Friday, August 23, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Apparently, the heat got to be too much for the board of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority and they passed their 2013-2014 budget minus a $75,000 salary supplement paid to assistant Cameron County administrator David Garcia.
But not to worry that poor Garcia won;t be able to draw on that beer money anymore, he still has a few places where he can collect his cash in the form of five departments in the county.
Garcia, being a man of many talents, can still draw a pretty penny from other departments in the county. He, of a charmed existence, has this (give or take a couple of bucks) at his disposal:
Planning and Inspection (asst.): $56,089
Veterans Bridge (Assistant): $16,222
Los Indios Bridge (Asst.): $16,222
Gateway Bridge (Asst.): $17,121
Total (County) $105,654
Now, losing a $75,000 piece of cash is not a nice thing, we're sure. But the question now is: What is he going to do now that he has to put in his time at doing something?  He won;t need to travel anymore as he did for the CCRMA. He might even have to (gasp) work for a change. We understand Arnold Flores, a former legislative assistant to the senator, has the legislative angle covered. Maybe we can build another bridge to give the man something to do. On the other hand, maybe he can continue doing what he does best: nothing.
Garcia's bloated salary has apparently irked some elected officials and judges who say that if the county can pay someone that kind of dough, why not them. A case in point is Sheriff Omar Lucio, who oversees some 500 employees and receives much less than Garcia or his boss Pete Sepulveda.
Lucio and some of the judges will go before the salary grievance committee to make their case for additional compensation. County commissioners, who have been aware of the double dipping by Garcia, Sepulveda and at least three other county employees with the CCRMA will be hard pressed to explain why they have been paying Garcia what to many seems exorbitant amounts of money while others – like Lucio with much more responsibilities – is not.
"The sheriff almost went through the roof when he found out what Garcia was getting paid," said a county staffer. "Even without the $75,000 from the CCRMA, he's getting paid more than all the commissioners, the county judge, and Lucio. That's been carrying on from administration to administration and no one has done anything about it. It could be that the time has come."


Anonymous said...

Eso se llama aviador

Anonymous said...

Maybe elected officials involved with corruption should take heed; it is possible to make big bucks without the campaign hassle. Corruption is not just skin deep in Cameron County, corruption in Cameron County goes all the way to the bone.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can go to work for some of the contractors that he has been bilking money from for the last many years.

Anonymous said...

OMG guess his wife will now have to start looking for a job y a que gachos all you haters leave manitas alone, yea right

Anonymous said...

"Maybe we can build another bridge to give the man something to do."


Where is the other bridge? Over the rainbow?

Anonymous said...

♥♥♥Love the pic!♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Fucking RATS;
The whole lot.

Anonymous said...

deveras que huevos de CABRONES o RATAS COMO TU MONTOYA LOS QUIERAS LLAMAR. no ven que solis va al bote,limas al bote,rosental al bote y el companero del condado villalobos tambien va ir al bote.y estos pendejos creen que ha ellos no los van a chingar. ahi vienen con las politiqueras de hernandez.y los juezes del condado[sanches nelson y otros que no recuerdo]que no se vayan a chingar a estos pendejos de tercera con 5 sueldos como compruebas esto.

Don Cleto said...

Well lets see how the county judge and commissioners respond on this one, cuz he and pistol pete make toooooo much damn money and i for one am quite angry that th ecommisison never did a damn thing to cut his and other payroll and its still going on till the end of sept 2013. the commissnion could have cut the tax rate but wht the $$ck for, lets just raise it again, or keep it where its at now, property values go up and county still gets more tax money, right tony Y? whos taking care of who or whom? Ceertainly they are not taking care of the taxpayers, thats for sure. adios amigos, dc

Anonymous said...

Viva Mexico amigos!!!
