Wednesday, April 17, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Take a look at the photo above.
At first sight, what one thinks is that someone doesn't like politicians and has engaged in vandalism to discredit them.
A closer look, however, indicates that it is one of the three candidates for public office who has been targeted.
Looking even closer, it would appear that whoever doesn't like Letty Perez-Garzoria, candidate for City of Brownsville District 4 candidate is probably for her opponent, pictured on the undefaced sign next to hers, incumbent John Villarreal. If you look at the vandalism closer, you can tell that the gray smudge has been made to look like a phallus symbol with the tip ending near Perez-Garzoria's mouth.
The last time we got signs damaged to such an extent was during the primary and runoff races involving Erin Hernandez Garcia and Yolanda Begum for Justice of the Peace. If you'll remember, someone took boxcutters to the Begum signs or simply removed them and stole them.
This site – near the corner of Seventh Street and the U.S. 77-83 Expressway – would probably be too difficult to remove the large 4x8 sign. To get to it, the vandals probably snaked in with their gray spray paint from behind the fence adjacent to the pedestrian hike trail behind the building and then sneaked back out.
We are not saying that Villarreal is guilty of perpetrating these acts, but he is, after all, being supported by the Hernandez political vote-harvesting machine as he was in his first election. In fact, his sister is marrying one of Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez's sons.
Hopefully, the stunt will backfire and it will come back to haunt whoever did it.


Anonymous said...

Joey Garza does this shit!

Anonymous said...

Of course its never Norma/Erin/Ernie Hernandez or good too shoes John Villareal. Noooooooo Never them a holes. Pictures say a thousand words. To me that says Letty Garzora has them by the balls and has a lot of momentum. It is time we have a voice john just sits and plays games on his cell phone looking at his shadow and touching his small d...k.

Anonymous said...

Are these the works of Hernandez, el de Joey (Jose)Garza, and the other politiqueros?

They steal, or damage signs it their signature mark.

You be the judge?

Anonymous said...

Word is the Hernandez camp will pay thugs $5 for every damaged opponents signs. Trailer park trash.

Anonymous said...

Letty Gazoria has no momentum. Thats wishful thinking from and delusional supporter. The BUC and the teachers never vote. And to even try to claim that John Villarreal had anything to do with it is baseless. The Hernandez's, however, can never be counted out as likely culprits.

Anonymous said...

4:02pm is definitively and Hernandez,yes they will bash themselves in order to deviate and Missed.

Anonymous said...

It's ALWAYS the same story:

Someone is damaging my signs--blah-blah-blah.

Just go out there and fix the darn signs for crying out loud!!!!!!!!!

Stop dogging each other and talking smack!

Probably their own supporters---just to add drama to their boring lives.

ALL the candidates are good people just trying to better our community. Not for a second do I believe any of them would resort to such trashy antics.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Hey john,que paso con tu amiguito tu defensor,el charrito monta perros de la rika longoria. Ya se dio cuenta que calladito se ve mas bonito. Ya te quedaste solo john por andar haciendole caso a los hernandez. Quien iva a pensar que el monaguillo,nino inocente iva a salir mas diablo que la exorcista. pinche titere encartado de pinochio. ya te cargo la verga por pendejo.

Anonymous said...

no van a poder hacer chingaderas y las viejas politiqueras no le van a entrar al carusel de llevar a los viejitos a votar.' YA BASTA DE TANTA CORRUPCION FEDERALES ES TIEMPO DE ACTUAR'

Joaquin said...

They don't get paid in cash. They get paid in BBQ chicken and stale beans.

Anonymous said...

Erin Hernandez has been seem at Sarkis fundraisers. What say you about that. Is Sarkis corrupt like they are or what? Is sarkis going to complete the puppet master's collection? Not very promising.....
