The Collegian
Susan Mills, a tenured professor at the University of Texas at Brownsville has filed a federal lawsuit against President Juliet V. García, Provost Alan Artibise, former College of Liberal Arts Dean Daniel Heimmermann and the university as a domestic political corporation, seeking to enjoin university officials from “perpetuating an unconstitutional violation of her due process rights that have resulted in her termination.”
Mills, an associate master technical instructor in the English Department, is seeking a temporary restraining order and “an injunctive relief in the form of a decree that she be reinstated to her former position as tenured faculty member at UTB,” according to the lawsuit, which was filed April 22.
Mills, an associate master technical instructor in the English Department, is seeking a temporary restraining order and “an injunctive relief in the form of a decree that she be reinstated to her former position as tenured faculty member at UTB,” according to the lawsuit, which was filed April 22.
Her complaint states that after the University of Texas board of regents voted to terminate the partnership between UT-Brownsville and Texas Southmost College on Nov. 10, 2010, the UTB faculty was advised that as a result of the separation of the institutions the number of faculty would be reduced.
According to the lawsuit, “Acting upon Artibise’s recommendations, defendant Garcia then officially appointed the members of the departmental review committee [DRC] for the Department of English to review the credentials of each of the faculty members and to make recommendations for termination of faculty members based upon the academic qualifications of the faculty members as derived from their academic transcripts.”
“Significantly, the Provost’s Charge recognized that the executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs of the University of Texas System had instructed UT-B that the faculty retention priorities must reflect that the decision-making criteria utilized by the departmental review committee had been based upon criteria approved by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. One of such mandated criteria was the enunciated position that ‘Ed.D. degrees are not terminal degrees in the discipline or in a related discipline for the purpose of SACS accreditation outside the College of Education,’” the lawsuit states.
The departmental review committee undertook to make evaluations of the English Department faculty, which included Mills, according to the complaint. The Provost’s Charge required that a majority of the five members must agree on the classification of faculty members into the various levels based upon their academic qualifications. Upon the conclusion of its evaluation the DRC submitted its evaluations of each of the faculty members to the Provost’s Office.
“Appended to the original evaluation submitted by the majority of the DRC was a minority recommendation … submitted by one of the five committee members, Charles Dameron, to elevate a certain faculty member … from a lower level of classification to a higher level of classification which would allow the Subject Faculty Member to leapfrog over three faculty members, including the Plaintiff,” the suit states.
According to the complaint, “In and of itself, the minority recommendation was not sufficient to merit action by either the Provost or the DRC. More damaging, however, is the fact that the minority recommendation was later proven to have been based upon false assumptions which were later acknowledged by Charles Dameron to have been mistakes.”
The suit states that Artibise adopted the “Minority Recommendation” offered by Dameron “without even conducting his own evaluation or investigation into the matters raised within the “Minority Recommendation.”
“This action allowed the subject faculty member to leapfrog over three other faculty members which action resulted in the termination of plaintiff Susan Mills,” the complaint reads.
On April 23, 2012, Mills received a letter of her recommended termination, effective May 31, 2013. On July 31, 2012, Mills received her official termination notice and appealed it as “arbitrary and unreasonable.” On Oct. 11, 2012, a hearing committee of three faculty members appointed by the provost “unanimously found in favor of Plaintiff and rendered its decision on Nov. 5, 2012. The hearing committee concluded that the Provost’s decision to terminate Mills was “arbitrary and unreasonable” and recommended that Garcia accept the appeal, according to the suit.
On Dec. 19, 2012, Garcia rejected the hearing committee’s findings and imposed the decision to terminate Mills. “Garcia, however, does not even get close to explaining how the hearing committee was ‘right’ in its determination that the Subject Faculty Member did not merit the reclassification, but was ‘wrong’ in its conclusion that the Plaintiff should be re-hired,” the suit states.
“Further, Defendant García ignores the practical effect on the ultimate adverse employment decision by UTB of the decision by one of Mills’ fellow colleagues (with whom the Plaintiff was in competition for a continuing position) who voluntarily ‘resigned’ in exchange for compensation from UT-B. Finally, Defendant García resorts to a semantic trick in stating that she ‘upholding’ the decision to terminate plaintiff when, in fact, the Hearing Committee reversed the ruling of the DRC and had reversed that termination.”
The suit further claims: “ … the UT-B administrators established the protocols and procedures (the Provost’s Charge) which were supposed to protect the due process rights of the faculty members by ensuring fair and impartial treatment. The same UT-B administrators then ignored such protocols and procedures in dealing with Susan Mills. They obviously ignored the protocols and procedures because they wanted to achieve [an] intended result, which result did not contemplate maintaining Susan Mills as a faculty member. The academic community needs protection from outside interference in order to perform its mission. The academic community cannot tolerate actions that hinder or make less effective the carrying out of that mission. The protections for the academic community are grounded both in the First Amendment’s free speech clause and also in the due process clause.”
Mills began working for the university in 1992 as an English writing tutor and achieved tenure status in August 2010.
Asked what outcome she hopes will result from the lawsuit, Mills told The Collegian: “I’d like my tenured position back. ... I just want them to follow the rules, their rules.”
She told The Collegian she could not comment further on the case without the guidance of her lawyer, Dennis Sanchez, of the Sanchez Whittington Wood & Dijkman LLC law firm in Brownsville.
The Collegian attempted to reach García and Sanchez for comment but they were not available.
Artibise told The Collegian Tuesday that he was unaware of Mill’s lawsuit and could not comment on the matter.
“I know nothing about a lawsuit,” he said. “ … This is the first I’ve heard of it.”
Heimmermann, who now works at the University of Mississippi for Women in Columbus, said he had no comment.
--Collegian reporter Marlane Rodriguez contributed to this report.
