Sunday, June 9, 2013


By Juan Montoya
I hate to break the news to you, my faithful three readers, but you are reading a non-existent blog.
That goes for those other three readers who may peruse Jerry McHale's Brownsville Blues, Jim Barton's Mean Mister Brownsville, Bobby Wightman's Brownsville Voice or even, errant Hill Country blogger DPM in Dos Frias.
According to cybercon Erasmo Castro, the self-proclaimed Head Cheez of Brownsville Cheezmeh, his and only his is the True Voice of Brownsville, irrespective of the fact that his nonprofit "grassroots" organization Bringing Brownsville Change is listed as having Erasmo Castro as its head on the required Texas Ethic Commission reports he must submit to the state.
He lists his home in an apartmetn complex in Austin, Texas, where – as the Greek gods did from Olympus – reigns and rules and issues edicts to his dwindling Kool Aid drinkers.
We now understand that there has been a complaint against that little moneymaker with the TEC. Erasmo, who piosts the office of the nonprofit at his family's notary public office on Madison Street, also lists himself as treasurer and lists an Autin address. (Click link on "View Filings with the Texas Ethics Commission website" on site above.)
It's blatantly apparent that Le Gran Fromage is polishing up his cult for the upcoming elections and those next year. The core of his group fled from his grasp en masse when it became apparent that it did not turn out to be a progressive community voice for change as advertised, but rather could – and did – reach an accommodation with the notorious Hernandez vote harvesting machine, turning a blind eye to the brazen abuse of the captive elderly in day cares and the Brownsville Housing Authority High Rise which Norma Hernandez and her minions consider their personal domain. They suck votes from the unwary elderly tenants there as if it was their personal ATM.
We have in these cyberpages documented the trials and tribulations of the Castros in Brownsville, and of Erasmo in particular, ranging from his conviction in forging a clearance from the Brownsville Police Department to retrieve a BMW from a local impound lot to getting named in federal lawsuits alleging that they ran their notary public service as a continuing criminal enterprise (RICO).
Throughout all this, the "Head Cheez" has maintained a nonchalant attitude, interspersing facile pseudo christian sayings to cover his true designs: to flees the unwary and to paint himself as a purveyor of peace and culture.
Others have pointed out that Castro's group and His Holiness the Head Cheeze have fared dismally on the local political scorecard. Not only is their influence on local political stock minimal, but it has actually become a detriment to those who heed the Erasmo's sermon from the Mount in Austin.
Buyer Beware.     


Anonymous said...

So, I could care less about the head cheez, I'm looking to get it on with the broad that seems to promote the head cheez activities. Saw her at Comm. Gowen's swearing in the other day. She is HOT!!!!! Don't know her name but understand that she is the Chisme Dame.

/DP-M said...

Fat fucks like this Castro hippo don't move me. As you know, I hold graceless sumbitches in total contempt...


Anonymous said...

So the Big Cheeze doesn't live in Brownsville But in Ausin, TX? I knew he was full of shit but never thought he was a scammer. Oh well Brownsville deserves idiots like him and I thought his sister was weired as well. She is always posting pictures of herself like if she had some surgery done and want everyone to see. was she a man before the surgery???????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So the Big Cheeze doesn't live in Brownsville But in Ausin, TX? I knew he was full of shit but never thought he was a scammer. Oh well Brownsville deserves idiots like him and I thought his sister was weired as well. She is always posting pictures of herself like if she had some surgery done and want everyone to see. was she a man before the surgery???????

Two sister have had surgery, one sister has had a lot, the other sister recently had her breast reduced?

The brother one that should have MORE stomach stapling,plastic surgery (he is fugly) stomach and breast reducTION IS THE OTHER BROTHER.

Anonymous said...

You have 4 readers Juan, although I should probably count as either 4 or 0, depending on whose math you use since I live 4 times further from Brownsville than Erasmo. Van Vaughn

Red Fustenburg said...

Just another testament to how easily the electorate of Browntown can be fooled. We got the chorizo, not the cheese!!
We need a larger gene pool...QUICKLY! We should start importing more brown folks from South America...the ones from Mexico and Central America are too fucking gullible, evil and stupid!
Such is life here in Tacolandia where the DumboRATic party reigns supreme!
