Bouyed by a four-vote majority and saying that he was "in danger of losing control of the board," Brownsville Independent School Board President Enrique Escobedo moved aggressively in the last meeting to consolidate his power in light of a realignment reflecting a shift in power brought on by the last election.
Otis Powers was voted vice president by the new majority which approved the passage of board policy amendments limiting input from individual board members. The new majority – as predicted – consists of Escobedo, Powers, Minerva Peña, and Hector Chirinos.
“I am basically in panic mode,” Escobedo complained as the board discussed the proposed changes.

After his majority voted 4-3 to replace Catalina Presas-Garcia with Otis powers, Escobedo then removed her and replaced her as chair of the board’s budget committee, where he named ally Chirinos in her place.
“Who died and made you king?” she asked.
The local daily correctly reported that the revision would also limit participation in committee meetings to committee members.
“Trustees not on committees will have the rights of any member of the public at a committee meeting,” the agenda item states.
In one fell swoop, Escobedo has limited the representation of the 12,571 voters who elected Presas-Garcia to speak for them. Also, by him gagging trustee Lucy Longoria, he also thumbs his noise at the voters that elected her to represent them.
“Trustees not on committees will have the rights of any member of the public at a committee meeting,” the agenda item states.
In one fell swoop, Escobedo has limited the representation of the 12,571 voters who elected Presas-Garcia to speak for them. Also, by him gagging trustee Lucy Longoria, he also thumbs his noise at the voters that elected her to represent them.
While Escobedo's muzzling of his critics on the BISD board may tickle some local residents who feel that the public meetings will not be as acrimonious with trustees engaging in free-for-all discussions on items near and dear to their heart, the appointment of Chirinos as chair of the district's budget flies in the face of logic.
A forensic audit performed on the Transportation Department under his tenure showed that Chirinos basically gave away the store to the bus drivers union approving millions in unjustified overtime. Further, an audit of his purchases while head of that department indicated that he ordered $100,000s in inventory purchases on materials that have never been used and become obsolete.
"This is such a farce," said a BISD mid-level administrator. "Putting Chirinos as chairman of the budget committee is like putting a homeless person in charge of public housing."
The forensic audit performed by the district lists a laundry list of mismanagement areas under Chirinos. But don't think that we made this up. Read what Chirinos himself admitted to the auditors.
"Overtime Issue: Transportation Department Administrator Jose Hector Chirinos:
In interview, Chirinos stated the overtime abuse was there within the Transportation Department when he took over in 2005. He indicated his efforts to curb the abuse were thwarted by the unions and the board. Chirinos blamed the lack of supervisory assistance, yet he himself failed to take a hard line on the issue. Based on the interviews of the drivers and monitors, they took full advantage of the ineffectiveness and complacency displayed by then administrator Chirinos.
Not only did Chirinos conceal (and) fail to disclose, but also took measures, in the form of termination and demotion, in an effort to prevent employees within Transportation Department from 1) revealing the truth about overtime abuse; 2) furnishing information ; and 3) confronting the abusers. Starting with Viola Currier in 2006 and continuing to date with Terry Spellane, Chirinos subtly and effectively suppressed disclosure and evidence of abuse through firing and demotion.
First, Ms. Currier, with 19 years of experience in Transportation Department was terminated by Chirinos after she questioned employees about their riding the clock. Then, five years later, Ms. Spellane, an experienced accountant, was demoted and removed from payroll by Chirinos after she continued to identify abuse and waste taking place within Transportation.
Ms. Spellane estimated the loss due to the abuse at $600,000 a year. If conservatively only 70 percent were abusing the system by riding the clock one hour per day, the Forensic Audit Staff would put the loss at $420,000 a year, or roughly $2.5 million over the six years in which Chirinos was administrator.
It is highly recommended that strong administrative action with the possibility of termination be taken against Jose Hector Chirinos (and that BISD) hire professional business people with experience in running a transportation department...Of all the violators and abusers, the average number of years with the district was 17 years seniority."
