By Juan Montoya
The long-simmering resentment of many locals against the clubby Mr. Amigo Association has erupted in full as revelations of the group's reliance on public-funded resources while restricting access to Mr. Amigo and posh private receptions and bashes a few favorites become known.
other members, the Mr. Amigo Association has long relied on public resources and private donations raised through solicitation and several major events such as the President's Ball and Banquet and the Taste de Frontera.
These two raised the group $38,460 of its $105,529 2013 Mr. Amigo budget ($21,120 in ticket sales for the banquet, $17,240 for Taste de la Frontera).. The group's income statement for this year said it spent $99,700 for its events.
Among the other income for the 2013 bash featuring Mexican Televisa soap opera star Eduardo Yanez was $39,600 in donations from sponsors.
However, if you look closely at the income statement, you will see that the city kicked in thousands in "in-kind" contributions, including free access to the Brownsville Events Center ($2,684 for banquet, $1,740 for Taste) and the Ft. Brown Civic Center by the University.
But what is not included is the "in-kind" security detail assigned by the Brownsville Police Department to provide round-the-clock protection to Mr. Amigo. An information request from El Rrun-Rrun to the Brownsville Police Department revealed that this year, the PD's security detail cost taxpayers $19,285 in overtime pay for the 18 officers and supervisors.
In some cases, the bill came to about $50 to $54 per hour for those lucky officers who were favored by Chief Orlando Rodriguez to serve on the detail.
And even though there was some well-intentioned idle talk in the past about the Association doing something in return for the citizens of Brownsville like establishing scholarships for needy students or establishing a cultural museum recording their efforts at international goodwill, past presidents and boards usually end up blowing the money raised on a week-long party for selected members.
Mr. Amigo first began holding their recognition of Mr. Amigo separately from Charro Days and SombreroFest but then realized in 1969 that they could take advantage of the crowds generated by these two events at no cost to themselves. Although they are not a formal nonprofit, they have been able to secure donations from local businesses and organizations to pay for the Mr. Amigo three-day stay in the city.

In fact, some of the private bashes were strictly restricted by her and her assistant Sylvia Perez, a former BISD administrator. In one telling instance, Patiño asked some individuals who had posted photos of the private bashes on their Facebook pages to remove them because some smaller donors would complain that they had not received a persona invitation to attend the parties.
Others said that the group had seriously violated the FAA rules on unauthorized people being nin restricted parts of the airport's tarmac when they went to receive Yanez's arrival in the Mr. Amigo Association's rented private jet (at a cost of $13,218). When it was brought to the board's attention that the violations carried a hefty fine, she ordered that the incriminating photos of some 60 members partying it up to be removed from the Association's webpage.
And when Yanez was taken to the Fiestas Patrias in Matamoros despite there being no security detail available there, Patiño did not consult with her board about the arrangements to be made, going as far as taking a 2013 Jeep provided by local car dealer Luke Fruia which did not have the proper insurance to be in Matamoros.
And the security detail provided by the BPD? They stopped at the bridge to Matamoros and killed time while Patiño and her husband Miguel escorted the star to the Matamoros parade. At $50 to $54 per hour in overtime, wouldn't you milk the job as well?
Someone also pointed out that the 18 officers, including the four motorcycle cops, might well have cost thge city money by not earning any income for the public treasury through the issuance of traffic violation citations.
At this point in time, can you really blame the average citizen for wondering whether the organization really deserves to tap into the taxpayers to fund their private party?
Mr. Juan Montoya, if I may call you that? Or should I call you Mr. researchless before he prints.
I am going to prentend to be you and not be a moron of a journalist. Here is a story for everyone to read about how you do not do your job properly and complain about others without proper resources.
First of all, do the research, do not take some scorned reporters and other's ill information.
In journalism, it is very crucial to get the correct names in writing. FIRST OF ALL, we do not have a chief by the name of Orlando Garcia, second of all, were you there when the officers were at the bridge? Did you hear their conversations? If you did not, then do not report about it because you have not one
once of idea as to what their job entails.
