What started out as a half-hearted attempt by the head of a self-described community grassroots group to make light of the Brownsville Police Dept. filing charges against an 18-year-old man trying to extort a 16-year-old girl into sending him pictures of her nude, has backfired on the group and its followers.

Police jailed 18-year-old Ricardo Ray Chavira III, of Brownsville and a judge set a $100,000 bail bond.
His mother quickly posted through the Cheezmeh web site that her little boy had been ensnared by the wiles of a 16-year-old girl that had sent her son nude pictures of herself. When he again solicited her to email her more pictures, her mother discovered them and reported him to police.
Arellano at once went on the offensive and said the victim "sent him nasty pictures, the mom found out, and took her phone. He texted her asking her for another one and she made a report. People love drama. These are the facts. Never get involved with a dirty hoe (whore)."
This kind of blaming the victim didn't go over well with the majority of folks who visited the website of a local broadcaster and our own blog, with the majority asking the mother to have her son face the gravity of his actions and the effect upon the victim. A later report indicated that the man had threatened the 16-year-old with posting her nude pictures on Facebook if she didn't send him more.
In an effort to come to the support of his Cheezmeh "friend, Castro posted the message: "You see what marijuana does?"

"Love makes you do stupid shit...He will get the chankla at home...

And just as we were all feeling warm and fuzzy now that we had received the benediction, we get another news flash of another alleged pedophile caught by a state trooper with pornographic photos of minors on his cell phone. This stuff is really going around, isn't it?
Judging by the tattoos on the alleged perpetrator, it is possible he has used marijuana. Should his mommy and Cheezmeh also dismisshis case as youthful indiscretions and come to his defense because he just might have smoked pot and that drove him to it?
Whether the Cameron County District Attorney's office will be as forgiving in both of theses cases is left for time to determine.
This mother is like Aurora de la Garza....willing to do anything to protect her "baby". These same mothers would seek another form of justice for those not related to them who committed the same crime. Mothers will protect their kids even when they are guilty as sin. And, here the "mommy" is pointing the finger at the 16-year old girl....she "trapped" her baby boy.
Unfortunately, in many sexual abuse cases, in court the victim is put on trial as "a tramp", wearing the wrong clothes, etc. This is a good example...and now we use social media to accuse and abuse.
Fortunately both dumbasses will carry the "Sexual Predator" title for the rest of their lives
Drop the age of consent to 14 and warn your kids. Te van a dar chile!Juan how many countries have the age of consent at 14,15?
Only a mother could love and over look... would they feel the same way if daughters had the same situation... your sons are adult s with minors..... period!
That guy looks like a criminal, as does the mom. Low lifers, puro 14, or las prietas.
I'm not saying this is the case here but in many cases, parents are well aware their underage daughter is "dating" an 18+ man but ignore it.
Eramo(Brownsville Cheezmeh Administrator) will cover his and his friends ass even if they commit illegal acts on a minor.
This is how Erasmo covers for his politiquero friens who pay him for advertising and political favors. Such is the case how he didn't cover Ernie Hernandez owing back taxes of over 800 thousand dollars. The corruption of harvesting illegal votes from the elderly and mail in ballots. The covering up Election Fraud past and the present. Wait till after Sunday and the Vote for John Villareal will be up and Erin Hernandez will be I Love You Cheeze.
Erasmo has no bizniz defending child porn criminals....he has his own history of playing with the little ones. Only idiots follow him and that tranny looking slut sister of his.
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