Wednesday, April 10, 2013


By Juan Montoya
By now it's no secret that Hizzonner Tony Martinez has a huge stake in whoever gets elected to the District 3 and at-large position of the city commission.
He has made no secret that if he had his druthers he's have Rose Gowen elected to the at-large position, Deborah Portillo to the District 3 and – once assured a friendly majority – would flip a coin on the District 4 race between John Villarreal and Letty Perez-Garzoria.
The latest clues to emerge on the mayor's disposition toward the upcoming race come from a variety of sources. To anyone who has driven around town and noticed the campaign signs being put up for Portillo and Gowen, not only do they have similar color shades, but people have actually seen the same sign-erecting teams putting them up at the same time.
 hat makes perfect sense to those who have seen the evolution of the two women's professional careers. Gowen is a practicing physician at Su Clinica Familiar which is managed by Dr. Elena Marin, wife of Machiavellian Carlos Marin, who translated a city plan into a $1 million payoff through his contacts with former Brownsville Mayor Eddie TreviƱo.
She, also, is a board member of United Brownsville, this city's shadow government fashioned by Marin and Co.
As the mover and shaker behind United Brownsville – the metamorphosis of Imagine Brownsville, the initial boondoggle – Marin
has ridden roughshod over representative government and has manipulated the plan to get at least eight public-funded entities to fund the shadow government. None other than IBC President Fred Rusteberg and UTB-TSC President Juliet Garcia have teamed up with United Brownsville to virtually control the people's representation on the city commission.
Portillo, until she left it to go into her own jewelry business at Sunrise Mall, used to be the executive secretary for United Brownsville for the better part of two years and enjoyed the largess of the poor citizens of Brownsville without any accountability to anyone bu the United Brownsville bunch. Martinez, by the way, unlike former Mayor Pat Ahumada which United Brownsville honchos didn't like, is a member of the shadow government's board of directors.
Now, as Martinez seeks to consolidate his grip on the reins of the city government during this May elections, it is obvious that he would rather have Debby there than he would any of her three opponents Martin Sarkis, Rosalio Rosales or David Belleperche.
But what new surprises does Martinez have in store for the electorate which he has already indebted in the millions with him and the sitting commission issuing Certificates of Obligation as if there were no tomorrow? The deal between Tenaska, the PUB and the City of Brownsville is perhaps one indication of where Tony wants to take the city.
In that deal, Martinez and the PUB board (he sits as an ex oficio member and votes to elect its members) have basically put the utility into hock in a harebrained scheme to get the utility into the cutthroat power generating business.
No sooner had they accomplished that than the Fitch Ratings service changed the outlook on $445 million in PUB bonds from "stable" to "negative." Goodbye investors. Now if Tenaska decides that the deal is not worth getting into and it pulls out, the PUB and the city is left holding the bag.
Well, now, the thinking goes. If that happens, then perhaps the people of Brownsville might be more partial to consider privatizing the utility and run it like a business. Yeah! That's the ticket.
From what we hear, that's why Martinez needs Portillo on board to solidify his control on the commission so he can at least fly float the privatization balloon. With a firm grip on the commission, he can kill two birds with one stone. He can privatize the PUB and then move for a majority to promote Su Clinica Familiar, director of Su Clinica Familiar's Operations and Development department to either the PUB helm or to oust City Manager Charlie Cabler.
"That's why Martinez wants a solid majority here," said a city political observer. "With Garcia's mother one of the legs on the United Brownsville stool and Gowen working under Marin, the result of the incest would be complete control at the expense of the residents of Brownsville. Anyone but Portillo and Gowen. Even Uresti is a better choice than Gowen"


Anonymous said...

