Wednesday, March 6, 2013


(Click on list image to make larger.)


Anonymous said...

I would not donate to any organization listed on top but the facts provided are quite outdated

Anonymous said...

Great item for all who donate their hard earned money to consider. That second line of agencies tells it like it his. Thank you for presenting this. Also, none of the agencies on the second line solicite to your homes. Please give, but protect yourself and your money by going to the agency...don't give your accounts out over the phone or give money to people who come to your door claiming to represent these organizations. Give and give wisely.

Anonymous said...

The new Cameron County District Attorney Luis "Huicho" Saenz is proving daily that he is playing to the media and putting up a smoke screen to hide any real actions in the DA's office. First he put up billboards regarding spousal abuse, now he is bringing the Rubio trial up if we need to be reminded of the case and of the failures of the DA's office. Luis "Huicho" Saenz is blowing smoke up the public butt to conceal the corruption that has become a part of the Cameron County Judicial System. Is he blowing this smoke to protect his wife's relative Aurora de la Garza....a promoter of corruption. Luis is a snake in the grass...he can't even control the direction of his moustache.....Bad choice for DA. Nothing new and no justice.

Anonymous said...

WOW Juan! Cata La Rata is now paying you to bad mouth these organizations? She is so awful and you are such a drunk! All because she is angry at United Way! Sad, so SAD!

Local donor said...

Check out a LOCAL charity and give! You need to forget about United Way. Do it your way! Local charities need your help and will thank you.

wethepeople said...

Another scammer is out there much closer to home. In the Herald today, it was reported that the City of Brownsville's audit on the Sports Park cost the city of Brownsville $35,408,655, some $25 million more than it was originally budgeted for.
Another revelation is that the City has no written purchasing policies or procedures for the project.
In a press release, BCIC Chair Rose M.Z. Gowen muses: “The purpose of this review was to gain a better understanding of why costs escalated so quickly and more importantly what safeguards and changes need to be implemented to ensure better control of future investments and projects.”
Are you serious??
There should be an immediate investigation into the thieves that have been making off with some REAL cash!
While United Way is a band of bandits, they don't hold a candle to these folks!
Where are the Feds??

Anonymous said...

Donate to the Brownsville Animal Shelter. It is needed and appreciated!

chief cool arrow said...

well the good thing about the sport park hell its only $35 million, huh se me paso la mano, well ist not my money its your money, taxpayers money and no one to hold blame to or accountable to nice job, where can i sign up for one of these nice cushy jobs ms Gowen, so i can milk it too. Chief

monkey shines said...

Pura leche baby, estas chambitas, como la del el david garcia nd pistol pete sepulveda, $189k and $250k in a poor county like cameron county texas, does hidalgo county have a county administrator? i dont think so, Gowen and 4B EDC baord have a lot of explaining to do lucy, $35 million es mucha lana, when the original plan was $11 million, como que se les paso la mano un poquito right? oh i forgot es la mano pachona, lol , el monkey.

Anonymous said...

Las Mismas Ratas:
Who much does Tracy Wichet makes annualy?

Anonymous said...

Does Luic Lucio at the VFW have a Purple Heart Medal?

TheTruth said...

Tracy Wikkkett is listed on the 2012 United Way tax return with a salary of $72,448. I'm sure this does not include insurance, 401k, travel, and other perks from the 'expense account'.
Nonprofit information is public. Just Google '990 Finder'.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU!!!! TheTruth said...
Tracy Wikkkett is listed on the 2012 United Way tax return with a salary of $72,448. I'm sure this does not include insurance, 401k, travel, and other perks from the 'expense account'.
Nonprofit information is public. Just Google '990 Finder'.
