On December 1975, the world was stunned when Richard Welch, the CIA station chief was gunned down on the streets of Athens, Greece.
At the time he was blamed by the Left for aiding the ruling military dictatorship. Amidst all the angst that followed, I still remember a statement that succinctly interpreted his assassination.
"You play the game, you take your chances."
And so it was with former Brownsville Independent School District CFO Tony Fuller when the new superintendent Carl Montoya came on board and – finding him wanting in financial adroitness and firmly connected at the waist to losing candidates Rick Zayas and Ruben Cortez – placed him on administrative leave and replaced him at his position.
Now Fuller, who was placed in another job at the BISD, wants the district's money for having played the game and lost.
He wants "actual and punitive damages for his claims of injury to reputation and character, lost earnings, and diminished earning capacity, and past and future mental anguish., in addition to attorney and court fees."
Let's rewind the tape a bit.

Long and the Herald published a 50-inch screed that spilled over from a front-page banner headline story onto more than a quarter page on Page 9 with Fuller doing mental gymnastics trying to prove that if you have more expenditures than you have revenues in a budget and had to go to reserves, you couldn't call that a deficit.
Instead, it's called "amounts BISD designated for use from fund balances in each year's budget."
Let's get this straight. Under financial whiz Fuller;
In 2008-2009, BISD "designated for use from fund balances" $26.542 million.
In 2009-2010, BISD "designated for use from fund balances" $11.436 million.
In 2010-2011, BISD "designated for use from fund balances" $6.511 million.
Now, if you in your household economy were to operate in this fashion, you would have a "shortfall," a "liquidity problem," etc., but heaven forbid that you would call it a household "deficit."
Long, Fuller, Zayas and Cortez seemed to think that by dipping into reserves for three straight year and spending more than the district takes in is perfectly OK, as long as there was water in the well.
Fuller said that it was "incorrect" to characterize the figures as deficits "because by law BISD must operate under a balanced budget. Each year, revenues must match expenditures, so there can be no 'deficit spending."
Is is any wonder that given this proof the voters of the district overwhelmingly ignored the sage advice of this numbers man and opted instead to elect the opponents to his candidates in the election?
And, given the incongruity of Fuller's claims in face of the black-and-white numbers on the record, does he have a leg to stand on when he states that some trustees like Catalina Garcia-Presas and others made comments "publicly casting shadows over (his) as well as inferring acts of dishonesty and incompetency on him."?
And in spite of the fact that Long gave Fuller, Zayas and Cortez reams of copy where they made their case to the reading public, Fuller has the nerve to charge that he "was never provided a meaningful forum to clear his name nor an opportunity to examine his accusers."
The BISD forensic audit charged Fuller "of not possessing the competencies in both faculties and capabilities necessary for the position of CFO."
Zayas and Cortez listened to a self-styled legal guru who was stripped of his law license in Dallas and lost on every count. Every case where he has given advice to these people has been lost or dismissed. Fuller's lawsuit raising the red herring of Presas-Garcia's legal representation and the forensic audit that was performed bears that footprint. Fuller was no financial whiz and the guru has proven to be legal fool.
Zayas realized this and dumped him. He-She turned on him and accused him of corruption.
Why doesn't Fuller just face the naked truth?
You and your political allies played the game and took your chances, Tony. Y'all just happened to lose. Now you want the district's taxpayers you served so badly to give you money.
Verguenza no tienen.
I want to see this post again after the trial. Let the chips fall where the truth is. It's coming.......all s--- is getting ready to hit the fan. ABOUT TIME. Way to go Mr. Fuller.
12:23pm Are you one of fuller's pothead friends?
It was well know he was a player wana be?
Another greedy bastard wanting a piece of the BISD kitty. Why not? The district will settle and he'll get a nice retirement check.
Typical Modus Operandi, he will get the money, and share it with the board of thieves
I hope that Tony gets a better deal than Gonzalez, Rendon, and Juarez.
this story is pretty one sided. is it supposed to be journalism, or is it an opinion piece?
A secretary told me that dora sauceda is being hired at BISD...I hope the board members follow the code of ethics and not vote her in. I just realized that the BISD mafia is run by b.pena..pretty pathetic and unethical behavior on her part.
Reading the whole lawsuit told the whole story. Try doing so before writing the story. Quit letting the LL and CPG feed you their side of the story.
este guey si que tiene 'HUEVOS',no se raje.
on comment? why juanio? because catita la ratite ya le cortaron la colita?
Thanks to his creative bookkeeping, the district is in a financial bind. If htey hadn't raided the fund balance, the district would've been able to survive the shortfall from the last budget cuts from the state. How can they justify taking $43.5 million dollars? He's guilty and the district is BETTER off without him.
Who do you think you're kidding? Mr. Fuller was one of the most professional employees in BISD. Cata's shenanigans during her "reign" have caught up with her. Mr. Fuller's rights were obviously violated because he blew the whistle.
Others EEO complaints will follow suit for the same type of bullying tactics used by Cata and her puppets HR crony Atkinson and Montoya.
mr.montoya in the other blog 'brownsville voice',bobbywc dosent want to write that RICK LONGORIA IS A CROOK,HE WANTS LONGORIA TO CALL THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFFICE,AND DEMAND SOMTHING,i told him if LONGORIA call the state the texas rangers will come and pick him and put in jail.he has done alot of stealing with puchasing dept,parks,and others dept.
I hope the board members follow the code of ethics and not vote DSauceda in.
Just realized that the BISD mafia is run by b.pena, MPena, OPowers and EnriqueE, pretty pathetic and unethical behavior on their part.
Fed has huevos y todas las vijas se los vieron, al ff se lo van a empinar.
Get a grip. Texas Rangers do not come in unless the DA asked them. Know your protocol!
Yeah..he was so great in spending close to 200 million from fund balance and employees can't get a decent payraise thanks to him and his buddy or lovers Zayas and Cortez.
The thing that is one sided is his lawsuit, especially the sworn statement from the murders's mother Mary Rey. Her so called depo wasn't legal Rick and her must have been high on something. Why didn't Rick depose Luci and Caty to get their side? That's how REAL depos are done. Mary Rey was the leader of the pac to get Rick and Cortez out now she's on their side? Not very credible, I might say. Lol
It would be great to take it to court and expose the whole truth on all these bastards, cortez, zayas, colunga, aguilar, saldana, fuller, otis, kent etc.
Why doesn't Fuller say why he was placed on administrative leave? I'm sure it wasn't just because.
The public needs to know. Remember guys there are 3 sides to a story, his, theirs, and the truth.
Agree with the post above about b.pena running the BISD show, real pathetic and low on her part, but then again, she's placed her "family" in high-positions. Its all about the BISD easy dinero b.pena knows the game.
From meeting Fuller, what a joke of a guy the BISD had as a CFO. On the other hand, quite the ladies man, spent his time at BISD in a few scandals here in there...lady dramas---jajajajajaj.
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