Thursday, May 2, 2013


By Juan Montoya
As the end of the first week of early voting approaches, the street people, vagrants, panhandlers and bag ladies of downtown Brownsville have endorsed At-Large-B incumbent Rose Gowen over challenger Robert Uresti for city commissioner.
The ragtag bunch has been waging an advocacy campaign below the radar underneath the sharp-eyed scrutiny of the U.S. Border Patrol. They say their choice was made after days of deliberations as they pushed their HEB-pilfered shopping carts through downtown alleys and took breaks in the shade under the expressway overpasses.
"It was Gowen hands drown with this crowd," said their leader, a grizzled shopping cart pusher who would not divulge his name fearing repercussions from city health inspectors who suspect him of tapping into downtown restaurant grease traps for the precious liquid which he sells on the sly to recyclers.
"Some people spend their days going through dumpsters looking for aluminum pop cans, but I shun that practice for health reasons," he said. "Besides, the workers at the aluminum recyclers always shave a few pennies off the world-market price to buy themselves a Natural Light at noon to drink with their lunch. I hope no one breaks into my racquet because of what I'm telling you.
"I've seen Mayor Martinez campaigning down here and he makes a persuasive argument. Once he gets done working a corner, not even a stray dog can glean a morsel from it. He convinced us on Rose."
Was it Gowen's support of the Framers Market, her healthy choices platform or her familial ties to the city (Zavaletta) that tipped the scale in her favor?, the street people rep was asked.
"Actually, it was the plastic bag ban," replied the Market Square denizen puffing on a cigarette butt he had picked up near the entrance of Peter Goodman's City Heritage office in Market Square.
"He smokes my brand."
According to the street guy, Gowen's stand on the plastic bag ban helped his group immensely because it provided them with sturdy recyclable bags instead of depending on the flimsy plastic grocery bags that stores  gave away in the past. When people throw away the recyclable bags, it provided his group with strong bags in which to carry aluminum, their clothes, scrap metal and edibles they picked up in dumpsters.
"I carry a bunch on my cart," he said pointing to his trusty four-wheel steel mule parked next to the door of a a local restaurant (El Jefe). "In one I keep what stray aluminum cans I find, in another my clean clothes, in the other my laundry, and in a double bag, the grease-trap collection. You can't even tell. Those are good bags."
He told the interviewer that even though he is attempting to give up smoking, he has qualms about the campaign to stop people from tossing cigarette butts.
"I might draw the line there if Rose gets too excited about that one," he discoursed stretching his legs out from the bench at the fountain park. "The smoking ban in bars destroyed my will to stop smoking. The butts are everywhere now. For that alone she's got my vote. Now, if only I had registered."


Anonymous said...

Lame, Juan. real lame. Grow up, vato!

Anonymous said...

to benefit charities without stating which ones is the reason a group is organizing the memorial day barbaque bash this year. Shouldn't you or your fellow bloggers be investigating who is putting this event and what are the charities that will be benefiting from this? Probably their own pockets. check it, bros.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Uresti is too crazy even for the street people. Makes sense, the only people who would support him are all two Tea Party members and Roman "Shimon" Perez. Perez has been confiding in his friends that Uresti and Tetreau have agreed to get him appointed to GBIC.

mgonzalez said...

No investigating needed. If you would just RESEARCH, you would find it.
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in our 1st Annual Bordertown BBQ Bash to be held Saturday, May 25, 2013, Memorial Day Weekend at 325 Mexico Blvd. from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The scheduled event will include an IBCA sanctioned BBQ cook-off, car show, live music, family entertainment and headlining concert by the Texas Tornadoes.
Border Town BBQ Bash was born with a vision of attracting tourism and providing family entertainment to our local city and surrounding communities. The event benefits charitable organizations including Monica’s House and Combat Marine Outdoors. The event will include special recognition to our Veterans, fallen heroes and all those who serve in protecting our country.

We invite you to consider your participation in our 1st Annual Cook-off, not only will this ad IBCA Points, but you are helping us achieve a greater mission.

Please contact us for any additional information (956) 521-4239 or visit our website and we thank you for your kind support and look forward to hearing from you for BBQ registration.See More

Monkey shines said...

Mayor martinez, who made those $10-20 million dollars that was overspent at the brownsville Sports park project? Anny of your compadres? camaradas? relatives? By the wya do you or comm Gowen know? y se mocharon con ustedes? how much? ms

Anonymous said...

I agree that BBQ bash sounds fraudy