True public servants pictured above. We all should be proud.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Autocracy rules! The actions of political consolidation you describe seems very much like the autocratic rule of Julieta Garcia (a close friend of Tony Martinez) as she manipulated her friends into the TSC Board positions to protect her dictatorship there. It was when the public regained control of TSC (after Juliet tried to use its assets without having a community college education plan) that the "partnership" fell apart and we now have the revival of TSC coming. So, United Brownsville is, like the old TSC Board, full of Juliet and Tony's budz and therefore an autocracy. Tony, like Juliet wants to do it his way and protects himself from public criticism. Obviously, like Juliet, Tony doesn't think public participation in government is he seeks to cut the public comment out of public policy here. And, he seems intent too to change PUB from a "public" utility to a "Private" utility behind he and his United Brownsville friends. Or will Tenasko become the next "Titan Tire" investment. Tony plays with tax dollars as if it were "Monopoly" money. So far, Tony has proven an ineffective leader, so he seeks to stack the deck. Banning hot dogs and hamburgers at sporting events and starting a public market is not the way to prosper in the RGV.

Anonymous said...

We need to have Pat Ahumada back as Mayor. Ahumada was transparent and hid nothing from the people unlike Mayor Martinez. Pat Aumada stood for the people, all people, unlike Mayor Martinez that stands for a select few, that make up a small percentage of the populous, the elite that Brownsville has to offer. This group does not have the best INTREST of the people in mind, but look to linr their pockets, and that is a shame...but don't blame me, I voted for Pat Ahumada. Pat Ahumada not only cared for his city, his people, but also the canines that are man's best FREINDS. My friends, I urge you to think Wisely and to do research on the person that you will vote for in the next city elections. Do we hold the course of candidates that will back Tony Martinez's agenda in catering to the elite with Mrs. Gowen and Mrs, Portillo or do we choose some one else? Do we stand in the same place of complacency or do demand more of our future leaders? I choose the ladder,....send Tony Martinez a message. Lets tell him that we deserve better. Vote against his candidates.

Pat Ahumada

Anonymous said...

reply 11.21am.,. no estoy de acuerdo con ciertas acciones que ha tomado el alcalde tony martinez, pero traer a pat ahumada para que vuelva hacer alcalde NI MADRE... borracho ahora tiene un negocio que esta chingando a la jente con maquinitas por favor no sugieras a este guey para alcalde porque se la cree y se vuelve a lanzar. ahora sobre las y los candidatos ,con este pedo que se esta haciendo de las politiqueras no se va ha poder hacer chingaderas creo que si la jente sale a votar los candidatos que apoya martinez van a perder,porque va haber vijilancia y las politiqueras no van hacer caso a nadie ni al rata de hernandez,se espera que villareal pierda gacho.

Anonymous said...

"That's why Martinez wants a solid majority here," said a city political observer. "With Garcia's mother one of the legs on the United Brownsville stool and Gowen working under Marin, the result of the incest would be complete control at the expense of the residents of Brownsville. Anyone but Portillo and Gowen. Even Uresti is a better choice than Gowen"

Tad Hasse is not a political observer, he's a flake.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat,

Still referring to yourself in the third person, eh. Always knew you were a nut.

Anonymous said...

Pat Humada? Well, he had his issues, but damn, he certainly was more personable and people oriented than our current mayor. Pat is much easier on the eyes and he had a way about him, I don't know, I think it is called sex appeal of which TM has none. Vote against TM's candidates, please.

batman said...

I LIke Pat Ahamada, is he going to run for county judge on republican ticket? just wondering, viva pat 2014

Anonymous said...

Say what you want about Pat Ahumada but he got things done. The weir would have gotten done, but it was Pat Ahumada so people fought against it. Pat Ahumada brought issues to the table while others offered nothing, and when I say issues I do not mean Zumba world records. People will hate Pat Ahumada, but look what you have now, a mayor that is raping the city with his friend Carlos Marin. There is a special place in hell for these people. All the money in the world will not wash away all the ill that they are doing to the people of this city. You voted for them, deserve them.

Pat Ahumada

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Que chingue su madre Pat Ahumada tambien!!

Move forward, not backwards, pendejos!!

Anonymous said...

REPLY 3.38PM, TIENES RAZON Y COMO DIJISTE,move forward,not backwards PENDEJOS.poy para terminar no mas ratas.
