State District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez has joined the free-for-all litigation frenzy by filing a civil lawsuit in which she accuses several of the persons involved in the federal corruption probe in Cameron County of libel, slander and defamation against her.With ex-Judge Abel C. Limas facing sentencing soon, former state rep Jim Solis starting his 47-month sentence as soon as there is room at the federal inn, and alleged money-man and mastermind Austin attorney Marc G. Rosenthal also awaiting the judge's decision pending his appeals, Elia is counting that their guilty pleas and convictions will be a slam dunk for her lawsuit.
She said she had "no choice" but to sue Limas, Solis, former-Port of Brownsville Police Chief George Gavito and others in order to clear her name. She also named Limas’ wife Genevieve and their son Abel Limas Jr. She charges that in the course of their illegal activities, the defendants libeled and slandered her.
Since her lawsuit does not specify the false statements that the defendants are alleged to have made, it's assumed that they are in the contents of "the 40,000-plus recorded telephone conversations (of) all of the actions of defendants against Lopez, specifically, but not limited to slander, defamation and libel, loss of reputation and embarrassment,” the lawsuits states.

We have no idea what was said against the judge, but Gavito has been known to use colorful language when referring to local individuals.
We remember when he was a sheriff investigator and was on the trial of a murder suspect. When a reporter came back with statements made by George to the effect that "we are going to get that animal," his uncle Oscar Castillo – editor of the El Nuevo Heraldo – said his nephew's loquacity would one day get him in trouble. Have the chickens come home to roost for George? If anything, this promises to be a lively contest between these two. Ni uno de los dos se deja!
Elia Cornejo alleges that the basis of her lawsuit dates back to 2006 and 2008 when the former judge told Limas she was going to run against him for the 404th District Court and said that at the time "Limas became angry and threatened revenge."
“Nevertheless, the messages of revenge made Lopez nervous, worried, lose sleep, awake with trepidation, dread the news of the day, created anxiety, and loss of peace of mind,” she stated in the lawsuit.
Some of her acquaintances have said that because Limas was an ex-cop, he might retaliate in some way against her or her family.

When Cornejo-Lopez got took over the court from Limas on Jan. 2, 2009, the clerk from the office of District Clerk Aurora De la Garza showed her a lengthy list of the cases Abel had transferred to Alejandro's court.
"I knew that it was my prerogative to get them back in my court if I wanted to," Cornejo-Lopez told a friend. "But I thought about it and I decided it wasn't my fight."
The Cameron County judiciary has seen its share of troubles before, and this promises to be a free-for all with allegations of bad blood and vendettas coming from both sides.
Even though most of the allegations of illegal activity against the defendants have emerged in court, there have also been allegations of abuse of her position bandied against Elia by local attorneys and former office employees, some of who have chosen to resign in protest.
And at least one attorney has stated on the record that he feared his client would not receive a fair trial because he – ready for this – would not buy Girl Scout cookies from the judge's daughter.
Nat C. Perez filed a recusal motion against Elia claiming that she had “gone out of her way” to remove him from cases in her court on numerous occasions, and this time Perez feared that a client’s right to a fair trial could be impacted by Judge Lopez’s apparent wrath.
In the end, Perez was successful in getting her recused from his cases.
Apparently, Elia's motherly instincts have led her to issue similar rulings in at least another case involving the Girl Scouts.
In an order last year modifying probation judgement in the 2006 case of a felony theft (Third Degree) against Lyford resident Noe TreviƱo Romo (05-CR-00001531), Cornejo-Lopez said she would overlook some 77 hours from a required 150 community service hours and other conditions that she ordered him to perform back when he was placed on probation if he would donate a trip to Las Vegas to the Girl Scouts.
We're not kidding.
In the order signed by Lopez-Cornejo: As per the Honorable Court's order of Oct. 4, 2012, the defendant will donate a trip to Las Vegas to the Girl Scouts in lieu of the remaining Community Service Hours."
As in all defamation suits, the allegations will fly back and forth until the legal process lurches toward its sordid end months – if not years – down the road. Until that is finished, expect charges and counter charges to keep the newspaper readership titillated with the sordid details of life in the local courts.
Elia Cornejo Lopez and Armando Villalobos ran a joint campaign: both blamed Abel Limas for the Livingston fiasco. We saw where that left Limas and Villalobos now Elia Cornejo Lopez may be a closet Armando Villalobos sympathizer.
Another food fight at the Courthouse. What an entertaining event it will be. It helps no one, but it will be fun to watch.
George Gavito is a piece of shit.
Its no surprise that Elia Corn-hole Lopez would file a lawsuit to supposedly clear her name? That worthless dumb ass of a judge is afraid that something will come back on her? She knows she ripped people off from their houses with that bonds company. Armando Villalobos covered it up for her knowing full well that she is nothing but a dumb ass.Corn-hole makes these dumb ass child custody decisions with one most recently where the father is now in jail for sexually abusing his son. This Corn-hole made the decision after the son (Approx. 3 or 4 years old)made a scene with the courtroom with plenty of witnesses including her court staff that he did not want to go with the father but instead with grandmother and her boyfriend. Oye Montoya, why haven't you looked into why her court staff quit after she took the bench? Some real good rumors out there about it. Ojala, the Feds will find something on this Corn-hole and be Indicted. Oh yea Corn-hole, we know about your secret meetings with that lawyer Green in his car outside of his office?
Looking forward to learn what was said about Elia. Probably same things she says about her political opponents. The kettle degrading the pot!
just trying to get a buck, cant do it legaly and honest so lets try somehting else, mamona, es todo girl
(George Gavito is a piece of shit.)
Plus, he's a member of the St. Joe mafia.
Igor Garcia.
Seriously. Make an effort to get your facts straight. Get the transcript on that 2006 case. Your "facts" are way off.
isnt this corn hole cousin de la sofie mata benavides? la comishner or what locos? Cornejo, it believe tht was sofia mata benvides maidne name and he mom used to work over at the county clerks y la hermana yea right one big happy family. gee whiz
Elia CORNEJO Lopez, come on girl do you really think you are going to collect a dime even if you win this lawsuit? Come on, maybe un bano de puresa but thats about it, do these clowns have any money or land, real estate or drugs o mota stashed away somewhere o algo that the public dont know? Really?????? chupie
Yes, they do chupie, you just have to check the real estate under the relatives and friend's name (propiedades en nombre prestado).
do these clowns have any money or land, real estate or drugs o mota stashed away somewhere o algo that the public dont know? Really?????? chupie
just a fight for a bigger piece of the pie, and the larger mouth will win, elia really really you have never taken a brive oh im sorry it was a campaign contribution, my fault... yea right, viva las bribes, anyway no one will know cause if its cash you just dont put it in your report just like everyone in the cameron county election gang does and being doing it for years, no mas es un clavito, many do it like that all the time, Remember CASH IS KING. sk
just another bunch if hungry HOGS
Los cochinos, cheech and chong i say,my my what is this world coming to, just trying to make a buck or two.
Tlacuache eat tlacuache!
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