Last time it was the Brownsville Independent School District who pulled the plug on the annual $25,000 hit to the district's fund balance on behalf of the shadow government entity called United Brownsville.
At the time there was no mention on the district's agenda on who had placed the item for consideration.
The item read: 15. Discussion, consideration and possible action to pay United Brownsville annual membership fees to the City of Brownsville in the amount not to exceed $25,000 from budgeted Local Maintenance Funds.

A former BISD trustee pointedly asked how it was that the board could vote to pay United Brownsville, a nonprofit, through the City of Brownsville, as the item read.
"Is the district going to pay the city so that they, in turn, can pay United Brownsville the $25,000 in membership fees?," he asked. "What kind of arrangement is that? That is a poorly worded agenda item. It makes no sense."
At Tuesday's meeting the item read differently. It said16. Discussion, consideration and possible action on United Brownsville Membership Fees (MP, Board Member).
"MP," of course, means the item was placed on the board's agenda by Minerva Peña.
And just as the administration pulled the $25,000 hit from the agenda last January, the precocious Ms. Peña, seeing that no support existed to give away district money when it is at the same time considering a move to raise property taxes to pay off the BISD's debt, also pulled it.
Overall, Tuesday was a bad day for the schemers at United Brownsville. United Brownsville's anchor at UTB President Juliet Juliet Garcia was unable to get the city administration and commission to hand over City Plaza to UTB even though it was the only item placed on the special meeting agenda be her fellow United Brownsville colleagues Mayor Tony Martinez and Commissioner Rose Gowen.
Now, with the city's biggest employer out of the United Brownsville loop, and Cameron County refusing to give away taxpayers' money to that group, perhaps other taxpayer-funded entities will realize that the people don't want to see their money go to someone who is accountable to no one and is not elected by them.
I have lost the last ounce of respect for Chirinos, Powers, Pena, and Escobedo for approving D. Sauceda for administrator for secondary curriculum and instruction. So fabricating receipts is okay by these four?
All public entities that pay into UB are getting taxes without representation. Put UB on the ballot and let the public elect the representatives, or get out of what looks as a scam.
Post below is by none other than people who were never hired back to BISD because they are so vindictive and selfish. It is so apparent that people who dislike that Sauceda lady are just jealous of her. So who do you think posted the post below? Had to be one of those awful women who sit on the board. You would think they would get plastic surgery for their ugly faces!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I have lost the last ounce of respect for Chirinos, Powers, Pena, and Escobedo for approving D. Sauceda for administrator for secondary curriculum and instruction. So fabricating receipts is okay by these four?
June 19, 2013 at 12:30 PM
Minerva es una pendeja!!!
Post June 19, 2013 12:37 PM; Get over yourself.
"Was Minerva being Escobedo's mula by putting and pulling things in the?" agenda?"
Let's hope Sarkis wins so Brownsville will have the votes to pull the plug on the bullshit entity.
Perhaps some are waking up and realize that the "shadow" government United Brownsville is getting tax dollars and we, the citizens and tax payers, are not represented on United Brownsville...since it is not an elected entity. It appears to be "self-appointed". "Taxation without representation" is a very good comment and is surely true with regard to United Brownsville. It is time for the citizens of Brownsville to be a part of government, not excluded as we have seen under Mayor Martinez. There is no transparency, only autocracy disguised as representational govt.
Is this even legal? A conflict of interest? To have elected officials sitting as board members of an entity to which they vote tax dollars?
This blog's comments spells out why Brownsville does not grow.
1. You use broke, drunken bloggers to do your dirty work and make up lies about people in your community. No one can sue these bloggers cause they are broke!
2. You attack every idea in your community because it is not your idea and because you were not invited to participate!
3. You do not care about anyone but yourself and your pockets.
4. More than half of you in political office do not care about your children. Do not believe me? Do the math yourselves!
5. More than half of you in political office are sleeping around due to your political status. Some of you are even blackmailing those you slept with to keep them feeding you info and giving you cash. I call that being a prostitute. You know who you are.
6. Being a city next to Mexico keeps some of your politicians tied to their corrupt mentality.
7. You keep electing bad, unethical, dishonest, selfish people into office, because your city is full of people who were never given the opportunity to educate themselves about the candidates.
8. You keep the majority of your voters in poverty with minimal education, in order to make sure they vote for you. People living in poverty are hard working and do not have the time or opportunity to stop and learn about candidates. If these hard working people stop working they stop getting paid. Who do you think does all your manual labor in you community?
Bottom line, keep elected those people who are working with the mind set of "me, me, me" and you will not seen Brownsville grow to be the great City it is meant to be.
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
Caty is the PENDEJA, and she is a home wrecker!
Jealous de quien? Pinche Rata!
Post below is from either, Dora, Betha or Minerva, who sleep in the same bed/se acuestan en la misma cama y se tapan.
With the stint that Dora pull in Dallas she would had been in jail.
She hail ass quick before DISD was able to press charges.
Anonymous said...
Post below is by none other than people who were never hired back to BISD because they are so vindictive and selfish. It is so apparent that people who dislike that Sauceda lady are just jealous of her. So who do you think posted the post below? Had to be one of those awful women who sit on the board. You would think they would get plastic surgery for their ugly faces!
You blog that Presas, Lucy, Savedra, Chirinos, neex plastic surgery cuz they are ugly: Forget their faces, who in this world can successfuly work or repair their souls. One does not talk she barks, no education what's so ever. Presas attacks Dr M. And he does not defend himself.. its so rude. Poor Pena does not know if she is going or coming. She is lost.. not to mention Lucy. .. she us presas puppet. . She does as as presas says.. she says jump and lucy turns green like a frog.. Chirinos andale andale.. wake up seNor.. tas perdido.. study a little before you speak you should be able to make a little more sense then Lucy. You need to ask your charlie angels (tus chicas) to do some research for you so you do not look like a fool.. andale andale.. el compadre .. loyal to your commadre R.A. but very vendictive to anyone that crosses you. Saverdra well keep yourself alway de Kata and you will be ok. You do make better sense, it hurts you when you join kata and Lucy in their vendetta vs Escobedo, Powers, and Montoya.
We the people are watching you. We will take your seats.. don't get comfortable. . There is no excuse for behaving or speaking or barking the way you at timez do, well maybe just your lack of education and morals. Coming soon!!!! Dora Sauceda for the board!!!!
10:13pm Is none other than pinche rata de Dallas now in Browntown.
All of you posting here are fool of shit and are dumber than dumb. You can have all the education in the world and still be a thieve, fraud, corrupt and morans.
The idiot that posted they will replace some on board lets see you to a better job and with integrity. We will be watching you.
It's obvious Minerva and otis are zayas puppets. They are picking up where he left off. Hope they all end up in prison. Lol
Wow 7:38!!! Te pegaron en la pata de palo. You got upset for reading the truth. Just go to board meetings and tell me if you find the integrity you are seeking....theres none. All there with hidden agenda, their pockets. Look at what they drive. Vehicles that are worth $80,000. De donde.. con que ojos... and they want to point fingers at Dora for what happened at Dallas, look in the mirror and you will see that what you have done and are presently doing is way worse. It will catch up to you sooner than later. We will be watching and yes we will say "we told you so".
minnie you were hot when you were a Porter Belle bebe deluxe
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