Thursday, April 11, 2013


By Juan Montoya
When I was working for the San Antonio Light, the city hall reporter was Deborah Weser.
Deborah (non one dared call her Debby), could take a San Antonio city budget and get to the nuts and bolts at once. I once had to cover her back when she had a deadline story and found myself hopelessly mired in the numbers (fudged and otherwise) and had to recur to her while she typed out her story. Without as much as a backward glance up from her typewriter, she called out the page number on the massive tome. Sure enough, there it was at the exact page she had pulled from her head.
I remember Ms. Weser as I thumb through the proposed budget submitted Wednesday by the Brownsville Independent School District administration headed by Superintendent Carl Montoya and Human Resources administrator Tony Juarez and presented to the new budget committee headed by trustee Hector Chirinos and formed by Otis Powers and Dr. Christina Saavedra. Chirinos replaced Catalina Presas-Garcia after board president Enrique Escobedo gained the exclusive right to appoint committee chairs and members when the majority voted to give it to him.
Whatever you may think of Catalina, for the two years that she was chairman of the budget committee and the district had  to do with millions less from the state, no teachers were laid off, no support staff were fired, and property taxes stayed the same.
But now the committee has the administration's proposed 2012-2013 budget and there are a few eye-opening surprises that may make them wonder if they really want to follow the proposals in personnel and budget allocations recommended by Montoya and Juarez. Using the Texas Association of School Boards Recommendations on personnel allocations as their model, the two gents have made the following recommendations:

Elementary clerical staff: -6                                        Reduction: $127,600
Secondary Campuses clerical staff: -33                      Reduction: $701,811
District-wide Instructional Aides: -234                        Reduction: $$4,623,372

Elementary PE Teachers: -37                                      Reduction: $$1,994,485
PE Aides: +37                                                            Increase: $785,991
Teachers (increase class size, 19.9 to 20.1) -16           Reduction: $858,800
Teachers (increase class size 22.1 to 24.0 -47              Reduction: $2,522,800
Teachers (increase class size 22.1 to 24.0) -58             Reduction: $3,113,200
Personnel (-431)  ( not including 37 PE aides)             Reduction: $13,156,077

Clerical positions (Secretaries, clerks, specialists) -166  Reduction: $3,223,640
Maintenance vacancies (do not fill) 83                           Reduction: $2,279,300
Custodians (increase from 18,554 ft. to 19,000 sq. ft.) -6 Reduction: $154,400
Student nutrition staffing: -148                                           Reduction: $414,800
Personnel: -270 (not including 83 maintenance not filled)  Reductions: $6,072,140

Additional Cuts:
Librarians: -32                                                                   Reductions: $1,999,392
Library Clerks: No change
Registered Nurse: -46                                                        Reductions: $2,400,464
LVNs: + 58
Personnel: -78 (not including 58 LVNs)                            Reductions: $2,690,779

Personnel: -779                                                                  Reduction: $21,918,987  

So there you have it children. If the BISD administration's budget is followed by the budget committee, we will have an additional 779 people on the unemployment lines including teachers, coaches, secretaries, aides, janitors, and nurses.
But wait! There's more. In the administration's proposed budget there is an item dealing with compensation where BISD honchos recommend that Policy/Record Manager Martin Arambula should get a $18,920 raise for overseeing half a handful of staff members which will increase his salary from $73,902 to $92,000 in one fell swoop.
This will mean that Arambula, who will announce his candidacy for Cameron County Judge on April 18 in front of the court house will be earning more than most principals who oversee 200+ teachers and 2,000 or more students day in and day out.
To many in the district, even if his recycling/waste reduction efforts were to pay off eventually and save the district money, the priorities demonstrated by the BISD administration and those board members who follow the recommendations will be sorely misplaced and smacks of political pandering.
"How can you justify hiking the compensation for that position when Arambula may be gone campaigning?" asked a BISD administrator. "What kind of message does that send out to your principals and teachers, never mind the 780 people who are going to lose their jobs? Does that mean that whoever takes over that position will come in at that pay level, or is there some political debt being paid here?"


Anonymous said...

Puro leech,,,,

Anonymous said...