Pura lana , nothing but money from the taxpayers of course, and not from garica's pockets. not good, pure evil
a day late Juan! Cheezmeh posted it yesterday
Mr. Montoya: I had Mills as an instructor, and she was great! I don't know why Mrs. Garcia wants to get rid of the good ones. I hope she succeeds in her suit.
This has long been the nature of firing and hiring at UTB under Juliet Garcia. Juliet has always been vindictive and arbitrary in her personnel management policies. She has long kept inept instructors who she controlled and got rid of anyone who made waves or didn't bend over for her dictatorial leadership style. Charles Dameron was a "Juliet slave" and being from the old TSC community which hatched Juliet, he was a slave to his mistress Juliet. She always seemed to appoint all committees and most of her committees received guidance that "directed" the results that she desired from the committee. None of this is a surprise to those who have been a part of the UTB scene. Those Juliet likes are successful, those she does not like or who "buck" her management style (dictatorial) get fired or are forced to leave. We wish Susan Mills good luck in her suit....but now Juliet will spend tax dollars to defend herself....against actions we all know to be true. Why didn't she add Charles Dameron to the seems to have been his "bad information" that resulted in this firing.
The next person to be fired at UTB will be the Editor of the Collegian. That student news group should be commended for this story. In the past, the Collegian was controlled by Julieta and her "administrators" and the Collegian only printed articles approved by the administration. Kudos to the staff of the Collegian. Let's see more journalistic vigor.....but remember, its easy to scoop the Herald.
The law suit may have the witch by the tits, but we will see how that plays out. I suspect they will settle. Now that it is in Federal Court subpoenas can be issued that will turn over many rocks that Julieta doesn't want turned over. She might play politics with local state courts, but not with the Federal Court system. Andrew Hannen is beyond her influence and pressure.
The Queen's Evil Empire is crumbling!! Shame of the University of Texas! I'm sending back my diploma...after I wipe my ass with it!!
Her guardian will cover for her again. She'll escape accountabilty like she has dozens of times before and there seems to have been some pretty shady occasions covered up. Maybe it is elites protecting their own, fear of exposing an hispanic female in the time of affirmative action, or just run of the mill compadrismo....the result is the same. Someone else will pay the bill: students will have higher tuition, the lawyers in Austin will be paid by the state with taxpayer money to defender her, and then she'll probably get a riase to make things "look normal." The local people will never know and this province will remain tranquil and supplicant, just as the powers intend.
I am an import from the United States, brought here to be on the faculty, like so many others at UTB. You might be interested in what we talk about among ourselves. We think that the valley is short changed all these years by the powers in control up in Texas. Mostly we think it is by not giving the valley people a fair share of Texas legislated funding. That is not the only or the worst thing they do to the valley. They choose then tolerate, may be even on purpose for our case, mediocre, corrupt, and ineffective icons for our "leaders" and you accept that with sombreros in hand, just happy to get anything at all. They don't think they are prejudiced against the Mexican people here. They just don't think they are real Texans...just some indians they have inherited and have to deal with.
When the people here need bread, they send you statues of approved "heros". To qualify for that status all they need are uncle Toms who talk like them, behave like them, and who can be bought cheap. Then you have a great ceremony, dance in the street and ignore the growling in your childrens stomachs.
The sad thing is that Dr. Garcia is so desperately mediocre that she is willing to be the lowest paid president of all the UT institutions for a mere camp stool in the garage where she can hear the adults laughing in the living room. She is one of the longest term presidents and still has that distinction. It is consistent with our theory.
Sadder yet is that you put up with it. That is what confuses us temporary residents most. We don't get it. Why do people here take this insult decade after decade.
Dr. Garcia is a fairly typical example of the true powers of this state mollifying the neglected populace by decorating one of their own in fancy robes. There is always a shill to be found to take money for this dishonorable role. Dr. Garcia isn't the problem. She is just a willing cog in the machinery. The problem is that you will put up with this.
I hoped that after I finished this temporary resume augmentation, which is why people like me come here for a stint, I would one day read in the national news that the valley was awakened by a true leader, all the bought off officials exposed and run out of town, and the people of the valley would stand up for themselves.
I still hope because what I found when I came here was a surprise. The people here are so kind and accepting to strangers. Peace loving, patient, good.
Unfortunately, it is these same qualities that have held them back. I love the people here. I just can't stand the place they live in. It is an occupied territory with all the nasty players and carpet baggers. Then there are the Uncle Juliets.
I am moving on. I'll be watching the news from afar. May be one day. Buenas suerte.
Federally court baby, you cant escape there, i see a settlement before it gets to a court or jury, there is way too damn much at stake here if this matter goes to court or let alone a jury, right julieta garcia. you dont want to open Pandoras or should i say julieta's box, man what a discovery channel special this would turn out to be. WOW sk
Well, Mr., Mrs. or Ms. US import, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out of this benighted state. You are a condescending prick, the likes of which we can do without. Now that you have augmented you resume, please feel free to hit the road. The same road that brought you down here will take your sorry ass back where you came from.
Damn people!!!! you are supposed to POST AN OPINION, not a freaking book with no end!! But the real truth, the picture was great lol, we have all gotten a kick out of this!! GOOD JOB MONTOYA!!
Dr. Garcia needs to stop taking Dr. artibuse, Veronica Mendez' and Rosemary Martinez' recommendations and advice. Can't she see that they are just digging her deeper into problems. Keep listening to your so called right hand people. Open you're eyes Julietta, see what these people are doing. Do some checking before you react. These administrators are not your friends.
for " Anonymous said...
Well, Mr., Mrs. or Ms. US import..."
Ouch! You sound injured. Sorry, but the truth hurts doesn't it?
Funny, nothing is mentioned of Mills "teaching skills" There are two sides to a story here
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