" and a 13 year old girl was swearing a rape... The family wanted to have the evidence retested..hhmmm.. Does the family of the teenage girl have a moral right to have the evidence retested?
I agree Joe Lopez should be set free and record some more of his bad ass songs. Only god knows the truth, and Joe will have to only answer to God, therefore, he has paid a high price and had a nimrod for an attorney. Free Joe Lopez, we miss him and he has served more than he ever should have, if the allegation's are indeed not true, let the man have his freedom.
I will keep joe in prayer samething happened to my son . He is home now . Gracias a Dios !! Joe this to shall pass in Jesus name Amen!!!!
Any new info on the case..thanx
How do I write to Joe Lopez in prison. I want to send him some letters.?? Anyone?
To Joe Lopez we still love or music so very match n we will or not go into be live it but we still here or music to u may god bless u have Avery very happy n a happy new year we love. From fla
He got a hold of my cousin when she was only fifteen yrs old. I think he is guilty as sin. He messed her up and she never had a normal or stable relationship after he was done with her, and that was over twenty years ago. It was just a matter of time, you reap what you sow.
As said before,Armando Villalobos was in all the corruption in Cameron County so I see a bright bright future for Joe Lopez:-) ...Stay strong and Faithful Joe for I know your victory is coming...
Remember these words he used to describe Joe Lopez (MAZZ).
District Attorney Armando Villalobos countered that Lopez had not yet admitted to guilt. In addition, Lopez had a history of drug abuse, causing him to take advantage of people.
Lopez has continuously set a bad reputation for himself - personally and professionally - surrounding himself in drug abuse situations and ultimately, leading to child molestation charges.
I wonder if he's choking on his own description of himself. Joe did not molest anyone and the truth is COMING!
I know everyone has there one sef expression but I believe in his innocence but we are no one to judge him only God all this people that work in the courts anything with politics are crooks we hear it in the news every day & one time it happened to me I was sexually verbal abused by a cop I reported him the idiot he got fired so there is still some good people that care for the society.
Joe Lopez. Hang in there you are Innocent if God is before who can be against you. just like Joesph he was inocene maybe God is humbly Joe and breaking his old way and making him appreciate him self and life and making him realizes there is more to life , music and women .I'm sure God is their with him now he been waiting on Joe on his brokenness and drug abuse I know Joe has found God and peace and now his empty ness is filled with love and peace and just like JOSEPH God is going to use him in a Mighty way in bad situation God turns it around for good God all Mighty is still on his throne he has the first and the last word no matter what man or the courts throw at him God is dealing with Joe he has tryed. Everything in life but GOD and I'm sure he has realized that and just like Joseph he is going to come out of the pit into a palaces with a new song in his heart and a different men and all of you with different opinion wait and see how God works in bad situation's satan thinks that he has him but, let's all wait and see what God has on his mind , he's going to surprise the world.!!! Ran Ran Satan!!!,
I think Joe is innocent . He could have had any woman and I still think he can. Keep in high spirits Joe viene to recompensa waiting for you Joe can not wait to here you sing again . Love You Joe
Jose is innocent.I knew him in my youth.He was always proud of what he was and what he meant to us.Stupid jackass procecutor and judge probably never had women the way Joe did.They both have the mentality of the trailer trash cops pigs without no brains!
Former law enforcement officer , What are you saying. You lousy cops always give a bad name. Where is the DA official that prosecuted Joe Lope? In prison moron. Shut the front door. If have nothing nice to say , then say nothing at all.Elected officials are corruptive.
Google joe lopez MAZZ there a letter with his address on it
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