It was, by their own admission, a sometimes contentious process over many months that tried the participants' patience and steadfastness.

All the TSC trustees were present at the signing ceremony.
Although the nuts and bolts of the new pact between the University of Texas at Brownsville and the college will be specified in the text of the agreement, both the UT Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa and his "tocayo" TSC Board President Kiko Rendon said the signing constituted a historic chapter in the evolution of higher education access in the region.

Among them was Weslaco native and UT Regent Ernest Aliseda, college and UT System administrators and Brownsville Independent School Disitrict trustee Lucy Longoria and superintendent Carl Montoya.
Conspicuous because of their absence was UTB President Julieta Garcia and BISD board president Enrique Escobedo. Also missing were Sen. Eddie Lucio or Rene Oliveira, the legislators who pushed for the "partnership" option that shifted the financial burden to the TSC district taxpayers instead of demanding that the UT system set up an independent four-year university with its own funds as it is doing now after TSC trustees opted to separate from the UT System.
Tercero updated the registration numbers at the new TSC and said that enrollment had already topped 2,000 and approaching 2,100.
"We're on our way to establish a seamless transition with our partnerships between the ISDs, the community college and the UT System," Tercero said. "We are also glad to have the city here represented by Mayor Martinez."
Tercero said that after the many months of negotiation, the rough spots had been levelled, differences overcome and that one outcome of the ordeal was that "many friendships had been developed."
Cigarroa, said that the separation of the UT System and TSC was "one of the first challenges I faced as chancellor. At the end of the day, our students are going to benefit."
He and Tercero said that much work remained to be done, but that the work would be worth it because "the potential here is immense" and local students "need every option" to get a quality education."
"We are the model for education in the United States of America and will have a global impact," he said. "I almost feel like I live here and feel right at home when I get to Brownsville."
Early indications are that TSC and UT System will share the campus through a series of land swaps and cash transfers that will initially leave at least $26 million to TSC with more to come pending the final resolution of remaining issues.
This picture is priceless. Thank you TSC Board of Trustees. Only one direction to go now, forward.
2100 students does not seem sufficient to sustain TSC with anything more than a small number basic programs of study.
Its a Miracle, that the witch juletta was not present, hum, wonder whats she is up to now? hum hum hum????? watch out
Today was a great day!
Doesn't surprise me Enrique Escobedo wasn't there, he gives a rat's ass about the students and their education. He's all about fame and glory and milking the district's money.
Where were Otis and Chirinos? Not giving a damn either.
Here is a quote from "Mi Pueblo de Amanecer", a poem written by Don Americo Paredes to his beloved barrio, el cuatro-veintiuno. I dedicate it to Don Americo's almamater, TSC, as a reminder that what the trustees have done is the first of many steps that will return TSC to its original intent and purpose.
"Pueblo mio, pueblo mio, multiforme caserio
recostado junto al rlo
bajo el gris amanecer,
junto al rio lento y bruno tienes barrios, uno a uno,
y entre tantos el Veintiuno,
el que a mi me vio crecer. ...
Porque a mi me importa un bledo si me apuntas con el dedo,
si de mi murmura quedo
Tu “correcta” sociedad,
Pueblo majo y marrullero! Pueblo dulce y romancero!
Yo te juro que te quiero
Yo te quiero de verdad."
Amerio Paredes Manzano
Brownsville, TX
Mayo de 1938
Juliet Garcia is really a poor loser and her absence at the signing was to be expected. Probably at her beach "out of town". Her absence is clearly a "snub" to TSC and to the taxpayers who have given Queen Juliet so much. Once again, she proves to be a greedy bitch who doesn't want to "share" anything and she also proves she is not capable of understanding or being part of this community. Time to retire Juliet!!!!!
Hater! All great journeys begin with a single step.
I note That the new university has a national search for a new president but Julieta has not yet decided if she will apply.
She is toast and she knows it. Be prepared for her retirement with great accolades amd hoopla. She screwed the pooch and is totally done.
julieta garcia es PURA MIERDA
Where is the listing for the president search?
The above info about a search for a new president comes from a UTB email to faculty. The selection will be done by UT Board of Regents.
A president for the new UTB-UTPA university is scheduled to be completed and announced by Jan-Feb of 2014.
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