Third of all, again, do your research, there were many officers working overtime, did you not see them at the parade? At Sombrero Fest on the intersections directing traffic? They got also paid overtime.
In case you do not know. It is what you call crowd control. As a journalist you should know that you cannot have 30,000 to 40,000 people without security. As a jounalist you should also know, that when a celebrity is amongst that crowd or any crowd, they need security.
Put your thinking cap on. Would the City of Brownsville what to take the resonsibility of a celebrity without security? Would they want a parade without security?
Do not go bashing other occupations when you do not know how do your own.
I am a citizen of Brownsville who does not need much intelligence to realize that you are not very smart.
As for Ms. Patino, if she did wrong, then go to the proper sources so you can property make your report and quit talking nonsense.
My wife and I have been with Mr. Amigo supporters since the very early days.We can say that
This year’s Mr. Amigo board’s president’s caliber was an embarrassment for the association and its supporters.
Rightfully so, the board members, sponsors, and the community had much to complain about.
This is how this fiasco got started.
Patino and Sylvia Perez had no problem abusing the position plus mistreating others and people saw it.
Obviously they have no credibility in town, and are not well liked . Now Brownsville knows why.
Now that it is known of the high money expenses was this celebrity here to be Brownsville’s Mr. Amigo or only Patino and Perez’s ego booster?
Who is the moron commenting above? It is very different to work controlling crowds and keeping safety to the TAXPAYERS of the city they work for to 16-18 officers to provide protection to a thankless piece of sorry soul who tweeted "como Mexico no ay dos" n describe being in the parade in matamoros as the best part of being mr amigo. Also my father was disgusted at the hands across the border event where the first 6 children were Patinos n other board members. Self serving thrash.
to Anonymous at 6:14pm. No one can file charges against Yesenia La Bruja Patino because she didn't steal public money she abused her position by over spending Mr. Amigo money and disrespecting the public and sponsors.
As far as the report goes the money was for MR. AMIGO not charro days inc or sombrero festival. Do you have any proof that they don't pay the city BPD for their services. The subject is that the BPD gives inkind police protection of close to $20,000.00 for 24/7 police protection. Mr. Yanez is not such a big deal for that much money. He didn't increase sales revenue by him showing his face in Brownsville,TX.
The city of brownsville did not take the responsibility, the Mr. Amigo org. did. So why must the city provide security for others guest. The city puts on the parade. If I have a D-list celebrity come visit would I also get a.full escort. I mean, he is in the city and the city would not want anything bad to happen to them, now would they. What if I ask and don't recieve 18 police escorts. Could I then hold the city of brownsville liable. You don't have to be smart to post on a blog. If inviting a D-list celebrity is on the agenda for the city of brownsville then why have a Mr. Amigo org. At all. If its so important to have the D-lister here, have the city of brownsville explain to its constituency why they have to charter, protect, and cost the city so much to have a Noone here.
para que tanta seguiridad para este guey, hubieran llevado a willy gonzalez y con el tuviera en un pedo baleo y pedo a dos personas en el TUCAN y ni al bote fue a dar.
It just goes to show that this so called want to be intelligent bloggers do not even attend these events. If they did, they would be more concerned about the fact that at La Taste of La frontera no one can get a table because the board members already have their families inside. While people were in line Robert Avitia was sneaking in his friends. We all paid the same price and that is if they paid at all. Nora Pompa has her large family there before anyone can come in. Incluging Luis Saenz.
Officers get work Charro days and any event that goes with it every year. Not just this year.
I would love to see this event take place withou the officers. I guess we, the citizens of Brownsville need to live in a dorment city because of stingy tax payers. By the way if you don't like it move, it is that simple.
If you ever decide not to be stingy attend this event so you can see avitias and noras family right in the front row. Board members taking advantage as well.
