Just when you think Ernie Hernandez, his family, and his political allies have taken a respite from salivating after the public treasury, there is that annoying gnawing sound that lets you know the meeses are at it again.
Those of us who know and love Ernie remember his past peccadilloes stretching back to his years as a city commissioner: More than one tow truck in the city rotation like anyone else, his working the vending machines in the city – and now the county – and his alleged efforts to get his kin on the public payroll.
In each case, the public could see the machinations of Ernie, his daughter Erin, now a justice of the peace, and even his wife Norma.
The newest twist involves Erin and Constable Abel Gomez, who ran in tandem in last year's Democratic primary and subsequent runoff, and several other countywide public office holders.
For as long as anyone sitting on the commissioners court can remember,Flood, Public Official Bonds and Law Enforcement life insurance has been awarded – after Requests For Proposals were issued, evaluated and awarded – to Johnny Cavazos Insurance. Following Cavazos death last October, his widow notified the county on Oct. 12, that she was closing the office and that she would no longer be servicing the policies after Oct. 31. The RFP which gave Cavazos the contract for insurance would have expired August 22, 2013. She told the court that the policies had been issued by Western Casualty Insirance and they could go there for inquiries.
On Nov. 5, Cavazos' longtime associate Sandra Tamez offered to continue providing the service.
Mrs. Cavazos notice and Tamez's offer forced the county to issue RFPs for the service which were sent out, received, and evaluated with the recommendation that the polices be awarded to Tamez's Legacy Insurance during the court's Dec. 6, 2012 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, including Ernie himself voting to approve the contract. The county pays for the bonds of all its elected officials.
But that window of opportunity – between Oct. 31 and Dec. 6 when Legacy's RFP was approved – was not to be wasted. Hear the gnawing?
Newly-voted Justice of the Peace 2-2 Erin Hernandez Garcia (Ernie and Norma's daughter) took office to fulfill the unexpired term of Tony Torres on November 30. Instead of turning toward Tamez's Legacy Insurance, she turned to another vendor. Shazzam! Shazzam! Shazzam! Wouldn't you know it? That vendor turned out to be none other than her brother, owner of CNA Surety, with its agent of record Ernie J. Hernandez, doing business out of 1425 FM 802, Ste. R, in Brownsville. In case you missed the connection, that's the commissioner's son and the justice of the peace's brother. What conflict of interest, say you?
Curiously, 11 out of the 16 elected officials ranging from DA Luis Saenz to precinct constables went with Legacy when they signed their bonds.
As George Washington Plunkitt, a old-time political boss in the Tweed Ring in New York wrote in “I Seen My Opportunities and I Took ’Em: An Old-Time Pol Preaches Honest Graft," instead of doing business with the trusted aide of the county's longtime vendor, Erin reached out to do right by her family. It wasn't much, really, just a $50 premium for a bond amount of no more than $5,000 in coverage for her office.
But when Gomez took office at the beginning of the year, instead of going to Legacy, to whom the court (and his friend Ernie) had awarded the contract through the RFP process, he also went to CNA Surety – Ernie J. Hernandez again – when he signed his bond. A constable's bond covers a much lesser figure – not less than $500 and not more than $1,500 – and the county paid Hernandez's CNA an additional $177.50.
We're not sure if the constable was aware that the county was under contract with Legacy Insurance since the Dec. 6 contract award, but it caused an auditor to request a purchase order from Abel's secretary and the amount was paid without a P.O. The bond was signed by Ernie J. Hernandez almost a week after Legacy was named as the county's public officials bond insurance.
Former Cameron County Judge Tony Garza once said that the appearance of corruption is much worse than corruption itself because it made the public suspicious of its public officials. Perhaps this is the case here. Nonetheless, Ernie and his folk have been very successful at generating this kind of wary scrutiny up to now. Whichever way one looks at it, when a blood relative and political ally of a vendor ignore the wishes of the court, what good, really, is the whole purchasing process?
Since politiqueras allied with the Hernandez machine are already under the scrutiny of the Texas Attorney General, the commissioner's involvement in the apparently illegal hiring of his brother-in-law through the Civil Service process, we thought that they would at least try to stay out of the public's eye and eliminate any suspicion that they were attempting to get their hands in the public treasury. Curses, foiled again.
Texas Government Code makes it a conflict of interest crime for any family owned business (related by blood or marriage) of an elected official to benefit from any public contracts while that person is in office. The problem in this county is that we have never had an honest DA to prosecute the blatant conflict of interest crimes that happen in every sector of local government. It's easy pickings for the crooks, once they steal their elections.
Come on Juan, It is not illegal to do that.....lets move on.
Its a conflict of interest, any elected official with scruples would avoid something like that, but not this family, wait till elections come around again I won't forget.
And, amazingly, county officials ignore this "conflict of interest" and ignore the changing of names to fit the political situation. We don't just accept corruption, we demand it in Cameron County. Hopefully, Carlos Cascos is resigned to running for re-election here....he doesn't have the balls to manage a state office.
Typical democRATAS LMAO
You are real good of beating a guy for pennies Juan. Why don't you go after the guys that have taken millions? Coward
Funny you should mention Antonio,"El Tony",Graza. Here is a perfect role model for Valley youth. Get the shit out of town and marry somebody like Sra. Cerveceria Modelo, and become an instant gazillionaire.
Cinco De Mayo is right around the corner and my wife, Norma, wants some more fat Mexican cock. She's yours if you have at least 8 inches and if you allow me to film you fucking her. LOL!!!
shame nothing but filth in that cameron county whorehouse oops i mean courthhouse safis
reply april 27 12.01... la duena de la cerveceria ya se divorcio de tony y la razon fue ....POR PUTO
Juan i read in the austin newspaper that a new law is being put together to eliminate eraly vote (politiquero/as) from mailing in or handling more than 10 mail in vote envelopes during an election, part of the compromise of not allowing a photo id for voting by the republican party. if thats correct then hopefully it will put a stop to the politiquera scams we have in cameorn county or not? Juan can you look into this further thanks, sk
Ha, ha, ha! The pigs took a picture and tried to hide their faces so no one could recognize them? How funny! Get ready for the slaughter you pigs! Its coming!
Man I hope and pray that the DA Luis Saenz looks into this and PROSECUTES this abuse of power and complete disregard of county procedures just to enrich themselves.
2.17 pm please dont count on luis saenz to do anything, hell he is part of this corrupt group that has been in power of the cameron county democRATAS for the last 30 years, por favor. con joe rivera, aurora de la gatza tia de luis, tony yzaguirre, ben uresti, etc, etc etc,. major quentame una de los cowboys.
DA Luis Saenz? Give me a break! A bigger conflict of interest couldn't exist than the one that exists between Saenz and el bizco de Zeke Silva. Zeke helped Saenz so he could expunge his criminal history and find him a job. Puros chuecos.
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