Late this afternoon, the Cameron County Sheriff's Department conducted a raid on the popular billiards parlor called Rack Daddy's. Pool and Billiards, Bar and Grill and Sports Bar located at 2410 Hudson Boulevard.

It is unknown whether this was part of DA Luis Saenz's Operation Bishop which has targeted eight-liner arcades in the county.
Until the county authorities and/or the DA's office of public information releases details, the reason for the raids remains unknown. There were no Brownsville Police Department vehicles at the scene.
A cursory review of the properties listed as forfeiture for back taxes with the Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office did not show Rack Daddy's to be on the list for seizure.
DA you should raid the VFW, the ELKS lodge and all the Restaurants that have Maquinitas.
DA eres o te vale
que el DA quiera mordida, y no de melissa?
You would think that this kind of thing would be clarified by either the sheriff or the DA, but in this case all is quiet. Based on statements made by Sheriff Omar Lucio, he obviously doesn't agree with shutting down the 8-liners. (He said on TV that he preferred to wait to see of Texas will allow gambling). Then there is the DA who can't be trusted, but surely is using his "Bishop" to checkmate his political opponents, or to encourage them to be supportive...and contribut. Not like the amiable DA to not comment on this. Can't believe the Sheriff would do anything on his own.
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