Thursday, January 10, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Not long ago, a few local doctors and well-heeled Republicans got an Email invite to the Jan. 26 reception at the swank Rancho Viejo golf resort from self-described yellow-dog Democrat and wannabe Cameron County Judge Dan Sanchez, also commissioner for Pct. 1.
Will the confab be held to honor Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, or perhaps even Hillary Clinton, all stalwart Democrats?
Or perhaps – a la Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio – to recognize Herminia Becerra, the Queen of Politiqueras who doesn't blink an eye in endorsing Democrats, any Democrat?
Well, see for yourself.
From: Dan Sanchez <>
Date: January 5, 2013, 6:59:07 PM CST
Subject: Cornyn Event in Cameron County
Nolan and Julian,
Good evening. I hope this email finds you well and in good health. I am forwarding this invitation for an event that we are having for Senator Cornyn in Cameron County. Please pass it along and invite folks that you think would help us give the Senator a strong Cameron County welcome. Thank you gentlemen for all you do.
Dan Sanchez
It appears that Dandy Dan is inviting his medical friends to plunk down their Medicaid-earned bucks on none other than the scourge of the Democrats Senator John Cornyn. That's right. The Republican senator Cornyn.
This is the same Cornyn that was said by America's Voice "to have done more to block common sense immigration reform, while pretending he cares, than almost any other politician.That’s why we gave Cornyn 'the Biggest Hypocrite on Immigration Award' in 2011."
John CornynIn fact, in 2007, as Cornyn pushed hard to make the final language on a bill even harsher that would allow for easier deportation of illegal immigrants, even fellow Republican John McCain grew impatient with his hardline-stance.
McCain told Cornyn, "I think it would expedite things if you would just leave the room, Senator, so we can get along with finishing this up."
Sanchez's darling senator even voted "yes" to declare English as the national language of the Government of the US. Unless specifically provided by statute, no person would have an entitlement to have the Government of the U.S. communicate or provide materials in any language other than English.
Cornyn voted "yes" to build the border wall, "no" to have a guest worker program, and voted against having aliens participate in the Social Security program even though they had contributed to it as long as they worked here.
He's against pro-choice, for a constitutional amendment against flag desecration, and against affirmative action.
He also voted "no" on repealing the tax subsidy for companies which move U.S. jobs offshore.
Dan probably knew the futility of asking the rank-and-file Democrats of Cameron County to chip if a few bucks for Cornyn. Take a gander at the cost of the invite to the bash:
_____ Cornyn Circle Member $5,000 includes 6 tickets to the General Reception and Host Reception (Cornyn Circle memberships can be paid in installments)
_____  Patron $2,500 includes 3 tickets to the General Reception and Host Reception
_____ Host $1,000* includes 1 ticket to the General Reception and Host Reception
_____ Guest $500 includes 1 ticket to the General Reception

Herminia probably couldn't attend even if she could deliver a couple of hundred mail-in votes in the next Cameron County election. I wonder if she knows what Democrat Sanchez is up to? But, hey, what's a couple of bucks among friends, uh?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Interesting! Usually down here if a person is seen with or communicates with a Republican, it means they must be disloyal to the Dumbokratic Party. Going to a Republican pachanga is proof perfect of conspiring with the enemy. Dan "Dirty Dawg" Sanchez may get in trouble with his own party supporters here....conspiring with the Republicans. Regardless, Dan Sanchez is a bottom feeder and lays a layer of slime whereever he goes in Cameron County. Just say NO to Dan Sanchez.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Honestly Montoya, there are no such thing as dedicated Democrats or Republicans anymore! Their just organizations to keep others from voting for the right person and vote for the party! Well, look what that got us in Washington? As far as I am concerned, get rid of the parties and I bet that it would work just fine? But it will never happen because like everything else in this country, its about the "ever-loving dollar." Parties just using their parties to waste taxpayer dollars on stupid idiotic ventures! Dan, you go out and get Republican buddies for when it comes down to it? People will vote with their heart and or that stupid party they believe in?

Anonymous said...

Commissionner Dan and brother Judge David have made several trips to DC to meet with all the senators that would meet with them in order to push an appointment for the judge, David to be appointed to the Federal Bench. I guess they don't believe Montoya when he says Judge David might fall out of his judgeship because of involvement in the Limas case. Then there is the money factor that has shown that Cornyn only comes to our poor area if there is money for him. He is looking for the republican nomination for President in a few years and needs the moola!

Anonymous said...

pura caca

Anonymous said...

you may have blocked out who the email was to, but when you didnt block out the "dear nolan and julian" Part, you kinda givE it away. Not too many REpublican doctors named nolan in the crazy cameron county Zoo is there?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
pura caca

Puro Mojon

el monkey shine said...

uJuan dont be cruel to Hermina becerra remeber all she does is to benfit the community its not for her, she gets nothing out of helping all these crooked politicians, she does it for el pueblo. she never ever has ever take one single dollar $$$$$$$$$ from any of these cameron county politicians, so ponte alaba juanito y dont say or write any bad things about hermina. APRIL FOOL. And you know the rest of the story, good day. el monkey

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want to see a pic of this cabron standing on a Yeti cooler. Corrupt to the core. I hope once Aurora and David get indicted Rivera backs away from supporting this guy.

Anonymous said...

---------BREAKING NEWS---------
Are the following 4 individuals WILL be indicted by federal government:
Judge David Gonzalez, Judge Leonel Alejandro, Judge David Sanchez, and Aurora de la Garza?

Anonymous said...

por favor alguien dingale a este pinche gordo que se ve muy mal con la barba,se ve sucio, igual a luis saenz el bigote le queda de la chingada