We know that Powers still harbors resentment over the fact that Presas-Garcia ousted him from the board two elections ago, but voting to replace her in the largely cosmetic position of board vice president in one thing. Escobedo's replacing of her with Chirinos on the budget committee is a direct slap in the face of the taxpayers of the district.
The forensic audit performed by the district lists a laundry list of mismanagement areas under Chirinos. But don't think that we made this up. Read what Chirinos himself admitted to the auditors.
"Overtime Issue: Transportation Department Administrator Jose Hector Chirinos:

Not only did Chirinos conceal (and) fail to disclose, but also took measures, in the form of termination and demotion, in an effort to prevent employees within Transportation Department from 1) revealing the truth about overtime abuse; 2) furnishing information ; and 3) confronting the abusers. Starting with Viola Currier in 2006 and continuing to date with Terry Spellane, Chirinos subtly and effectively suppressed disclosure and evidence of abuse through firing and demotion.
First, Ms. Currier, with 19 years of experience in Transportation Department was terminated by Chirinos after she questioned employees about their riding the clock. Then, five years later, Ms. Spellane, an experienced accountant, was demoted and removed from payroll by Chirinos after she continued to identify abuse and waste taking place within Transportation.
Ms. Spellane estimated the loss due to the abuse at $600,000 a year. If conservatively only 70 percent were abusing the system by riding the clock one hour per day, the Forensic Audit Staff would put the loss at $420,000 a year, or roughly $2.5 million over the six years in which Chirinos was administrator.
It is highly recommended that strong administrative action with the possibility of termination be taken against Jose Hector Chirinos (and that BISD) hire professional business people with experience in running a transportation department...Of all the violators and abusers, the average number of years with the district was 17 years seniority."
We know that Powers still harbors resentment over the fact that Presas-Garcia ousted him from the board two elections ago, but voting to replace her in the largely cosmetic position of board vice president in one thing. Escobedo's replacing of her with Chirinos on the budget committee is a direct slap in the face of the taxpayers of the district.
And after all that, the people of Brownsville promote this piece of sh1t. You deserve Chirinos, Brownsville. Heck, vote him mayor.
"Ignorance is bliss" in Brownsville and BISD. We don't just accept ignorance and corruption, our voters "demand" ignorance and corruption in our officials. BISD is a great example of how our officials promote corruption and igorance. I heard Supt. MOntoya speak on TV this week....a pathetic speaker whose presentation reflects his lack of capability. He was obviously hired by a BISD board that wants someone they can control, not an exemplary superintendent, manager and leader. Our kids lose and ingnorance will remain in Margaritaville.
Get over it Cata and Luci. Your reign of terror is over. Find something constructive and productive to do and stop embarrassing yourselves. This cry-baby article is a crock of bull.
We want to know how many of Chirinos many Princesses have been promoted to cushie cushie jobs??
Los jotos no saber que fiera se hecharon encima.
Se Los van a empinar?
Remember Brownsville. it was Cata, Luci, Escobedo and Saavedra who first voted for the present superintendent. Now that Cata La Rata and Luci Goosey cannot control what the superintendent does, they are angry. Well ladies, get over it. You are not BISD. You are just School Board Trustees, with only a High School Diploma. You my dears do not belong on a school board. You should not be telling students, teachers, administrators and superintendents what to do. The first two posts on here are from none other than the Cata and her cronies. You Cata do not belong in the United States. Please do us a favor and resign. Just like you told your buddy, Corpus, you would do. Now do it, don't just say it. DO IT!
chrinos and caca is the same shit, but we voters that what we wanted and got, good grief
Post below sounds just like the low-life Cata Presas-Garcia.
Anonymous said...
Los jotos no saber que fiera se hecharon encima.
Se Los van a empinar?
March 7, 2013 at 12:29 PM
Yes, Brownsville is still mourning the election of Cata La Rata to BISD Board. She slipped in because Brownsville could not decide between Clupper and Barbosa. Awful!
