Every once in a while City Commissioner Ricardo Longoria likes to get on what he thinks is his bilingual soapbox and stammer his way through Spanish in a dismal effort to show he can communicate with his Southmost constituency.
He will wax eloquently through a few phrases, stumble, correct himself in English, and then trudge through and pick up the Spanish thread again, in his vain effort to demonstrate that a kid from the barrio can handle the language like an arcane Real Academia Española de Madrid scholar.
It convinces no one, but in the high-ceilinged old federal courthouse, it probably resonates like music in a cathedral to his ears.
The item reads: 8. FIRST Public Hearing for the proposed 2012/2013 HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Funding allocation. (Stephanie Reyes – Grants)
The "substantial" part of the amendment is the proposal to shift $535,000 from a construction of the planned Southmost Community Center (Dome) to provide hurricane protection to that community and add $300,000 to the Oliveira Skate Park's $150,000 and another $235,000 to meet the needs of additional amenities to the Portway Acres Park which was originally programmed for $107,692.
According to the notation included in the proposed amendment submitted for consideration to the city commission by Stephanie Reyes, Director of Grants Management and Community Development Department, the money originally allotted for the Southmost project will be scavenged to benefit other part of the city "due to the delay in procuring architectural services for the Southmost Community Center..."
Reyes doesn't explain who's to fault for the delay, or whether the administration knew that such domes are quite common now along the Texas coast and could have easily been acquired by local firms.
Of the $750,000 proposed for the hurricane protection dome/community center, only $215,000 will be left, not enough apparently, to even begin to think about building it as hurricane season approaches.
According to municipal sources, there will be three domes built in the city. One will go to the Sports Park. Another will go somewhere on Central Boulevard, and another in Southmost.
Adding to the confusion is the agenda action item included by Asst. City Manager Jeff Johnson.
29. Consideration and ACTION to award a contract for Architectural and Engineering Services
for the construction of two (2) Safety Shelter Domes at the Brownsville Public Library Main Branch and Southmost Branch Library (Dr-1791-361 & DR-1791-362). (Jeff Johnston -Assistant City Manager).
Community Development's Reyes has proposed that the Southmost project will be delayed for another year and be included in the 2013-2014 year when funding becomes available in October.
Are we to assume that the remaining $215,000 in the Southmost project will now be awarded and the construction delayed until after October because of the delay in acquiring these services?
The amendment document justifies the increase in the other projects with the money meant for Southmost with letters written by City of Brownsville Comprehensive Planning Manager who says that after the public hearing held at Portway Acres, he wants the money to go there.
The Oliveira Skate Park amendment is requested by City of Brownsville Director of Parks and Recreation Department who also cites a public hearing held where "young and veteran skate board enthusiasts" and skate park contractors (American Ramp) convinced him that the city should fleece the Southmost barrio of $300,000 to build a state-of-the art skate facility to allay their desires to have a nice place to play.
Nowhere in the document is there any mention of any public hearing held in the Southmost area to determine whether the residents there were OK with having the money go for hurricane protection for their neighborhoods be siphoned off for such crucial necessities as a $450,000 place for skaters to hang out.
"The contractors were on hand at the Public Input Meeting to incorporate the comments and suggestions from the public...," Patterson wrote.
This is the same Patterson who was rooked by the rap group from Houston who got paid up front and then reneged on the concert they were supposed to perform. Remember? If a street-wise black rapper from Houston could beguile Chris, what can we expect from slick contractors who said the paltry sum of $150,000 wouldn't cut the mustard to give the "young and veteran skate board enthusiasts" the quality recreational needs they deserve?
Both Patterson and Gonzalez buttressed their arguments in the guise of preventing crime and giving neighborhood youth an alternative to criminal activity. In other words, "If we don't make this substantial amendment and take this $535,000 from the Southmost area and give them what they want, why we might be inducing these impressionable youth to a life of crime."
If ever there was a time for an elected official and community leader to make a stand for the people of Southmost and clear this up, this would seem the appropriate time, ne c'est pas?
Oops, wrong language.
October 24, 2003
FYI: Dania Garcia is Juliet Garcia's son's wife. Read this UTB website release from 2003
(CBIRD) Research Fellows Program chooses UTB/TSC student
Dania C. López García, a doctoral student from Stanford
University, has been chosen as a fellow for The Cross Border Institute for Regional Development (CBIRD) Research Fellows Program at The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College.
García joins Cecilia Balli, a doctoral student from Rice University and a writer for Texas Monthly, in the CBIRD Research Fellows Program, which is open to graduate students in both domestic and international doctoral programs. These students must have an approved research design by their university’s dissertation committee on a topic that is relevant to the U.S./Mexico cross-border region of interest to CBIRD.