To anonymous july 1st 2013 @ 7:19 pm. Hey you, yeah you do you even know what you are talking about. Would love to see you working out there in the sun and not getting paid for as it is you are probaly just sitting on your ass collecting your welfare check & guess what we the tax payers are paying for doing nithing. Pinche mamon
To anonymous on july 2, 2013 @ 9:17 pm. No of course you can not get an escort you are a nobody and not important.dugh!!!!!!!!
Red flag - the comment made stating Mr. Amigo organization is not a formal non-profit, yet receives In-Kind donations from our city? This requires an IRS investigation/audit. If you receive public money, you must open your books. This organization is not a lobbying legislative group, therefore it is required to open its books to the public. Only 501 (c) 4 are not required to open its books to the public. It appears this group does not have such classification.
That is a big problem, especially when former commissioner Zamora went on a supposed mission to eliminate what she called scammers of public donations after her falling out with the Zumba group from McAllen. Then commissioner Zamora swore to eliminate all fraudulent non-profits from suckering our citizen's out of money or public funds, yet this now mega but private organization has been thriving for decades as an in-formal non-profit and obtaining city funding all along. Yeah, this town has major problems in performing within the laws set forth to protect the citizens from just such people. That can't be done when the foxes continue to be let into the hen house by the hens, the voters and the non-voters.
Commissioner Zamora only goes with the flow and what is popular at the moment. She sticks to her word like she sticks to her men which is not very long. It is sad that Yesenia Patino and Sylvia Perez destroyed the Mr. Amigo good reputation. If it wasn't for the lack of people skills, ethics, morals and the I don't give a rats ass about anyone it is my year and I'm President I could spend whatever I want attitude the association would not be scrutinized. Yesenia Patino and Sylvia Perez offended a lot of people and pissed off a lot of past, present and future sponsors.
so mr amigo association members where do you all stand on this mess? I hope you all clean it up and hopefully you will all keep an eye out as to who runs or ruins your board. Integrity, honor plus honesty thats what you all need more of.
Thank you Montoya for your information.
This was all news to many of us.
Giving benefit of the doubt I was disappointed to
find that the Mr. Amigo website is all about the
past President, Patino and not about anyone else.
Isn't this lady who did much damage to Mr. Amigo
year over already?
After all that has been done and loss of respect
for Mr. Amigo she is still making it all about her.
This is not the seen with any other organization's website, the next year they move on.
What a major disappointment of this association
Yes, the community no longer looks at Mr. Amigo Association the same.
Son muchas personas que han sido sorpendidos y decepcionados en la organizacion de Mr. Amigo.
Ojala que la associacion tomen nota de lo que fue este ano.
On Thursday Feb 28,2013 during the Costume Ball for Mr. Amigo Sylvia Perez did a very awkward biography on Yesenia Patino. She said she had been on Mr. Amigo association for 5years under the late Viula Rosenbaum and went on and on telling lies about Yesenia. It was very inappropriate because Yesenia has done NOTHING to have a biography but she left out her profession which is a Hair Stylist. Now anyone knows the girl needs to make a living but come on what miracle could she have done if Sylvia Perea hair do looked like an uraca mojada con hair spray and Yesenia had the make up of a Zombie Movie. The only thing worthy was the fact that she was able to cover the cuernos of her husband Miguel Patino... now that was worth looking for in his hair line. Seriously le hizo majia al cuernudo de su Esposo. Yesenia lied, Sylvia Lied and Miguel is blind. Great combination and they accomplished to ruin Mr. Amigo reputation and walked out like a bandit with public money. Puras Transas.
Hahahahaha! El pinche Willy Pistolero Gonzalez
Having never attended a Mr. Amigo event or known anything about this association, it seems like this year
it was a circus show.
Has Mr. Amigo Association made a decision
as to who is on their board next year?
Will we see the same people who disgraced it around?
Hopefully they made needed changes.
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