Monday, April 8, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Not only will the non-profit Cameron Willacy County Inc.  not continue to receive federal funds upfront, but is also said to have accrued some $600,000 in disallowed costs following a state audit also that found discrepancies regarding project contract documentation.
The organization administers a $13.4 million budget made up of state and federal grants. The Texas Department of Housing Communities disbursed the funds to the CWCP which are then distributed to  help people upgrade homes to make them more energy efficient and weather resistant.
During the hot summer months when utility bills go through the roof, it also assists needy people to pay them..
It used to be that the state disbursed the funds up front, but now, according to the TDCH, the funds will  not be released until the organization provides documentation for projects. and convinces the state that it is spending  three funds properly.  
As is usually the case with many antipoverty programs, it operates around the personality of hits executive director Amalia C. Garza. The same applies to the director of the Head Start programs with Manuela Rendon. That's her sitting in the chair during the recount of the voting in the Cameron County Judge's election between John Wood and Carlos Cascos.
Some critics say the nonprofit and its staff engage in partisan politics which they say is against the laws governing nonprofits. So far, no one has formally filed a complaint with the appropriate authorities regarding this practice.
In the organizations' last budget, indicates that between 2007 to 2011, it has managed a total of  36 ,389,542, It is unclear whether the questionable expenses were incurred over the last budget year or before. The CWCP reported it paid $1,922,084 in salaries alone.
Four construction companies garnered the bulk of the contracts with the nonprofit. They were Benito Juarez, of San Benito, who was compensated with $1,627,707, Carlos Hernandez, of Brownsville, who was paid $931,056, Jorge de la Cerda, of Pharr, who was paid $394,276, International Quality Manufacturing,of Brownsville, paid $239,320, and the Rincones Group, of Sebastian, paid $120,125. The TDCH audit did not indicate whether any of the funds in question were related to the work provided by the construction companies.
The status change took some county officials by surprise, including Cameron County Commissioner Sofia Benavides, also a CWCP board member. who said that Garza had told board members that the organization had been audited, but that everything had been cleared by the state.She said that the state is working with the organization to return to the precious arrangement.
Some of the nonprofit's 200-odd employees have complained in private that putting up with Rendon's autocratic management style is a requirement for employment at the CWCP, and that she requires them to make personal contributions from their paychecks to further her pet projects, even as far as requiring them to give her birthday presents.
"No one wabts to say anything because they fear for their jobs,"  said in worker in a email. "You don't want to get on her bad side. I heard that during the election she made some workers protest with her even though some were less than willing. She just about requires them to back her candidates, as she did in the Cascos-Wood race."    


Anonymous said...

The person sitting on the chair is notr Amalia Garza it is Manuela Rendon, the director of Head Start programs.

Anonymous said...

"So far, no one has formally filed a complaint with the appropriate authorities regarding this practice."

Easy, just check with former employees, who "resigned" from their positions. I guarantee you will be surprised. Head Start uses their federal funds as it was their own personal piggy bank.

Anonymous said...

4pm. Pinche vieja culera, who died and made her queen?

A cada Capilla se le llega su fiestecita, a Garza, Rendon, Benavides y todas las ratas will end up in jail for mis-managing federal funds.

cantiflas said...

cameron county , puro GED directors thats what the elected officials want and thats what we all get so that wayther eis only things done that the politicos want nothing more or less. So thanks to the elcted kings and prima donnas we get suspended from funding thanks elected officials for your help, and at the end of the day those less fornuate are well screwed? right monkey

Anonymous said...

La Manuela is the jerk off hand of Gilberto Hinojosa! She gets her orders from him and enforces them on their peons!!

Pobrecito el que no sigue la orden!!

Anonymous said...

Finally CWCCP is getting what they deserve. La bruja de Amalia Garza always thought she could do whatever she wanted. They elect old people to their board that dont even know how to read or write. Wasnt our disgraced Sheriff Conrado Cantu on this board? Several times I went to their offices in Southmost, Cameron Park and the office on Jackson Street to ask for utility assistance. Every time I went I was told that there was no funds. But at one time who did I see there getting electric help. Non other than our politiquera Lochita Hinojosa. The rumor was that if you gave gifts to the workers of CWCCP that they would pay your electric bills. How is it that they never had money to help people, but these politiqueras got their bills paid. They state should request an audit on the accounts on the people that the CWCCP workers helped and you will see how many times those people were helped. That will also show you the workers that get bribed for assistance

Anonymous said...

