Dicho Mexicano
By Juan Montoya
It was bad enough that the trustees of the Texas Southmost College weren't invited to attend the symbolic signing of Senate Bill 24 merges the two schools and creates a new university, a medical school, and gives the new university access to the Permanent University Fund.

But seeing how the affair was opened exclusively only to a select number of lawmakers and University of Texas system officials and the Guv., UTB President Juliet Garcia gave Police Chief Ben Reyna strict orders that no one – and she meant no one – was to be allowed in the center after the ceremony began.
Alas, guess who showed up late or the ceremony?
Would you believe none other that the mayor of the City of Brownsville?
Yes, Mayor Tony Martinez got there late and even though the hapless Reyna walked around wringing his hands at Da Mayor's insistence that he be allowed in the joint, he was unable to please Hizzonor because of Pres Julieta's edict.
Now, we're talking about the same Tony Martinez who carried the water for Julieta by making the UT System an offer of 48 acres of Brownsville real estate as an offering for the university to stay downtown. The same mayor who indebted the citizens of his city issuing millions of Certificates of Obligation to speculate in downtown real estate he in turn offered to the UT System to stay.
This is the same Tony who sacrificed Lincoln Park and gave it to the UT System regardless of whether the park was needed by the citizens and the Little League teams for recreation. It is also the same Tony who leased the Cueto Building for four years to the UTB in exchange for a piddling parking lot next door, which the city is also renting for $2,500 a month for three years.
It is the same mayor whose effort to transfer the use of City Plaza to the UT System was stymied by the city administration and leading citizens as soon as word got out and the item was pulled from the special meeting called for that very purpose.
Yup. And it's the same Tony who unilaterally spent thousands of dollars to hire consultants and specialists (all for under $35,000) so they could hold "charrettes" and other such fancy names for organized scheming to convince the local yokels that his Grand Vision (and Julieta's) was one that we all could embrace.
It must have been humiliating that after all the abuse that critics have heaped upon Tony he was kept outside by Julieta's order from the symbolic signing of the bill by the Guv and all the state and local luminaries. There's another dicho that's very apropos to this as well: "Cria cuervos y te sacan los ojos."
Using those super-imposed photos marks you as a rank amateur, juan. Lose that shit, boy.
If the mayor isn't competent enough to arrive on time then he shouldn't complain about not being granted entrance.
even i, a hapless no one made it in. funny stuff.
Never be late to funerals or weddings -or special political events.
How dare they treat Phony MartÃnez like a mere commoner! By the way, I love that picture, so fitting. What is going to happen with the Arts Center? You know, that is where it all began and I was there. It was a firefight!
Juan as much as I dislike the Mayor you are misrepresenting the facts. I arrived at the Art Center at 12:30 and Tony arrived shortly thereafter and before the Governor arrived.
Ya Juan. . No mames.. change the pics.. no seas mamon. Same picture all da time. Ya estuvo. Chsnge them or don't put them up. F U....... vendido
Fuck you duardy
Disagree: UT System affair, Trustees shouldn't have been invited. Although your points providing the Trustees with some ownership of affair taking place in the first place are valid Jmon.
TSC has to focus on TSC and to hell with UT System
Juliet is a bitch and an angry bitch at that. She failed at her "partnership" and she blames everyone but herself. Instead of celebrating what remains of her "university" and this city, she demonstrates her willingness to fight on against everyone, including those who have given a lot to protect her....when she should shrink away on her own. Poor Juliet, she thinks only about herself and never about the people of this community on whose backs she has stepped to achieve whatever self-promotional life she leads. GO AWAY JULIETA!!!!
UT System is rich because we, the taxpayers, make them rich. We, the taxpayers, should have been the special guests hosted by Queen Juliet....not a bunch of public servants getting rich off the public tit (especially Juliet) It should have been open to the public. I like the "Phoney" Martinez....more true than we know. He actually thinks he runs the city...."Phoney" Tony Martinez.
Dr. Nelson from UT PanAm invites South Texas College (STC) but Dr. Garcia chooses not to invite Texas Southmost College (TSC) to the event. TSC the school that she milked for over 20 years and will prepare the majority of future students for her new school. She just does not have a clue and is struggling to stay relevant. The new school will only have one president and I guarantee it will not be her due to her ignorant actions!
I second that, pompous sorry ass wannabe "jounalist", go comment on your own blog, stay away from the real Brownsville blogs.
Damn, you took the words right out of my mouth, great minds think alike
Tony Bologne eat my macaroni Mayor of Browntown Phony MartÃnez , I regret the day I voted for you, you have disapponited your constituents time after time after time, step down or consider a recall.
(Fuck you duardy)
He'd most probably much prefer you to do that to him. JMHO. LOL!
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