Monday, February 11, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Rodolfo Quilantan, the Mexican consul in Brownsville, was notable for his absence when he failed to make the recent trip to Mexico City with the Mr. Amigo Association to formally invite actor Eduardo Yanes.
Traditionally, the Mexican Consul has been the host to the group and accompanies them to invite that year's Mr. Amigo.
Now those close to Mexican government circles say that Quilantan may be getting the not-too-subtle hint from the Mexican Foreign Relations people that there 's trouble afoot and he may have fallen from grace in their eyes.
To say that Quilantan has had a rocky relationship with the local media would be an understatement. On  more than one occasion he has avoided the press, going as far as to break a reporter's tape recorder when he raised the electronic window to his car to avoid dealing with their questions.
In particular, we have learned from the accounts in the Mexican media that Quilantan has dodged questions relating to the massive deportation of Mexican citizens by U.S. immigration authorities which has flooded Mexican border cities with hundreds of deportees who have no place to  go.
Now we have learned that Mexican Senator Manuel Cavazos Lerma has forwarded copies of those news stories to Jose Antonio Meade Kuribreña, Mexico's Minister of Foreign Relations. In a letter sent by Cavazos Lerma, the senator includes formal complaints from the Matamoros CANACO (Chamber of Commerce) and FENACO  ( La Federación de Cámaras Nacionales de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo) of Tamaulipas and asks the minister to assist them to resolve a "series of problems" that have arisen in relation to Quilantan.
Now, with the absence of Quilantan from the trip to Mexico City, it may be a hint of things to come for the consul.
City Manager Charlie Cabler and commissioner Rick Longoria represented Brownsville on the trip and the only representative on the Mexican side was by the wife of the Matamoros mayor Sylvia Guerra. Is this the writing on the wall for Quilantan? It seems that as far as the chambers of commerce and leading businessmen on the Mexican side, they've had enough of his good offices and wouldn't lament his leaving.


Anonymous said...

Why do so many people have to go to invite a person to be Mr. Amigo? Can't they Skype or email the request or just make a simple telephone call? So much wasted money on a ceremonial position, why? As for Quilantan, well, maybe he thought it was a waste of time also, who knows, maybe we should interview him, oh we cannot, he won't talk to reporters.

Anonymous said...

Why are so many people go on those trips to invite Mr. Amigo?
Who pays for all those Charlie, Rick and all the people that went on that trip?

Anonymous said...

More peopel should go on such a diplomatic trip. Not less.

Anonymous said...

Rodolfo Quilantan does a great job given an impossible task Dealing with the coconuts of bville and the scum people of matamoros. FYI there are no journalist in the RGV. The good ones leave as quickly as another job opens up. Can't blame them. What educated person would want to live among this filth?

Anonymous said...

Primero que nada, La chamba de Quilanton NO es solo los reporteros, es los mexicanos que necesitan ayuda, segundo, pinche pelon ese es un ojete pendejo casi desempleado porque ya les cago la madre en la SRE ya esta haciendo maletas.... y finalmente, pinche calvo Quiantan se va de vendedor de autos y ni eso podra hacer, por apatico, ojete y mamon!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing diplomatic about this trip to Mexico.
We recently had President Calderon visit…
that's diplomatic..
Even more hilarious is the Facebook they have. Really...
posting pictures of their wanna be badges "to what again, and for what" and seating cards.
Again President Calderon who is a diplomatic leader
does not have a Facebook or website of his recent trip. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing diplomatic about this trip.
President Calderon recently visited here, that's diplomatic.

Now there is a Facebook and website with posting of pictures of "wanna be VIP badges and seating cards" Really... to what and for what?
Again President Caldeon made a DIPLOMATIC visit. Where is Facebook and website on this visit?

Anonymous said...

Rodolfo quintallan is a fucking politician who happens to be lazy. Look lady if you so worship the ugly bald and lazy mother fucker is your problem, if you dont like brownsville or matamoros get the fuck back to shithole you came from and take shrek with you.

Anonymous said...

who wold worship this bastard? not even his mother! Quilanton es un corrupto, siempre quiz joderle la vida a Chao, y que crees Quilantoooon! Que ahora Chao esta bien arriba y tu estas empacando! Puto culero, ojete!

Anonymous said...

Excuse my ignorance, I am new in reading blogs. Who is Chao? Oh, and I agree with the comments about Mr. Quilantan. El senor se cree la ultima coca cola en el desierto.

Anonymous said...

February 13, 2013 at 7:12 PM

jajajaja bien dicho!! Muy bien dicho Sr. mejores palabras que estas no pudo usted decir!!! Arriba Matamoros y Brownsville!!!

Anonymous said...

Luigi Chao, used to work below Quilantan, but Quilantan never liked him because he was just a down to earth public server, Quilantan on the other hand is an arrogant bastard who thinks he is above every thing and every one, and he thinks his position is that of a God...well guess what....PUBLIC SERVER are people's employees, there to serve not to serve from them!
HIjo de puta que se lo cargue el payaso!
Quilantan tenia todo tipo de negocios, desde las copias, abogatos, vendedores, contratos, TODO, pinche oportunista culero

Anonymous said...

Quilantan no tienes tampoco verguenza. Son incontables tus arrogancias con la prensa y ademas eres un presumido

Anonymous said...

February 15, 2013 at 3:24 PM

Jajajajaj y presume de lo que NO TIENE!!

Anonymous said...

For years my family,friends
and I were once part of Mr. Amigo. Those of us who have seen this organization through out years know it well. However it is a Disappointment that it is not the same as it once was. The good atmoshpere is nearly gone and it is gone over some people's head.
Not everyone is like this there to be fair.
Regardless as like other years we will have a good Charro Days not
becuase of Mr. Amigo but because of good times with family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Quilantan you are not Victor Trevino, he has a real Consul, you don't belong to Brownsville GO HOME

Anonymous said...

Quilntillan whatever your name is who cares, like the other guy says if you dont like matamoros-brownsville region get the fuck out of here and take your stupid wife too. You and family should be appreciative of the position you hold, you get paid to do practically nothing. Enjoy it while it lasts baldie.

Anonymous said...

Not only pelon but prieto, go back to your 3rd world country. He dicho........