Did I hear that Escobedo's current squeeze got hired at the last BISD Board meeting?
Let's get rid of the present board and look for new peeps…we keep voting for the same old, same old and then surprised that things don't change!
Let us not forget that 18,843 people voted against Presas-Garcia. Although the other two candidates lost on a split, a clear message was delivered that Presas-Garcia was not wanted by the majority of the voting public!
Escobedo should be the one to resign, a degree from Mexico city don't mean shit in U.S. and he calls himself a dr.??? To begin with he never completed his internship at either place.
He's a big f fake just like la minerva la pendeja.
How come chicken shit Enrique never censured Minerva, she's always yacking away and yelling at him whenever he shut her up?
What deals have these two idiots have gotten involved in that now he worships the ground he walks on and vise versa. How pathetic.
All of you bitter assholes are a bunch of shit.
Minerva if Escobedo likes you so much why didn't he nominate you VP? Guess he doesn't like you as he pretends he does. What a fool.
The entire board is an embarrassing bunch of idiots and thieves. There is no actual work done by any of them, other than fighting for the kickbacks. Where is policy review? They should be getting rid of outdated policies and improving our educational system. Oh wait a minute...none of them are qualified to do that - except maybe Saavedra, but she's just like the rest. They're all like rabid dogs after the kickback deals, and why not, no one will do anything to stop them. Meanwhile, BISD keeps cranking out the subpar.
money money monye, where are my kickbacks, everyone knows that being on any school board as a Trustee i and really mean trustee i trust no one, is money in your pocket, thats all i is, its not about the children, its about my pocket and bank account, that goes for any city or county elected position as well. right Mr Limas?
"Did I hear that Escobedo's current squeeze got hired at the last BISD Board meeting?"
The answer is NO to the above question.
Maybe you heard that his current squeeze works for BISD. Maybe that is true. You never know.
The Post Below is from Caty! Get over it; you are not liked by most of Brownsville. You keep making a fool yourself and we think you will only get worst with time!!! So incredibly Sad!
Anonymous said...
Escobedo should be the one to resign, a degree from Mexico city don't mean shit in U.S. and he calls himself a dr.??? To begin with he never completed his internship at either place.
He's a big f fake just like la minerva la pendeja.
March 8, 2013 at 1:57 AM
Wow heard Cata Presas-Garcia at the Mall yelling into her phone. She was complaining about other Board Members. Does she not realize how bad she looks and sounds. Awful!
Young Lady you need to grow up and act like an adult!
The ones and only ones corrupt are Enrique Escobedo and Otis Powers, they were both on a hunting trip last weekend with Joe Salazar the insurance guy and the new Johnny Cavazos.
Hear Escobedo is having a fundraiser on Tuesday at Cobbleheads and it's probably funded by Salazar. Go by and check it out.
Martin Arambula will probably be there begging him to give him a promotion since he voted to give his brother a 3 million dollar contract for port of B'ville.
Notice how Escobedo was pushing & suppoting Arambula's sister's Loan Co.
The guys are big time corrupt SOB's.
Everytime I attend the school board meetings, I see how it is the new majority versus the others. I expect much more from our school board! I expect each board member to make decisions based on THEIR research and based on the long-term effects it will have on our students, employees, and community. I am not expressing a preference between either group, but I do want each board member to vote independently on the item/s presented. I also like to see questions and discussion among board members in a professional manner. Questions should be asked and answers should be provided. Please don't take away those privileges from any board member because through them we are able to voice our opinions, comments, concerns and recommendations. Thank you, BISD employee
The biggest thief on the board is now in charge of the entire BISD Budget. Shame on the board members who did not pursue charges against him. The proof is in the forensic audit and the internal audit. Chirinos and his money hungry,scheming cronies were and probably still are selling the obsolete parts and tires to someone in Matamoros. Where are all the computers, printers and office supplies he had in public storage facilities. Teachers could be using those supplies. My guess is that he quickly ran them to Mexico. Dig deeper Juan. They all sing at one time or another.