Great headline. Tragic story.

Anonymous said...

BISD has no idea how much funding they will have as the Legislature is still in session and they have not set the school funding for the next two years. This is the worst case scenario which is a usual occurence in the legislative years. Caty sure wants to upset people. Sad SAd Sad.

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to say that if Cata was still chairman of the budget committee the proposal would be different? Give me a break, she cannot balance her own personal finances. We sure could use the money that HealthSmart overcharged the district. I do agree that Arambula does not deserve a raise. Most district's do not even have his "created" position.1560

Anonymous said...

to 3:07 ----- It's not just Caty. All the board members present, from both sides of the 4-3 split, objected to these proposals. And if the administration doesn't know how much money it will have, how can it recommend these administrator raises? Now, 3:07, please explain the administration's requests for new, additional administrator positions.

Anonymous said...

Amazing....we have too many fat/obese kids; so BISD cuts back on a PE program which seems invisible. BISD graduates kids illiterate in two languages; yet we lay off teachers. It is all a show of power and another BISD policy which is intended to protect political friends and not the education system. The BISD Board of Trustees are power mongers who care little about the education of the students, but maintaining political power. They manipulate teachers and staff to control power and put "their people" into positions of power. BISD Board of Trustees are a disgrace to the community.

Anonymous said...

Arambula es el titere de quien?

Anonymous said...

As the only real employer in Brownsville, BISD, is way too fat. The cuts were based on formulas from the Texas Associations of School Boards. Why are they not applicable to BISD? Because, if they followed them they would not be able to hire all their relatives and freinds. The only crop that never fails in Brownsville are poor little kids who each year start out on a calvary of third rate education.

Anonymous said...

And if BISD had all the money it had to spend on attorney fees defending the lawsuits and fighting grievances by wrongfully reassigned or terminated employees. You can thank Cata and her hench woman for that expense. Her personal agenda cost taxpayers dearly; and there are more still to come. Let's not forget the $250,000 for the bogus forensic audit her buddies did at her direction. Pot calling the kettle black, are we?

batman said...

Juan ok $21 million in cuts right, thats what the articles, ok not nice cuz it will hurt families financially, my question is then will the bisd board cut the tax rate? si o no? i say no, what do you think, batman

Anonymous said...

Whatever you may think of Catalina, for the two years that she was chairman of the budget committee and the district had to do with millions less from the state, no teachers were laid off, no support staff were fired, and property taxes stayed the same.

I don't know Catalina or for that matter have any opinion of the former Board President and Budget Chairman.

Although to even suggest that there were no layoffs is simply false, and to insinuate that all was well under her watch is silly.

Anonymous said...

Arambula deserves to be fired for the amount of time he spends at work....always on port business. ES Rata!

Anonymous said...

This time it's not the board; it's the administration.

Anonymous said...

He could save himself a lot of time and money...People have Arambula's number. Someone has been pumping some major sunshine up his ass!

Anonymous said...

You know teachers have been fired, even at Caty as head, right? I think you defending her too much here and not looking or ignoring all the facts. What you have said is true, for the most part, minus the fact no teachers or staff have been laid off because caty made sure the people she didn't like got switched in position or fired.

Anonymous said...

Apparently you were not at last years budget proposal, this is the same worst case scenario. Change most librarians to aides and have a certified librarian rotate one day at each school. The same with the LVN's and have a nurse rotate. Change the PE teachers with aides. What a mess!

Anonymous said...

the first thing that comes to my mind is how much money is being spent defending lawsuits from all of the crazy re-assignments that atkinson did for cata?

Fred Rendon Jr said...

By TRAVIS M. WHITEHEAD Valley Morning Star

HARLINGEN — The Harlingen City Commission tonight will meet in executive session to discuss the contract of City Attorney Roxann Cotroneo.

The city attorney’s contract has appeared on the commission’s agenda several times recently, but no action was taken.

Cotroneo was away from the city for several months last year while undergoing treatment for breast cancer. On Tuesday, her assistant said she would be having more cancer surgery today.

At a special meeting Jan. 30, city commissioners took no action on their annual job evaluations of City Manager Carlos Yerena, City Auditor Sandra Gonzalez and Cotroneo.

