The two Davids from Cameron County and their counterpart D from the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority 69ed across the lower Rio Grande Valley Monday.
They – Pct. 3 Commissioner David Garza, CCRMA Chairman David Allex and county Asst. Administrator David Garcia – were present for the unveiling of yet more new I-69 signs in Harlingen and Pharr and hosted a luncheon for all the dignitaries in Mercedes attended by a host of local congressmen. One would almost think watching Commissioner Garza hogging the limelight as a master of ceremonies at the luncheon that his frequent protestations that he didn't like to be the center of media attention had been forgotten.
In fact, even though Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos and Hidalgo County Judge Ramon Garcia were in the audience, Garza hosted the event and didn't even acknowledge their presence. Garcia's boss, Cameron County Administrator Pete Sepulveda, wasn't mentioned either.

Allex, who shows clear signs of frailty, for all practical purposes has been replaced by the ambitious (though media-shy?) Garza, who has personally seen to it that Garcia is not bothered by his documented double- and triple-dipping at the county and the CCRMA. He has protected Garcia from scrutiny by the commissioners court to the point where Garcia utilizes a county vehicle for trips to Austin and elsewhere on behalf of the CCRMA all while on the county payroll. In fact, he doesn't even make requests for travel on county agendas. It is a situation that has raised eyebrows with other county employees and administrators.
"David leads a charmed existence and draws his salary form at least four county departments in addition to his $75,000 annual stipend from the CCRMA," said one. "This situation has gotten untenable and no one can defend it. Does anyone really think that he can attend to the needs of the county's public works, transportation, administration, airport, and bridges while he's away half the time in Austin with commissioner Garza?"
Now, with Cascos' reelection bid approaching, will Garza continue to upstage the judge as a payback to a perceived slight when Cascos endorsed Republican Party candidates in the least county election?
Further, it is rumored in county circles that if and when Sepulveda finally lets go of the county teat, Garza would love nothing better than to have his 69er partner Garcia take over the county's administration. And is Garza eyeing the CCRMA chair once the frail (and almost senile) Allex finally gets put out to pasture?
Speaking of I-69...did you read the editorial in the Herald today. What high schooler wrote real thought, no background info, did not stand out....just a typical Herald editorial, probably written by a staffer. Poor journalism....sort of like the editorial in the Herald on June 20th...saying having a first class university and med school down here would "dilute" the Hispanic majority...because "Anglos" might want to come to school down here. That editorial was demonstrated the prejudice that is pure here in the RGV.....its diversity and affirmative action if Hispanics attend non-Valley schools, but it is not good for the RGV to allow non-Hispanics to "dilute" the Hispanic majority down here. Just listen to yourselves Herald "journalists" aren't reporting, you are proving your prejudice and racism.
Hard to get into this story. why is it a story?
only in cameron county, my guess is david garcia learned very well from salamamon ortiz and lencho rendon while working in wash dc, good job david, keep it up, i sleep well every nite knowning you are keepiong an eye on the county, heaven forbid you get fired or something, the county would surely collapse like the roman empire and we sure wouldnt want that to occur, dc.
Juan you love to piss off comm. garza Pct 3 not 2
David Garcia hasn't been indicted yet for the Cadriell test taking fiasco where he wrote an email to the HR Dept. to see to it that Cadriell passed?
12.53 pm, just an fyi fo ryou what Juan was trying to informing the public aka Taxpayers is the super HIGH salaries that these 2 clowns make each year, pistol pete and david el manitas each have in this VERY POOR County of Cameron. Pistol pete makes a $288k dollars yearly and david el manitas makes $244k dollars per year , thats over half a million dollars between these 2 clowns senor. thats all, enuff said.
Mendigos all of them.
just another couple of COOL-ARROWS working for the county
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