García will spend the next twelve months researching the social, economic and cultural factors that impact Spanish language retention by Latino immigrants in the United States. She says living on the U.S-Mexico border provides her with an opportunity to experience first-hand language use among Latinos in the United States.
“There are very few places in which one can experience and be fully immersed in two cultures and countries within such close proximity of each other, as is the case of Brownsville,” said García “Being part of this dynamic bilingual and bicultural environment will enrich my research.”
Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, García is the daughter of Cuban and Mexican parents. A May 1998 honors graduate from the University of Texas at Austin, García majored in Spanish and earned a bachelors degree. She continued her studies and was awarded a masters degree in Spanish Literature with honors from Stanford University in June of 1999.
“My parents instilled in me the love of the Spanish language and the importance of maintaining our language and heritage throughout future generations. Once I began college, I realized that I wanted to take my interest in Spanish to a higher level and began to study it formally.”
García says she after she earns her doctorate, she is considering teaching or writing bilingual children’s books.
Founded by UTB/TSC in 1999, CBIRD is a regional think-tank and policy research center, which has been charged with the development and implementation of an active research agenda on public policy issues that impact South Texas and Northern Mexico communities
“Dania is a welcomed addition to an emerging cadre of young research scholars who are relocating to South Texas from top tier research universities such as Stanford and Rice,” said Dr. Baltazar Arispe y Acevedo, Jr., CBIRD’s Executive Director. “ Dania brings many professional and academic assets to the research enterprise and she will make significant contributions to the area of linguistics that will expand our understanding of the role that language and culture have in our community’s development.”
I am not sure where the information on Dania Garcia emanated from or why, but yes she is the daughter-in-law of Dr. Juliet Garcia and was given a job as an instructor but soon floated to the top to become Chair of the department, then soon after that took maternity leave while still getting paid, but now getting paid to do nothing for a semester. Such is life!
ah, nepotism is alive and well at ut
Se me hace que la gavacha Dania podria estudiar el espanol de los narcos de Matamoros. Dicen que hablan un castellano muy bonito. A proposito, la palabra es nepotismo a la pinga.
What does that have to do with the price of beans in Mexico?
getting back to this dome issue and f888k the julieeta daughter in law issue son mamones anyway what is the common folks to do commissioner longoria what would you do in this case? are you going to say something or keep your mouth shut? by the way i have sen other cities spent way less on a skate park look around and its true those slicky contractors are just standing on the sidelines salivating. gr
Julieta doesn't like competition which is why she doesn't like Tony "nepotism" Zavaleta. That old fart had an affair with his secretary, married her and then tried to promote her to a tenured job at UTB. Que mamon y el descarado still decided to run for public office again even after this and after being investigated by the Texas Rangers for taking bribes from contractors. If the contractor got the deal Zavaleta told them they would have to bank with IBC where his friend Mr. Burns, aka Fred Rusteburg ran the bank and Zavaleta's OTHER girlfriend worked. How do these filthy people get elected and keep getting elected?
I'm not a huge fan of Longoria but at least he knows what he's talking about unlike Tetreau. That crazy hoe is clueless! All she does is present proclamations to every single citizen of Brownsville and wears ridiculous shoes, fake purses and blue dresses that don't fit. Se le ve toda la lonja and is it just me or are her shoulders getting broader than Jason Witten's from the Dallas Cowboys? Why on earth does she present proclamations from the podium. Last time I went to a meeting I was in the front row and I almost threw up when she stood in front of me. She is one ugly bitch. And someone please buy her a dictionary and thesaurus. She desperately needs to expand on her 3rd grade vocabulary. "I really really really really really really really REALLY want to thank you for coming to my meeting. You live in District 2 so I am your commissioner!" OMG girlfriend, go back to watching the disney channel and to posting stupid ass pictures on facebook.
Why don't you ask Rick about his taxpayer paid trip to Washington a couple weeks ago with his daughter? Who did he meet with? Congressman Vela. Doesn't he have an office here?
Why don't you ask Estela Chavez-Vasquez about her taxpayer paid trip to Obama's innaguration? The dumb bitch didn't even vote on the budget but she did pull money from the General Fund to pay for her trip to DC. She went with members from the PUB Board. What the hell are those dumb fucks doing in DC watching Obama get sworn in at our expense?!? Puros pendejos. Ya me los imagino lejos del rancho en DC bien cagados los mamones.
otro cool arrow nada mas y nada menos y de la southmost no pos wow
estela chavez vasquez is a HUGE disappointment to the community just like Gowenda zavaletta girlie, sounds liek the old asadon theory here no mas para aka. at taxpayers expense of course, how come they never travel on thier dime? its always on us taxpayers dime that all these clowns travel or spend money with, never once out of their pockets, mira mira que coolios.
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