The day after Oscar X. Garcia was sworn in as the new 357th District Court Judge, word got around town that witting judge Rolando Olvera Jr. – also a Perry appointee – had traveled to Houston to determine whether he was suffering from leukemia.
Garcia was appointed by Gov. Rick Perry to replace Leonel Alejandro who resigned his position just prior to him being mentioned during the Abel Limas-Armando Villalobos racketeering and bribery trials. Although he was never indicted, testimony from witnesses indicated that he was aware of the manipulation of cases and willingly accepted cases from Limas' court after the no-convicted jurist was defeated by Elia Cornejo-Lopez in 2010.

However, when he resigned three-quarters of the way through his term, Alejandro stated that it was for "personal" reasons.
That allowed the governor to fill the unfinished term with Garcia, just as he had appointed Olvera twice before to unfinished terms in two different courts before.
Olvera's acquiantances say the judge had been feeling poorly this past week and his father, Rolando Olvera Sr., a pharmacist, suspecting it might be aq form of leukemia, insisted that he consult with a specialist in Houston. Sources say that the Olveras traveled there this Saturday for a conultation.
Some likened Garcia's appointment with Olvera's, but other say that there is one important difference. Olvera ran as a Republican twice after being appointed to the courts while Garcia – whom we are told was asked specifically by Perry's vetting team if he would run as a Republican if appointed – had not even been sworn in before he announced he would be running as a Democrat.
In both cases, Olvera's bid for the couirts were foiled by Democratic candidates. During a Democratic Party meeting prior to the third election, Olvera publicly took the Democratic oath.

Except for County Judge Carlos Cascos, commissioner James Matz, former Ambassador to Mexico Tony Garza, and a stray constable here and there, the Republicans have not been very successful in inducing local voters to pull their lever.
We hope that Olvera's physical condition does not decline soon, but if his health makes it difficult for him to carry out the duties of his court, there could be a flurry of activity to find someone to replace him on the bench. Some of those that were in the running for Alejandro's court might get a second look such as Patricia Garza, whose mother Adela is a TSC trustee, among others. Garza was one of those interviewed by Perry's team.
Patricia is the right choice, we need more females in the judeship.
Patricia has no experience. And her mother doesn't have the power she thinks she has in Austin. must be fucking kidding.
te olvidaste del pueblo senor villalobos. nos robaste todo, la dignidad el respeto, abusaste de la confiansa de los que creimos en ti. ojala que el dinero sucio te de mucho mas de lo que nos robaste.
el pueblo
We made need more females, but we also need someone that can carry the Republican banner, Patricia's mother got trounced strongly by an gal from San Antonio or was it Austin, anyway, Patricia can't win an election.
Oscar Garcia will be a good judge whether he is a Republican or a democrat. I dont understand what difference it makes.
And why do we need more female judges? Just because they are female it makes them better judges? We should ask for better and honest Judges not just male or female.
Oscar is a self serving opportunist. It didn't take him but a couple of weeks to jump into bed with Gilberto Hinojosa. Lawyers only serve each other and they are always for sale. ANY ONE BUT OSCAR!
Patricia is not ready... has she ever tried a civil lawsuit? A capital murder? A dwi felony? A real estate dispute? A simple fender bender? A full blown custody battle? There are other female lawyers out there that have paid their dues and have fought in the trenches. Don't get me wrong, I like Paty a lot. She's got the right temperament and will make a great judge, someday. But right now,le falta. Esta wet behind the ears.
I know a lot of staff from this school and the principal keeps threatening them when they speak up against her. The principal there is a vindictive person and outspoken staff is currently being transferred out. Why would BISD allow this and not transfer out the principal who has been there only four years when some teachers have been there for way more. Parents I encourage you to go and speak up against this principal who has not given any monies to incoming teachers for their classrooms and more, but she drives a luxury SUV...hmmm Yolanda Kruger your a disgrace to the teaching profession and administration.
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