Wednesday, April 3, 2013


By Juan Montoya
They used to be part of the majority on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District.
At one time, Enrique Escobedo, Catalina Presas-Garcia, Lucy Longoria and Dr. Christina Saavedra were seeing eye to eye on most matters.
After being part of the minority that were regularly run over by the majority of past and current board members Ruben Cortez, Rick Zayas, Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga (sometimes joined by Minerva Peña), they weathered the storm and in the 2010 round of elections established themselves as the ruling junta.
Then cam the parting of the ways,
Some say it was a feeling of mutual hurt sensitivities that made them part their ways. Others say it was simple personality differences. Nonetheless, today, Escobedo is the board president and is joined by Otis Powers, Hector Chirinos, and Minerva Peña to attain the magic number 4 that rule the roost.
They voted on Escobedo's motion to censure Presas-Garcia, a mainly meaningless move that accomplished nothing except increase the bad blood between them and divert the board from the district's business of educating children.
The sordid past of the former majority under Aguilar has now been forgotten, only to be replaced by a discordant majority that is – according to supporters of the new majority of Presas-Garcia, Longoria and Saavedra – tyrannical in its running of the board meetings and pressing forward its agenda of 4.
Nowhere to be seen is Power's election campaign rhetoric of a Team of Eight that included the seven board members and superintendent Carl Montoya.
In the latest meeting, Escobedo and his majority of 4 pressed forth a censure motion on Presas-Garcia and succeeded's hard to say what that motion accomplished.
For her part, Garcia's item on the agenda to have the administration verify the board members' credentials and educational qualifications never made it past the administration or the board president Escobedo.
The board's legal counsel has changed. It's insurance provider has changed as well and the Old Guard that used to control the lucrative contracts to the $500 million business of the BISD is also going through a transformation.
Escobedo bristles at the suggestion that he is engaging in any quid-pro-quo with the port board of commissioners. And Presas-Garcia goes ballistic over the majority giving Escobedo a free hand in appointing trustees to the chair of the district's committees. She, who is especially proud of her handling of the budget committee, was unceremoniously replaced by trustee Chirinos who – to be charitable – proved during his stint at the Transportation Department to be budget challenged.
Powers is back on board and still wants to go his vendor-sponsored moose hunt. Peña is still trying to relive her pom-pom girl days, and Chirinos misses his entourage at Porter and Transportation.
Hopefully, this spat between otherwise serious people will blow over and cooler heads will prevail on the business of educating our students who need it so much.



Anonymous said...

Vato against vato!

Anonymous said...

It was pitiful to see bus drivers waving and smiling at memin pinguin. Never mind children and traffic. Honk as if your pay depends on it. Stop busing.41

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe Cata is still upset! Get over it mijita. You neeed to be censored Cata, you are making the board be the laughing stock of everyone's jokes. You are a disgrace to the kids of Brownsville. I will pray for you mijita, please find peace with God, get all that hate you have inside for others and go to church. It is not to late for you Cata.

Anonymous said...

Who’s up set? Surly you must be confusing Catalina concerns with the direction that the new majority board of three amigos plus one follower, will be using BISD money as a form of commission to enrich their pocket books, just look at pasted performance of the new majority. They don’t care whose money they spend since they are there for them self’s only not the students who deserves one cohesive board working for the betterment of the district and the students. Wake up Brownsville and get rid of Otis, Hector, Minerva, and Escobedo.

Anonymous said...

The 4:25 "Anonymous" must be a BISD grad, based on the bad spelling, grammar and word usage. Unfortunately, we, the citizens elected these "critters" to the BISD board and we must live with them. But, since the citizens don't want to "waste" their time but need "day care" for their kids, then the "rascals" on the board can do what they want without public oversight.

Anonymous said...

Commenter at 4:25 has to be Cata or Luci - way way too obvious!

Joaquin said...

This board is a joke. If you guys haven't seen the video, I urge you to do so.

Joaquin said...

Oh and I forgot to mention, you have to love Chirinos. I'm starting to like the fact he won. Not only is he in charge of making sure people don't work overtime but he asks if the censure will apply to all future meetings. Pendejo... LOL....

Anonymous said...

Lucy is the 4:25 commenter.....she can't spell for chit!

Anonymous said...

I am going to say this and I am sure that I will be criticized, but please let it sink in before answering in a quick manner. Brownsville has elected women to many of its elected positions. We have four at the city with two more on the ballot. W have four at the school district not to mention the different boards that women are on. I am not saying women are bad leaders, we have many capable women that can do the job, but it is not any that are in office now. If people from other cities look at our elected women, they must think that this town is full of dumb crazy women. The evidence speaks for itself.

Anonymous said...

Caty TIENE chile....EJELE!

Anonymous said...

Really proud of Luci and Caty. Minerva is pathetic-she is out for revenge. Escobedo is out to make himself some money, Chirinos -I didn't vote for you so you could agree with Escobedo, And Otis-come on guy grow some and look what is happening with this board. You are the only one that can bring this board together.

Anonymous said...

I'm 4:25 and only completed grade 7 but surly if I had your education I would fight for whats right since words are definitely mightier then the sword so put your education to good use and work to better BISD for the future of the students. Also I never stated that I was a scholar but I do know what is right and wrong. RECALL Otis, Hector, Minerva, and Escobedo.

Anonymous said...

5:03 & 5:53 both of you are dumbasses. For one Luci doesn't read this garbage posted by idiots like you, second you don't even know how to spell shit. Shitheads.#+;".

Anonymous said...

Boy what the hell is wrong with Minerva Pena?? She's so obvious she wants to be better than Caty. She such an annoying bragging ugly thing. How is Enrique now putting up with her, he couldn't stand her before November. What deals have they cut? Poor Minerva he's only using you. Thought you were smarter.

Anonymous said...

If qualifications matter to get elected, what are Catalina's?

Selling fucking underwear?

Anonymous said...

April 3, 2013 atApril 3, 2013 at 11:51 PM 11:45 PM

Caty we know this is you mijita, please stop making an ass of yourself, Brownsville has enough black eyes. You are a joke Caty, WOW, i can not believe you write such trash!

Anonymous said...

Minnie, we know it is you mijita writing stuff about Cata. At least Cata stands for the district employees and asks questions. You are so far up there that you don't care that some employees were going to get equity pay...and the others were not.

Anonymous said...

Yep. "mijita" ALWAYS gives minnie away! Sonsa!

Anonymous said...

1:59 LOL

Anonymous said...

"She's so obvious she wants to be better than Caty." Whoever posted the apove comment surely does not know "Caty". Because all of Brownsville knows that everyone in this City is better than "Caty". Now that should tell readers how "Bad" this "Caty" women is!

Anonymous said...

Caty TIENE chile....EJELE!


Anonymous said...

Uy cu cuy esa cata esta horrible! Que pelado se la hechara ese pelado ! Digo vieja! Ni despues de un 24 me la hecho yo! Parece un drag queen!