To Poster at 9:33am and 1:23 pm you are sadly mistaken if you think Caty is the person for you. She represents no one but herself! She has promised to help many in the community and she never follows through. She is all mouth. Now she thinks because she dresses like a street walker she can control the people. Well she is wrong! Total wrong! My only question is why are such good people like Luci and Christina behind her. They follow her every command at the meetings. Just watch and see for yourselves. What give? What does Caty have on these women?
the comment is from La Nerva.
Escobedo should be the one to resign, a degree from Mexico city don't mean shit in U.S. and he calls himself a dr.??? To begin with he never completed his internship at either place.
Poster 2:32 p.m. is none other than Caty Presas-Garcia! "Katy" as you call yourself now, you are so obivious in your postings. You see you go around town speaking loudly to make sure everyone around you hears what your are saying. Several of us have heard you say this about Chirinos in the past. Now you post Anonymous? Really? Too Funny!
Why does Cata and her chronies hate Mr. Chirinos so much? Did she make a pass at him and he turned her down? This women hits on any man that will have her. She is always out on the town looking for action.
Is Otis el Ojete doing his wheeling and dealing while on hunting trips?
ethepeople said...
Another scammer is out there much closer to home. In the Herald today, it was reported that the City of Brownsville's audit on the Sports Park cost the city of Brownsville $35,408,655, some $25 million more than it was originally budgeted for.
Another revelation is that the City has no written purchasing policies or procedures for the project.
In a press release, BCIC Chair Rose M.Z. Gowen muses: “The purpose of this review was to gain a better understanding of why costs escalated so quickly and more importantly what safeguards and changes need to be implemented to ensure better control of future investments and projects.”
Are you serious??
There should be an immediate investigation into the thieves that have been making off with some REAL cash!
While United Way is a band of bandits, they don't hold a candle to these folks!
Where are the Feds??
I respect Mrs. Garcia more than the new majority, speaking in public is not illegal. On the other hand it is so obvious Escobeo, Powers, Pena and Chirinos have been have been meeting to discuss their game plan, now this is totally illegal. These four dummies, especially Escobedo think they are so intelligent, but are only setting themselves up for failure and possible behind bars. None of their actions are for the interests of BISD nor the taxpayers, it's about money for their pockets.
Escobedo you are ashamed to be a boardmember, well we are ashamed of you, and the other three voting along with you.
Do us a favor, step down. We want a real leader.
a fundraiser you say that Escobedo is having this tuesday for what? Are you sure about the hunting trip too? What can citizens do to elect new people? For 1 let's get the elections moved back to May instead of November. By the way, who is Escobedo's squeeze?
So is this why Minerva Pena voted for Montoya this time cuz he now caters to her every demand? Minerva you aren't as smart as you think you are. Do you realize you threw Enrique under the bus by admitting what he is now doing to Luci & Caty he did to you.. Way to go Minerva.
wow heard alot of people attended escobedo's fundraiser tuesday night at cobbleheads!!! Alot of potential candidates running for office too next year during the midterm elections. Let's see what change and see who all get's elected next year. The same people keep running for office as well . We need trusting people as well somebody who will not rip off the taxpayer , be honest as well.
Yeah, all of Escobedo's venders were there wagging their tails as Escobedo went around introducing them to people and telling them how much they need to come on board to be contracted by BISD.
Dirty corrupt sob.
Escobedo is so full of himself, he's the one that violating all the rules and he blames Caty & Lucy, what a coward & s loser.
Enrique the moran is pissed because Lucy and Presas have been blocking his shenegans.
Not as many as he hoped & since when do superintendents attend political functions? He should remain nuetral. No wonder the board is split, he is taking sides. Now we know why this new majority gave him a raise and an extension to answer to Enrique's requests right or wrong. And he says he cares about the students and employees?
Dr. montoya and Escobedo don't gave a damn about us or the students, it's all about making money for themselves. Miserables¡
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