Tuesday, May 7, 2013


By Juan Montoya
With early voting winding down, it has become apparent that the usual manipulation of the mail-in vote by politiqueras will not materialize to boost the chances of candidates willing to pay the vote-harvesting
Enter Political Action Committees associated with Mayor Tony Martinez and his cronies at the upper levels of the Texas and U.S. Democratic Party. The three candidates favored by Martinez – Deborah Portillo in District 3, Rose Gowen at the At-Large B, and John Villarreal in District 4 – have all received hefty donations from statewide PACs connected to Hizzoner.
What possible stake could donors from outside the Rio Grande Valley they have in Brownsville's nonpartisan city commission elections?
It's not as if Gowen's challenger Robert Uresti was loaded with bucks. In fact, his entire report for the 30-day period before the election was $940 in expenditures, $137 in contributions under $50 with $200 on hand. Most went to Joe King Printer for signs and campaign cards. Gowen spent the majority out of town to consultants, sign makers, etc.
Letty Perez-Garzoria (challenging Villarreal for District 4) reported $3,007 in contributions during the 30-day report ($90 under $50), and $2,350 in total expenditures with a $585 personal loan.
Portillo, the highest recipient of campaign contributions reported $25,717 for the 30-day before the election period and another $4,000 May 3. She had more than $8,412 on hand after the last reporting period.
But it was the eight-day-before-the-election report that was filed by the three Martinez candidates where the Big Money PACS showed their hand.
Gowen reported that she had received $4,902 in contributions during that period and had $9,728 on hand. Of that money, Halff and Associates, a state PAC from Richardson, Tex., chipped in $500 and Jim Tipton gave her another $1,000.
Villarreal reported $1,150 in contributions for the same period, with a $500 infusion from the Halff and Associates PAC.
But it was Portillo, who was fighting charges that she had in all her adult years never voted in a municipal election and that that she had accepted (and promptly returned when found out) illegal corporate contributions, who raked in the Martinez-generated outside money.
On April 17, Portillo was the recipient of $250 from the Andrews and Kurth PAC, of Houston, On the day before (April 16), she received a $1,000 check from Haynes and Boone PAC, of Richardson.
The PAC describes itself as an international corporate law firm with offices in Richardson Texas. Among the candidates listed in the Texas Tribune are mainly Democratic politicians from big cities like Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio. They also contributed heavily to the National Democratic Committee.
If Martinez's PAC-fueled candidates don't win, it won't be for a lack of cold, hard, cash from outside the city.


Anonymous said...

why is his a revelation to you? Are you that stupid, Juan?

Anonymous said...

Why would in anyone in their right mind donate to a little Bar Fly Bimbo so much campaign money ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kind of like Cata and Luci and their Quintanilla connection? Where was you indignation then?

Anonymous said...

Senor Montoya, quiero hacerle unas pregunatas aqui en su pajina, porque se que jente de Austin lo visita diaria mente. Porque tanta la atencion que le estan dando a el senor Sarkis en Austin? Algien que no tiene nada en este entierro, como dicen. Tal ves tendremos que ir por alla cuando esta campana se acabe a preguntarle a ser individuo que problemas tiene. El senor Sarkis es un hombre serio, que no handa con babosadas, y ;e gusta enfrentar a la jente que opina de el. Especial mente cuando ni son de aqui y ni lo conosen...y menos handar saltandolo de la boca como si esto fuera un juego. Gracias por poner mi mensaje senor Montoya. Nos veremos pronto en Austin, para todos nuestros amigos por alla.

Anonymous said...

creo que en Austin se conoce nuestra cultura mas que aqui en "Bronsvil." Si al "Senor" le duele, pues que se salga del pais, por ese mismo caminito por cual el entro. Que, no aguanta? Las ranas brincan de un modo en Mejico que no pueden utilizar aqui. La educacion es muy importante. No se quede atras.

Anonymous said...

Veremos como vas a saltar tu cuando nos conoscamos,....pero pronto sera. Se han allado aujas entre el sacatal, que no nos encuentren a nosotros mi valiente. Saludos.

Anonymous said...

Does $1,000 really go that far down here? Buys a lot of booze I guess. So we have a idiot who're for mayor, a prude for at large commissioner, a guy who looks like he doesn't even know how to spell "RAZOR", and now this bimbo wants in on the action. Somebody needs to be getting out there and informing the voters in person. I just haven't seen that culminate with these candidates. They need to speak to the people and stop placing themselves in a battle with other candidates.

OZ Great and Powerful said...

these candidates surely remind me of the wizard of oz movie, going to see the wizard and that poor scarecrow who was looking for a BRAIN, chihuahua no wonder the city and pub are in dire straits.
