Wednesday, April 10, 2013


By Juan Montoya
The latest scuttlebutt from the Cameron County Nuthouse is that a former office assistant to Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez has been debriefed by Cameron County District Attorney investigators charged with unearthing the truth behind the hiring of Robert Cadriel, Ernie's brother-in-law.
This follows previous reports some personnel currently working for Hernandez had been interviewed as well.
Sources tell us that the woman, who was working for Cameron County but has since left, was present when the Cadriel mess was taking place. Her acquaintances say that she left when she refused to do the bidding of  Erin Hernandez Garcia while the then-candidate for Justice of the Peace 2-2 handed out Thanksgiving turnkey meals to Cameron County residents and toys donated to the county by local businesses and residents to their kids in Christmas.
"It got to the point where she didn't want to do any of those things and she left the county," said a close friend. "I spoke to someone close to her after she left the county investigators and she gave him the impression that they had Ernie by the short ones."
Many local political watches know that the recent indictment of politiquera Margarita Rangel Ozuna is really directed at Hernandez because of his abuse of the mail-in voting bloc controlled by Ozuna and a handful of politiqueras under his pay. They say that these are two separate parallel investigations that are converging in the person of Hernandez.
The Cadriel case stirred suspicions that the civil service process had been subverted to allow Cadriel to get a job as a noncommissioned security guard at Veterans Memorial Bridge even after he had twice flunked the civil service exam miserably. Tallying scores in the middle 30s, Cadriel then supposedly took it again and the third time it was a charm with a score in the upper 90s. Nobody swallowed that piece of work and the heat got to be too much for Cardriel who resigned after one day on the job. Then interim Human Resources administrator Robert Lopez followed up and left the county.
Incoming District Attorney Luis Saenz has vowed to get to the bottom of the case and as we reported some time back, that process has begun.
Now, with the news that Ernies's current and office staff is being interviewed by the DA's gumshoes, the noose seems to be tightening on Ernie's patronage empire.


Anonymous said...

Raul salazar is well versed in bypassing civil service rules and regulations. Taking money from hospitals , jewelry, xboxes and having pedophiles under his direct command. Dime con quien te juntas! Toxic is as toxic does.

Anonymous said...

Orale Ernie, the butcher is coming! That better be a very strong rope to noose that fucking pig! You better have an engine lifter to get that fat fucking pig off the ground!

Fred Rendon Jr said...

I told you guys Ernie is a bad bad boy he is a nickel and dimers guy. He is void any manhood what so ever. He will make some one a fine wife in jai. On the other hand Noman I mean Norma will be the cock of the female cells.
I told everyone I know that County is too much for Ernie he is a nickel and dimer. He deserves everything every hour in jail. If he knows any dirty deeds about some of the other crooks he surrounds himself with he will tell so fast it will make your head spin. So long Ernie I guess your political career is over. Snitch out every one you can, you know the biggest guys you know like Huh well oh wait you don't know any one except the politiqerers and they already turned on you so well, you are screwed.

Anonymous said...

Ernie hired Raul Salazar knowing full well he stole Christmas money from the impoverished children of Brownsville. If you are going to be a RAT, it is best to hire those most experienced in the field of RATHOOD. Hopefully Luis Saenz will make the charges stick in order to purge this town of the trash. We all can make a difference at the polls !!! Starting with voting for Letty Perez Garzoria for District City Commission. It is well known that the incumbent John Villarreal is very close to the Hernandez RATS !!! WEST Side deserves better.

Anonymous said...

Ernie Mr. Potato head had two wreckers while silly commissioner for bville. Circumvent and profit. Reward cronies. Hire relatives. Pay politiqueras. Employ disgraced ex fire marshal. You could even mention murray is in his pocket.

TheTruther said...

With the politiquera connections popping up all over the place, even within local agencies receiving millions in Federal funds, hopefully the DA, the new Elections Administrator and others can finally rid the system of some of the stench of South Texas politics!

Anonymous said...

Rago saladbar replaced one fire inspector pedophile (5 yr sentence) with another fire inspector pedophile (25 yr sentence). Murray let rago off easy. Even the costilla frankly is in cahoots.

Anonymous said...

Don't put too much faith in the new elections administrator. He has been tainted!

Anonymous said...

for a moment there i thought i was seeing a picture of Brownsville Mayor emilio hernandez and its only ernie what a resemblance.

Anonymous said...

If this is with the DA investigators, we can only ask "Will Luis Saenz do what is right for the public, or will he see this investigation as a way to gain political leverage against Ernie and the Dumbokratic Party". Or, will he do what is right for the taxpayers and voters, or will he just continue the same old corruption and favortism of his Party.

Anonymous said...

>>Don't put too much faith in the new elections administrator. He has been tainted!<<

Yeah. He's gone from being dirty to filthy.

Anonymous said...

Luis Saenz le esta tapsmdo el ojo al macho, va a Poner un juez amigo de Ernie y un abogado debil para llevar el caso aver si no Salem que no hay evidencia o con una tecnicalidad I don't trust him or Cris Davies

Anonymous said...

john villarreal is ernie hernandez puppet and he is part of the politiquera system. He is corrupted and supported by politiqueras margarita ozuna,herminia becerra,joey garza,amadeo rodriguez,sylvia garza perez,the hernandez and brownsville cheesme.

Anonymous said...

Chris is too chicken shit to change things from the inside out. He's all fluff! He does not have the balls to gut the trampas placed in the center of the vote harvesting in the form of the so called election judges! Elections are just money making time for these ignorant idiots and their extended families! They get paid a pretty penny to steal votes!!!

Prove me wrong Chris!! Cleanse from the inside out! Get rid of the entrenched riff raff of estupidos deciding the intent of my vote!

batman said...

y robar y robar, robar y robar y yo sigo asendo el rey del robo. this mode of op has beenin place since ernie was a city commissioner, with 2 wreckers, vending machines etc etc etc, the King of Stealing/ cheating/robbing/deceiting/conivingyou name it and ernie and norma are all in. just check it out.

Former county employee said...

A la chingada! Oye Montoya, Mandito is getting hanged by his childhood friend Oscar De La Fuente. Mandito, are you going to squeal to save your ass? Are you friendly enough to keep your mouth shut on your buddy, ERnie "Pig" Hernandez? Or do you think that those cards are going to help you after you get convicted? ARe you going to squeal on your former law partner to save your ass?
Hey Montoya, there was a lot of shredding going on in Mandito's office before leaving? People like Joe Lopez, Michelle Garcia, Marleen Martinez and Monica Gonzalez probably know something about it since they were very dedicated to Mandito!

Porky Pig said...

caca brigade thats it and thats all folks, PP

Anonymous said...

Ernie and Norma rule so does Erin now all you haters se witton por que no saven aserla como mi primo ernie so eat your heart out you pajaro nalgones (def)birds that are more feather then flesh adios amigos this is el primo signing off KEEPACHOGGLINGON ERNIE bye
