Today, when the trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District meets to "realign" the board to confirm the new political reality on the board, Otis Powers will be placed as the new vice president by the "team" of four maKe up of Powers, Enrique Escobedo, Minerva Peña, and Hector Chirinos.

As they say on the farm, you don't bite the hand that feeds you or look a gift horse in the mouth and Montoya, a New Mexico farm boy tacitly accepted becoming part of Otis' new lineup.

"So is this a quid pro quo?," Presas-Garcia asked during the open section of the meeting, drawing a sharp rebuke from Escobedo who brsitled at the suggestion and called it a "serious charge."
Escobedo has become the linchpin for the swing on the board and has begun to run the meeting as if he knows it. When Longoria tried to make a comment in the last meeting, he told her in no uncertain terms that he was running the meeting and that he – and only he – would decide who should speak, a direct violation of the rules of order. Increasingly, he has leaned toward Powers, the ultimate equine broker, to saddle the new board with the awarding of contracts tho those firmly in rein.
Powers, who had campaigned on the slogan of a "team of eight," nonetheless showed that his past 12 years as a trustee were well spent learning the art of horse trading.
After he was rebuffed by the other trustees on hiring Acevedo, he then mentioned rehiring Walsh-Anderson which drew comments of disbelief from others on the board and in the audience.
That firm was BISD legal counsel when the district had to settle with former Special Needs Director Art Rendon, the former Superintendent Hector Gonzales and former CFO Tony Juarez. All three are now back at the district after returning them their employment was part of their settlement packages.
But the fight is just beginning, according to insiders.
Today, when the BISD meets, expect that Presas-Garcia, who drew some 12,000 votes to swamp Butch Barbosa and Donald Clupper for the board position, will speak as a citizens during public comment. What she will have to say about the apparent regression of the board to their ways of the Bad Old Days – without the restrictions of decorum expected of a board member –should make for good television.
Catita la del Barrio is Pat "The Rat" Lehman's and Carlos "Con Man" Quintanilla's errand girl. What does that say about her? A person that takes orders from Lehman and Quintanilla is bringing all these false accusations of wrong doing...HA! She voted to give Lehman the Boggus trash conslutting contract the the biggest slimiest person in Brownsville.....and she is running cover to keep the law firm that pays Quintanilla and he gives apiece to Catita...WOW, how convinient mijita. When you or Lucy "the flusie" go to your trips to the D.A.'s office and tell them of "criminal activity",...tell them about Lehman and Quintanilla....see you at the meeting mijita.
And the slime goes on in BISD...the "gang of 5" is just another self-serving bunch of assholes....working hard to squeeze a little more of the tax dollars into their pockets. On the other side, we likely have the "gang of 3" working hard to do the same slimey thing. One great scholar once said, "All politicians are Assholes, just that some are your assholes and some are their assholes." BISD proves this point very well.
Is Cstalina Garcia a man? Did she have a sex change? Her features are very masculine.
She doesn't look right.
They are all self serving, corrupt and dishonest people. What does it matter which of them is in charge. Put them all in a sack, shake it up and see which one falls out first.
What a bunch of lies! Cata is a story teller and will embarass herself yet again. What a Loser! Can not wait to see Cata La Rata in action tonight. That women is totally mental. That is what happens when you place a women, with only a high school diploma, in a position of School Board Trustee. Triste, Que Triste!
Hast que Catalina se topo con la horma de su zapato. How bout now, cata? No que muy chingona?
all valley school board trustees dont trust nobody including the voters they only truste themselves like congress does so they can get their bribes, money, sex, etc etc etc. when the elections come around we always hear them say "Its all for the children" PURO PEDO its for my pocket compadre thats what it is. chief
To 2.01 pm, how about you, you can't even spell, or use the right words,
I believe that what we need is people who care no matter how many diplomas they have, look at all these highly educated people including our mayor, Villalobos, limas, Marchand, and the stupid ones like the Hernandezes, Cascos, benavides, etc corrupt to the bones, NO we need people who care about our community, that's all
Being a man or woman doesn't matter, the whole high school education does. But, when you pose as a doctor and then get caught as not being one isn't that much better. Now, the whole thing has become a farce! It's like the circus that was here last month left some of their clowns!!
Bola de cabrones, how about Ruben "GED" Cotex?
Does the Cotex have a degree or only a GED?
Ding dong the "witch" is dead!! Horray!!!! By the way Cata, who died and made you "Queen" anyway? Do yourself a favor, enroll in charm school and learn a little class.
To Anonymous Poster Below. Are you crazy? Cata does nothing for free! She uses and abuses people. She gets into your head with lies and then she turns on you when she knows you are on to her lies! You are either her relative or just mental just like her!!!!!!! TOO FUNNY! Now we know how Cata La Rata got elected again. By nuts like the poster below! So depressing!
