When the lights went out in the subdivisions neighboring the Brownsville Public Utility Board offices, the phone lines at the utility to report the outage.
We don't know how electric garage doors operate or if you can open them manually, but the upshot of it all is that there is great inconvenience visited upon the general population during one of these not-so-rare events in Brownsville and has always been. Whether it's dust collecting on the high-voltage wires, a short in a transformer, etc., long-suffering PUB ratepayers have learned to bear the brunt of the chronic power failures with some aplomb.
Not so, it seems, has Distinct 2 City of Brownsville Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa.
Well, first things first.
Did she call PUB to find out what, why or how long the power is out?
Did she think about finding out if other people are having electricity outage problems or if the elderly are having heat issues for no AC?
Does she go online and tell her constituents to be patient because PUB is working in restoring electricity to District 2?
Instead, our pouty lass immediately gets on Facebook and bashes BPUB.
She complains that because she lives right next door to the PUB, it is doubtful she'll be able to switch electric providers.
Now, this is the utility that contributes at least $4 million annually to keep the City of Brownsville budget (her budget) in the black. Without the PUB subsidy, many of her pet (and her fellow commissioners') projects would not see the light (no pun intended) of day.

Rumor is Danny Green is going to have the Spur PR guys write a letter to PUB and give them his 2 cents worth. Imagine the noive of PUB to have the commish show up to take a picture with him looking like that!
Her buddy from Austin, Head Cheez Erasmo Castro weighed in with his hefty assessment of PUB and said Jess now knew how "the little people" (from Austin?) felt about PUB.
When it comes to public service, we know we have at least one commissioner who is still in the dark because the lights seem to be on, but apparently no one's home.
hahaha. This is to funny. I can't stop laughing. I tell you there is never a dull day.
What is it that you have against Jessica Tetreau?
Montoya, at least that pudgy nose fugly bitch didn't beat someone up over there?
Oh, the humanity! Imagine those thoughtless, un-caring oafs at BPUB actually allowing Tetreau's juice to fail at such an important time in the history of the world. Is there no justice? Don't worry, when the workers of the world unite this sort of thing will come to an end!
What a RETARD!!! Better yet who votes for this incompetent people?
'who votes for "this" incompetent people?'
hahahahahaha... pendejo...
Wow, a commissioner that says she wished she was with another electric company! PUB is owned by the city and she is a city commissioner, talk about supporting your city.
First......Erasmo is in no way a little person (500 lbs???).......Secondly, Jessica needs to do A LOT more than blow drying her hair to look good.
All of these these negative comments are by the same person, get over it, your ineligibility to run had nothing to do with the Commissioner, get over it, grow up. And everyone is unhappy with PUB, not just the Commissioner.
Learn the English language pendejete!
She is not a brown noser and knows how to speak her mind!!!!!!!
Imagine that you retards!!!
And her constituents love her---haters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live on Parkland and the electricity is always going out, I don't blame her for being upset, we all have to deal with this bullshit at least 3x a month.
kudos to the city commissioner for not sugarcoating things. Ms. Jessica is doing what we elected her to do, that is to be the voice for her district. I'm here to tell you, none of us are happy with the service provided to us by PUB.
Somebody needs to get us another provider and stop this unfair monopoly who can't even provide us with regular, uninterrupted electrical services.
Take your head out of your ass and stop criticizing the people who are actually doing their jobs!
y pues al fin, como decia mi abuela "antes se coge al embustero que al cojo"
4 million...? I think it's over 7 million that PUB kicks back to the City each year to supplement their budget! pretty clueless remark. after hurricane dolly, my PUB power was back on within 24 hours. South Padre Island and other surrounding cities had to wait up to NINE DAYS to have their power restored. I am glad we have our own local utility. Jessica should be too! PUB also has lower kilo watt rates than all those other deregulated providers...she needs to get a clue.
Erasmo Castro: We, the little people. Ese vato esta bien marrano! Que little ni que nada. Pinche Shamu, Austin ni tiene PUB. Que chingados de estas quejando?
Public Utility of Brownsville, keep it, love it. We own it. Jessica Tetreau made a stupid mistake when she dissed our municipal public utility. The dumbasses down here don't seem to realize we have a gold mine in our utility. No privately owned company would be subsidizing the city budget.
As a commissioner her job is to make sure the budget is approved and that policies are done correctly. It is not her job or any commissioners job to micro manage the city. We have a City Manager that does that. She needs to call the City Manager and follow up with him and push for the constituents to call the city office and voice their concerns. Jessica along with Brownsville Cheezmeh Erasmo are a two big babies who go on facebook to post and wait for praises and bashes. How is she being a productive commissioner by only complaining? She has abstained on her votes because she is not mature to make her own decisions. In a nut shell District 2 does not have a voice. What District 2 has is a spoiled brat that Loves attention and praises. The fact that she has taken down the post from her facebook page shows she realized that was another stupid mistake she has done. She relies on Brownsville Cheezmeh and her close friends to tell her what to do. Bottom line she was elected to get rid of Charlie Atkinson. Do we see her being a productive commissioner NO. Does she know how to create new business NO. Does she care about Brownsville NO. Many of her constituents have called and emailed her with no reply from her. Honestly she has been a disappointment to the city. Constantly lying about her being the owner of her car wash then when it hits the fan she comes and says she is no the owner. She always telling people that she was involved in business coming into District 2. Jessica and Melissa how stupid do you really think we the people of Brownsville are?
What she thinks of PUB is what I, one of her constituents, thinks of her. I would have been more impressed if she said that she had identified a problem and was going to see that it was addressed. Instead, she said she wished she did not have to receive a municipal service from a city which she is charged with help to manage. This isn't high school anymore.
I will say it again...tetreu esta bien PENDEJA
I am so super esorry, mister senior ojete.....I we'll espeak Inglich mucho mas better tanks tu ju!
.....Now that's one to laugh about! I'm glad she spoke out about the importance of being able to blow dry her hair! What has this lady really done? What will her legacy be? How has she improved our city?......Heck, she is just a few steps away from Charlie El Idiota Atkinson.
This is the same commissioner who posts how many thousands she spends on Hermes bags like a hip hop artist pricing his swag on MLK Blvd. Is anybody surprised by this? She is not exactly an Einstein (or a passable savant for that matter) but she was a useful ringer when we needed somebody new enough to not have a laundry list of bad PR to beat Atkinson....and then there was that humiliating domestic dispute.
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