However, at that meeting, Mayor Chris Boswell said officials had consulted with Fort Worth-based attorney Betty Lynn about the city attorney’s evaluation. Lynn has advised the city on personnel issues.

Mayor Pro-Tem Robert Leftwich said Boswell violated the Open Meetings Act when he asked for Lynn’s advice. However, Boswell has said Yerena had asked for Lynn’s advice in evaluating Cotroneo.

“Clearly, you don’t use the city attorney to evaluate the city attorney,” Boswell said at that meeting. “I certainly think it’s a good idea to have advice from our primary lawyer, who deals with employees.”

In other city business, the agenda includes a closed session to seek legal advice on the city’s contract with the Harlingen WhiteWings.

The meeting will be held at Harlingen City Hall, 118 E. Tyler Ave., at 5:30 p.m.
Were you aware of this information? why have you not commented about our Mexican City attorney who lost her mother a two yeas ago and then lost her two breasts to Cancer and these leaders including Boswell and his puptets tried to fire her? However she is much smarter and will have a big news release in a few days. Right before the elections. My information is good. Remember what I told you about ernestita and Norman.

Anonymous said...

Arambula is a big time crook in the public service/kickback racket. He is also a coward who likes to beat on women. Of course he wants to be county judge!

Anonymous said...

You know Juanio you always want to make this about Cata La Rata! She is the worst human being ever to serve on the BISD Board. She lies, steals, cheats, cries wolf, etc. Why on earth do you have to mention this awful person every time you write about BISD. The District started falling apart when she was elected to serve on the Board of Trustees. She tries to blame everyone before her but she is wrong. Since she was elected to office in 2008 the District started heading downward. She blames previous board members, but she fails to acknowledge that she is the one still on the board and causing big problems on a daily basis. Someone please get her to listen to how bad she is for BISD! Triste bien Triste!

batman said...

juan so this arambula dude want to run for county judge? look at the fiascos at the port of brownsville and see what kind of an ineefective elected official is ther and itts stinks, just like at BISD, City or County, does he have nay chance, i say no way jose, we need someone is is more crooked than him as county judge, someting liek an hinojosa etc kind of that type, sleazy, cool arrow, stealer, rata etc etc etc. arambula no le llega.

Anonymous said...

Enrique se la esta metiendo a Arambula! HAhahaha!

Son mamones los dos!

That's the connection!


Anonymous said...

Chicken Little!!!!!!!!!

The only ones that should be left alone are the teachers because they are the ones who truly make a difference.

All the others are in it just for the paycheck. Start at the main office and work your way down.

Stop all the sweetheart deals for the board members!!!!!!!

We are all about the kids!!!!!!

Queen Julietta said...

As long as the DemoRats support low-life scumbag assholes like Arambula, they will continue to lose their grip!

Anonymous said...

Message to Cata & Luci: hire a PI with a good camera, follow those two fags, catch 'em in the act, and take 'em out.

Anonymous said...

4:39 Was he Sammie Ortiz titere?
Did Sammie got him the BISD job?
Did Sammie Ortiz made sure (with politiquera consultants)Marty got the Port Board Trustee positiion?
Do Enriquye with the others and Marty give each other Pay raises and Security Contracts?

The question is: Who is pulling the Marty, Enrique, Otis, Chirinos and Minerva's strings?

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, this is the same scenario they gave last year, how quickly do people forget? This is NOT new.

sancho panza said...

chirinos really knows alot about budgets and overspending just ask him about all the OVERTIME AT THE BUS DEPT, thats all. we are in great shape, estan ben armados. oh well thats what the voters demanded, wanted and got. adios

Anonymous said...

arambula no tiene huevos, is a woman beater y es gay, del rainbow coalition

Anonymous said...

Why did Escobedo put the Martin's raise twice already?

Joaquin said...

To think THIS is what they're CUTTING is sickening. The Department of Education is a horrible beauracracy. To think all this money goes to them and they can't do their basic job of teaching math, science, and english. We need to do away with all this garbage once and for all. If parents want their kids educated, they can pay for it themselves. What a waste of money of time these useless people are.
