During the campaign for the Democratic Party nomination for Cameron County District Attorney and the November election between candidates from both major parties, a social media whisper campaign against eventual winner Luis Saenz was launched in the blogosphere.
He was accused (anonymously, of course), of being a womanizer, turning a blind eye to domestic abuse, and most everything in between.

The sites will include one along the US 77-83 Expressway near Stillman Road, one near the H Street exit off US 77-83 Highway in Harlingen heading toward La Feria, and another near Williams Road driving south from San Benito.
The themes on the billboards will warn would-be perpetrators of domestic abuse about criminal penalties levied against those convicted of the offense.
The discretionary use and expenditure of hot-check fees collected by the DA's office has been deemed legal by precious Texas Attorney General Office opinions in the past. The law calls for fees collected (from the fees) to be deposited in the county treasury in a special fund to be administered by the county attorney...and may be sued only to defray the salaries and expenditures of the prosecutor's office"...but not to supplement his salary.
Except for the San Benito billboard which won't be available until March, the Brownsville and San Benito sites are expected to go up immediately after the court approves the expenditures.
Having a billboard is one thing, actually prosecuting and convicting abusers is another. Typically in Cameron County women won't press charges if the abuser is the bread winner...got to have the bread. Secondly, abuse is not cause for conviction by juries. Let's see of Luis Saenz is a quick to prosecute as he is to put up signs.
Way to go Mr. Saenz; you have officially hit the ground running. Women everywhere applaud you for bringing domestic violence to the forefront.
A step in the right direction. Go Luis !!
Way to go my foot!!!! If this campaign had been thought off with at least an ounce of intellegence it would be targeted for both men and women. There are also many men who are physically abused by women especially now since there are so many butch women who think they are so chingonas. This goes to show that Mr. Saenz will easily be blindsided and make his one sided decisions.
You misspelled intelligence genius
feb. 1, 2013, 2:28 PM
I rushed, you took your time and you do not know HOW to punctuate! DUMB ASS!!!!!!!
Feb. 1, 2013 at 2:28 PM.
Yep a dumb ass, stick to the subject and not the spellling, do not derail from the truth. DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:28 PM eres puro pedo, y nada de caca. Tanto pedo para cagar aguado.
saliĆ³ bien melissa castro.
you're biased judgement is not gonna get us out of the hole luis. there are plenty of women that abuse their privileges and become abusers. go to any bar on the weekend 2 witness were these women spend the child support. they don't work and get drunk almost everyday . Ask countys biggest abuser aurora de la garza. She leads the heard of drunks in and out of court to impose the harshest penaltiesagainst men . Fix the system luis dont be part of the problem.
Y tu eres bien pedo y lleno de caca!!!
I wonder if he will prosecute Aurora?
As soon as he entered office it was rumored he did away with the domestic violence unit at the DA's Office. Don't know how true it is but I hope they are lies. Eliminating a unit that handles delicate issues is ridiculous!!!
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