It's bad enough that you get arrested and bonded out possession of marijuana in January, but then to have your own mom diffuse the news that you were also arrested for sexual performance of a child and child pornography must be the pits.
That's probably what 18-year-old Ricardo Ray Chavira III, of Brownsville, is probably thinking right now as he languishes in jail awaiting for someone to post his $100,000 bail bond.
His mother Rachel Arellano quickly posted through the CHeezmeh web site that her little boy had been ensnared by the wiles of a 16-year-old girl that had sent her son nude pictures of herself. When he again solicited her to email her more pictures, her mother discovered them and reported him to police.
Arellano at one went on the offensive and said the victim "sent him nasty pictures, the mom found out, and took her phone. He texted her asking her for another one and she made a report. People love drama. These are the facts. Never get involved with a dirty hoe (whore)."

Why does this matter?
Because Rachel Arallano, in attempting to defend her son's actions with the minor, said that the detectives with the BPD "are working with the (victim's) parents. He's helping because he knows the facts."
Later, she posted on the same site that the detectives were hoping the parents of the victim would not follow through on the charges and ascribed his actions to a youthful indiscretion that could be taken care of with s little bit of Mexican parental discipline.
"Love makes you do stupid shit...He will get the chankla at home..."
As the day wore on, it was revealed in the local daily that not only had Chavira asked for more nude photos of the girl but police accused him of threatening to post her nude pictures on social media if dhr refused.
According to police, Chavira first met the girl on Facebook and they exchanged numbers and began to text each other.
Well, now. We got Bob Hendrix from Pan American Cargo Lines spending years behind bars for sending and receiving child pornography. And coincidentally, in the same news feed, a local television station reports that a 35-year-old Edcouch-Elsa mariachi instructor was being charged with engaging in sexual activity with a 16-year-old (almost 17?) student.If Chavira gets off easy this time though the interference of grandpa's buddies at the PD, will we see him resurface again in 10 or 15 years like the mariachi instructor did in Edcouch?
Areallano, the mom, is known locally to be an ardent Cheezmeh supporter and received some crucial moral support from Head Cheez Erasmo Castro. His take on the transmitting of child pornography and solicitation of it by an adult? Does he defend the victim, or chide the man for soliciting the minor?
No, he blames the devil weed!
"You see what marijuana does?," he posted.
According to police, Chavira first met the girl on Facebook and they exchanged numbers and began to text each other.
Well, now. We got Bob Hendrix from Pan American Cargo Lines spending years behind bars for sending and receiving child pornography. And coincidentally, in the same news feed, a local television station reports that a 35-year-old Edcouch-Elsa mariachi instructor was being charged with engaging in sexual activity with a 16-year-old (almost 17?) student.If Chavira gets off easy this time though the interference of grandpa's buddies at the PD, will we see him resurface again in 10 or 15 years like the mariachi instructor did in Edcouch?
Areallano, the mom, is known locally to be an ardent Cheezmeh supporter and received some crucial moral support from Head Cheez Erasmo Castro. His take on the transmitting of child pornography and solicitation of it by an adult? Does he defend the victim, or chide the man for soliciting the minor?
No, he blames the devil weed!
"You see what marijuana does?," he posted.
LOL,She was too busy saving stray dogs,that forgot to educate her "Little Angel"
The facts, mother, are that your son solicited pornographic images from a minor. The fact that he threatened to post them on the Internet is icing on the cake. That being said, he's screwed! Did he not learn anything from the Connecticut case that's been in the news the past month. Maybe he can think of this while he's knocking on doors telling everyone he's a sex offender. That's when he gets out, of course.
The facts, mother, are that your son solicited pornographic images from a minor. The fact that he threatened to post them on the Internet is icing on the cake. That being said, he's screwed! Did he not learn anything from the Connecticut case that's been in the news the past month. Maybe he can think of this while he's knocking on doors telling everyone he's a sex offender. That's when he gets out, of course.
Maybe its time for momma to spend more time looking after kids than dogs.....I love animals but my kids come second to no one. Seems like the kid needs help....pronto!
That "little" girl and her parents also need help....pronto.
Seems like too many adults in denial here.
stupid kid he shouldve known better than to mess with stupid girls, who knows maybe that girl will be next model at jaguars mens club.
Erasmo was charged by police up north for indecency with a minor. He is sick just like the sick fuck in this picture. Birds of feather!!!
Little hoe she is and she will only become a proffesional hoe, maclovio style uuuuuyyyyuuuuuyyyyyy
Dude, this was posted on Facebook, not Cheezmeh. There is a difference.
Dude, this was posted on Facebook, not Cheezmeh. There is a difference.
Arellano is no longer a cop.....and knowing him well, he would not run interference. If you don't believe it, interview him personally.
Salio putita la darlin, uuuuuuuyyyyyuuuuuyyyyuuuuuuuyyyy
Erasmos page is the worst place to air out child porn charges ... He himself has been connected to innappropriate contact with kiddos. Momma is real ignorant to even go there.
Arellano is no longer a cop.....and knowing him well, he would not run interference. If you don't believe it, interview him personally.
March 22, 2013 at 2:56 AM
16 years of age and she is already posin naked in front of a camera, she will be a nice candidate for hustler. Maybe mommy gave her lessons.
Little whore she is.
Original fact is that little whore willingly sent naked pictures of herself, stupid 18 year old fell in trap.
New society with low to no morals.
March 21, 2013 at 11:19 PM
There is no fucking difference, facebook or cheezmeh is till the same fucking shit, but in different cover pages, bottom line what Richie did was wrong after knowing the most common laws in the State of Texas, he just thought he could get away with it until he played with fire & got burnned, this will teach him to keep his dick inside he's stinckie pants and his mind ON BOOKS!!! AND NOT IN SEX OR PORNOGRAPHY!! This family better prepare and start selling more drugs or something to get the fucking ass adult out of jail, because theire will be charges against him and what ever more that comes with it. So what are we gonna call RICHIE now? (SEX OFFENDER)?? (PETIFILE)?? OR WHAT?? they deserve what they get.
I don't see how you can compare this case to the child porn case against Hendrix. What sinks this idiot, in my opinion, is the fact he threatened her to release the pictures if she didn't send him more. For this alone, he deserves jail time.
That's exactly what I'm telling you, stupid.....Arellano is no where near the scum bag that Ernie is.
A Child is a Child is a Child. If she sent him naked pictures to please him or if he threatened her to expose her on facebook HE ASKED FOR MORE. That is solicitation and explotation of a MINOR. Get it through your thick head.
Two things really suck about this blog. One, most of you are either too stupid or two lazy to at least try to identify yourselves with something other than "Anonymous" and two, most of you know how to read but can't comprehend a fucking thing.
It's unfortunate. There is good information here.
March 26, 2013 at 2:46 PM
Fuck off bitch!!!, there is no need to identify themselves!! what for? so you can then fuck with them? when they have all the right of speech or piece of mind and say what they want? we live in America bitch!! so fuck off bitch, because you sound so fucking terrible!! They should put his ass in jail soon!
hes no angel!!! hes a fucking devil!!
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