We won't mince words this time around.
We've been made aware by our cyberfriends that local blogger Robert Wightman is casting aspersions hither and yonder about his feverishly contrived conspiracy over who arranged an interview between us and Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz.

What gives?
Isn't that the function of a medium that strives to inform people about the running of its government officials and institutions? We thought it was, and we still do.

We see each other on the street, meet at the supermarkets, see each other attending school events where our kids and grandkids participate. We see each other constantly at political functions. Sometimes we're on the same side, sometimes not. It's something called friendship, something a misanthrope like Wightman obviously does not know. Just recently a mutual friend of Mr. Saenz and mine took ill and was hospitalized and we both visited him at Valley Regional to inquire about his health, albeit not at the same time. Was that also a "conspiracy?"

Mr. Wightman, if any of your "sources" have told you that Silva was overheard bragging about setting up the interview, you might want to double-check and confirm their veracity. Silva – just as Ms. Zamora – had nothing to do with or or even knew about it. There is nothing sinister about picking up the phone, calling Rene and outlining the parameters of what I wanted to know, him calling back and saying he could meet with me and suggesting that Luis sit in to give me a full picture.
That, in a nutshell, is the nature of Wightman's alleged "conspiracy."
Now, suddenly, Saenz and Silva are – to use your own words – "moronic misogynist eunuchs" – or to state it more simply; they hate women and have no balls. That's what Mr. Wightman has said in as many words.
It never ceases to amaze us here of the leaps in logic that this blogger concocts and which drag his subjects through the muck and mire of his diseased mind. How can someone callously speak about someone's grandchildren and warn about them being around their grandfather as he did against Saenz?
He then goes on to say Saenz ran his mouth "like a cackling hen...and then like the misogynist eunuch he is allowed a woman to take the blame for his actions."
Sooner or later Mr.Wightman's drama queen rantings and ravings will destroy what little shred of credibility and relevance he might have been trying to nurture through his blog.
We at this blog – having repeatedly been the objects of his ire – have grown inured and frankly, bored, of his diatribes against us and don't even bother to dignify his constant belching with a response. Even though he knows it's a lie, he continues to repeat the fiction that I paid him $60,000 for some defamation that existed only in his mind.
Political figures lose some of their personal privacy when they court the public spotlight. That's the nature of the beast. They expect that their actions will be scrutinized under the harsh glare of public scrutiny. The same applies to media practitioners. It comes with the territory.

Mr. Wightman is an example of those kind of people who gleefully make unfounded statements against other people so that their "friends" will consider them daring and outrageous and they will be the darlings of the party. "Oh, that Bobby he's such a renegade...he's got electric boots, a mohair suit..."
This community will continue to exist with or without blasphemers like him and others, and the sooner the better.
On to bigger and better things.
Bobby Wightman is like that piece of cockroach in Tony wetback from myharlingennews.com. You write something about someone that he doesn't like and he won't print it? You write about him and the idiot that he is and he doesn't print it? Its a blog! If you didn't want anyone saying anything about someone you like or about you, don't create a blog, idiot!
Juan..You need to drink some beer, go fishing or maybe even get laid. You are taking yourself and this puissant blog to seriously.
No matter what BWC says Melissa gave and gives him information. Melissa loves the attention and since she can't blog anymore she uses Brownsville Voice as her way of spreading lies about Zeke to cause friction in the office. Melissa as a commissioner couldn't stay off FB and now she wants to cover the sun with one finger hoping the people forgets her past affairs... UUUUYYYY Who didn't have you is the question....
Another petty pissing match between two irrelevant bloggers who think themselves to be far more important than they are.
Mellisa is an idiot. Have you ever had a conversation with her about local policies? Freaking Idiot. Juan one of your long time chweko ass advitisors is going down. juntate con mierda y .........
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