Anonymous said...
To 2.01 pm, how about you, you can't even spell, or use the right words,
I believe that what we need is people who care no matter how many diplomas they have, look at all these highly educated people including our mayor, Villalobos, limas, Marchand, and the stupid ones like the Hernandezes, Cascos, benavides, etc corrupt to the bones, NO we need people who care about our community, that's all
March 5, 2013 at 10:24 PM
Cata Presas-Garcia esta bien LOCA!
Yes! Enrique, Otis, Minerva, Jose have been reported to TEA,FBI,IRS,SS, US Marshalls.
You negative stupids are a bunch of two face backstabbing assholes. If you are so righteous and full of youselves, don't be chicken shits and run for office. Lets see you do a better job. Shitheads.
Asshole Escobedo is going to get what Rosenthal got. He was so arrogrant saying he wasn't going to get indicted and look how wrong he was. Minerva watch out you are going down with him. Chirinos & otis you both are on very thin ice, watch your toes.
Asshole Escobedo you bastard you degrade Luci & Caty bcuz they don't a degree. At least they don't lie about having a degree like you lying you have a doctoral. You dumb spic, you're not only corrupt you're also a dumbass using an illegal title. Hope you end up in jail.
Escobedo is a rat, a fake and fag.
"If you are so righteous and full of youselves, don't be chicken shits and run for office."
This is a cop-out. This is America, jackass. We can criticize whoever we want. You get no "thank you" point for running for office. If you didn't do it, some other chump would have. Don't pat yourself on your back too much. We the people expect you to do a good job for all of us not just your buddies. This board is full of immature children and inept people. And when someone tries to do something good, here come the unions and politiqueras to f**k it all up.
To Poster below you forgot to add Luci and Caty to that list. How does Caty support herself without money or a steady job. Heard Caty is now at forever 21 in McAllen. Luci how do you pay your bills with all the money dog racing takes from your household?
Anonymous said...
Yes! Enrique, Otis, Minerva, Jose have been reported to TEA,FBI,IRS,SS, US Marshalls.
March 6, 2013 at 8:37 PM
The Marshalls Office? Really Luci? Do you even know what the Marshalls Office does? Estas bien Tapada!
12:46 And you know Minerva?
Do you spend so much time behind a a desk as a DP?
For your info Lucy worked at the Marshals office. Don't under estimate her as Rick did, he didn't think she would beat him. Look who won, thank god 9,000 people are not stupid like you loserssss.
How does Minerva afford two cadillacs an support 3=4 sons? Cops & DPS desk clerks don't make that much.???
How do you all support yourselves demented idiots.
You pathetic people get a life, is that all you live for to bash Luci and Caty? You all are sick and pathetic. Why don't you have the guts to bash them in person face to face? Cowards!
To poster below; why did Luci give up a federal job? Or was she fired!
Anonymous said...
For your info Lucy worked at the Marshals office. Don't under estimate her as Rick did, he didn't think she would beat him. Look who won, thank god 9,000 people are not stupid like you loserssss.
March 8, 2013 at 2:19 AM
The one's attacking here seem to be the Luci and Caty supporters. They are the ones attacking!
And Minerva, Otis, Escobedo & chirinos supporters. And Minerva herself.
You know why this is so funny? Because we have to High School graduates on the School Board fighting like high school girls. Two High School graduates who chose not to go to college or a university telling people at BISD how to act. People of Brownsville you got what you elected. Two school girls who are going to waste everyone's time with childish acts. We need people with a college/university degree serving on our school boards. Not a bunch of high school graduates. Don't believe what I am saying. Well just look at the BISD school board and see who is acting a fool!
Is this the same Escobedo who used MD as his credentials, but is not really a licensed medical doctor? What is wrong with this town? Why do you people vote these same people in like musical chairs at a cakewalk? Why did you all vote Cata back in when her decisions cost the town over 14 million in lawsuites and the other's followed her lead like sheeple? That was money meant for your children, not some employee who got it through a court settlement. You all get what you deserve for voting these people back into these positions. I remember hearing about Otis Powers and other's back in 2004-06 this same crap happening and the same names continue to float like turds in the river. I don't even know these people,but I sure know of them.
I respect Mrs. Garcia more than the new majority, speaking in public is not illegal. On the other hand it is so obvious Escobeo, Powers, Pena and Chirinos have been have been meeting to discuss their game plan, now this is totally illegal. These four dummies, especially Escobedo think they are so intelligent, but are only setting themselves up for failure and possible behind bars. None of their actions are for the interests of BISD nor the taxpayers, it's about money for their pockets.
Escobedo you are ashamed to be a boardmember, well we are ashamed of you, and the other three voting along with you.
Do us a favor, step down. We want a real leader.
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