Unable to get a majority on the City of Brownsville Commission to go along with their plans to lease, sell or donate City Plaza to the University of Texas of Brownsville for use as a administrative offices, Mayor Tony Martinez and commissioner Rose Gowen have opted to postpone the meeting where only that item would be discussed in executive session.

"I guess that's only so much poison you can get someone to take," said a city administrator. "With Juliet Garcia going down the whirlpool, Tony and Rose couldn't get the majority of the commission to go down with her."
Political observers say that Martinez and Gowen apparently felt that waiting until after the District 3 city elections Saturday between the mayor's protege Deborah Portillo and local businessman Martin Sarkis might give them the majority they wanted if Portillo gets elected.
Either way, said one, "this shows the chink in the mayor's armor and lets him know few people are willing to go along with his plans to give away the city's assets."
When the item will come up again is anyone's guess. But Martinez and Gowen can be sure that opponents to the giveaway will be waiting for the issue to be brought for a public vote
If they are waiting until after the elections I can take a guess at who the swing vote was.
Maclovio says...Uuuuuuyyyyyy!!!!
Sarkis staff sure misspelled a lot of words on this article. You should really proofread when he sends you a story. So are you still worth $ 50 an article?
Way to go, we can't let this mayor give away city assets. Our commissioners need to have the guts to put a stop to this abuse of power from this mayor and commissioner gowen. The mayor has bought at the tax payers expense useless properties to benefit his close friends. El cueto building was bought from UTB a year and half ago and utb staff still occupy this building as of today. Hope the rest of our city commissioners continue to put a halt to this wasteful spending. We can't afford to loose city plaza, our city employees deserve better than being treated with no respect whatsoever, city plaza is very convenient to our citizens as a one stop place to do city business with ample parking. Also, the city spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to remodeled city plaza when it was bought from utb. The mayor's plan to move city plaza departments to market square don't Make sense at all. Unless, of course, he wants to benefit his close friends. Hope mr.Sarkis wins this election so that he can join forces to put an end to this abuse of power.
Mayor Martinez and Rose Gowen seem to be proving our view of autocratic government. They don't seem to understand that city management is a team effort and they need to coordinate their attempts to dictate power with the city manager and his staff. They both are part of Juliet Garcia's "clique" and of the Kardenas Klan style of management. Tony is a long time "side kick" of Juliet and Rose, after all, is a Zavaletta and we know the Zavaletta's are always right about everything and the rest of us are a bunch of idiots. So, she fits in with Juliet's management style...dictatorial.
Offer them space at Amigoland Mall.
En todos estos Anos que tengo vi viendo en esta ciudad
Nunca habia visto un mayor como Tony Mamon y Dr Gowen
En Los tiempos de Ahumada se preocupaban de su vida
Personal pero fue un buen Alcalde nada que ver con estas
Ratas podridas que se quieren llenar Los bolsillos con el di
nero del pueblo , ya basta mamones y todo porque se Los
An permitido, porque el pueblo tiene mas educacion que ustedes y como dice el dicho entre mas te empines mas te lo quieren ver, con todo respeto vayanse mucho a
Chingar a su madre.
The above comment by Kimbo Dale.
8.28pm comment..'FUE UN BUEN ALCALDE'.lo que fue un buen ratero,ya se te olvido el cheque que tuvo que erutar de 28000dlls.por favor no lo invoken por que es capaz de lanzarse para alcalde otra vez.ahora bien si estoy de acuerdo lo que tu dices...'VAYANSE MUCHO A CHINGAR A SU MADRE'.si estas correcto.
Ahumada fue un buen alcalde??? No mames pendejo(a)! Estoy de acuerdo que Martinez y Gowen son ratas pero que Ahumada fue un santo no. Hizo un chorro de tranzas. Que no te acuerdas del pinche cheque que deposito y ni era de el?
No seas pendejjo, yo nunca dije que fue un santo. De que lo cacharon con el cheque es cierto, pero acuerdate que el Tuvo su dia en corte y sailo librado. Ahora, estos mamones del mayor y la Gowen se Roban millones en nuestras narices, y siguen chingando . Lo de Ahumada fue feria en el bolsillo comparado con estas Ratas gigantes, mil veces ahumada que estos mamones.
OJ Simpson tambien salio librado de un caso, PENDEJO! Has de haber estado tu en el jurado para que saliera libre la rata de Ahumada. 'Che pendejo, callete el osico. Martinez y Gowen tambien son ratas pero no te pongas a decir que estan peores que Ahumada. Todos son una bola de mierda. No hay mierda que sea mejor que otra mierda.
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