Wast this the same agency that was over seen by Jesse Mitchell from State Office in Austin. It was always rumored that the assistant director Xochitl Rodriguezs children were Jesse Mitchells children as well. Isnt that nepotism or illegal. Maybe Mr Mitchell no longer over sees this agency and the skeletons are now being exposed.

chief cool arrow said...

puro mudero esta gente con su GED's running million dollar budgets, but i dont blame them i blame the elcted county officials who allow this to happen, and if money has been lost or stolen it has been over the many years these two GED directors have been at the helm of these two organization, period, bola de democRATAS once agin, here comes the Governor to clean this mess up again, forrest gump

Joaquin said...

And instead of cutting these programs, the federal government wants to expand them. No program in the valley is run with any sort of integrity.

Anonymous said...

Is not Manuela??? I know a manuela muy bien!!! I better go back to my traila...
Patric Alcatras

Anonymous said...

Is Manuela Rendon the woman that looks bow legged. I think, she graduated from Harlingen High. If it is the same one. Lives in a huge home. I think...

Anonymous said...

While Ninos Head Start and Community Projects of Cameron and Willacy County are two separate agencies both of them are tied to the demo-rat political machine.
Amala's board has County Commisioner Sofia and Judge Migdalia Lopez on her board. And when asked on about what was going on, Sofia had no ideal!! Clueless in the County of Cameroon!
Manuela makes a 6 figure income and is the County Politiquera Queen, since forever! Head Start agencies that do any politicking is in violation of the Hatch Act.
Almost everyone in the County can tell you a story of these 2 agencies and their dirty dealings!!
What I am wondering now is WHY are the County Judge and Commmisioners SILENT on this??

el monkey shines said...

Yes i agree with 1.38 pm post, where is the judge and county commissioners standing on this issue or is it like the one of the high salaries de pistol pete sepulveda and david garcia? no one will say anything, like they say SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

TheTruth said...

According their tax return, in 2011, Cameron / Willacy Community Projects had REVENUES of $10,782,927, (all Federal monies).
According their tax return, in 2011, Ninos Head Start had revenues of $23,140,966.
Over $30,00,000 in monies coming into Cameron County and none of the politicos are concerned??
I find that hard to believe!

Anonymous said...

It makes me laugh to see and hear la pendeja de sofia benavides to say that she didnt know what was going on. What is her purpose then on the board? To rubber stamp everything Amalia was doing? What can we say about Sofia? First her son and husband get bribed by Rosenthal. Now this and say she didnt know what was going on. Come on Sofia. Mirale la cara de pendejo al alguin mas. This lady n la bruja lesbiana de Amalia Garza make me sick..

Anonymous said...

The only reason la vieja pendeja de Sfia is in office is because of the lastimosa attitude of the ignorant!! Pobrecita, se le murio el esposo! A que poner a la esposa alli!

Politicians thrive on the "pobrecito" syndrome of the mejicanos on welfare and food stamps. That's 80% of Brownsville!

Enough already!!!

Anonymous said...


Just go to BISD and you will find people with GEDs now in charge of big departments who have access to very private information about employees.....I don't know if this is good or bad but I do wonder.

Not saying that all people with GEDs are criminals.....but.....

Just a thought.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

The burros that are board members with these two agencies need to be prosecuted for allowing all of this stuff to happen for years!

Monkey shines said...

ok k ok in the end alast NO ONE IS RESPONSIBLE, thats right no one, everyone runs like the cockroaches. well i get paid to do a job, but not to be responsible. ah yea right? no accountablity her efolks, and i am sure the county commission will just sweep it under the rug like everyhting else. Sorry folks but its a losing battle all the way uphill. monkey

don pedro said...

dale dale dale mi burrito? only in cameron county texas USA, viva la politica de los democRATAS.

Anonymous said...

The "political" use of all these federal funds is dictated by Gilberto Hinojosa through La Manuela!!

She hides in the shadows like the thief that she is!

Expose this bitch, Juan!
