Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Unknown said...

This is past due. I'm glad to see that our membership is coming to their senses. This poor excuse of a man has been abusing his position of fire chief, and notice I say position because he is no such, for years. It is a shame that a few city commissioners have protected his ineptitude in exchange for "favors" for their cronies who need "uninspected" inspections for their businesses. He is a coward and ends up short of brains. Hes not the capacity to run a department lime ours.

Anonymous said...

Lenny Perez has become as big a joke as his twin on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. My vote is for "incompetence"....for Lenny.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! JMON, me and my buddies down at the Palm bar, love ya!

Anonymous said...

Fuck the firefighters! All they care is about their raises. Especially the discrace ofMarco Longoria....learn how to spell PENDEJO!! Whoever your coalition endorses is the kiss of death imbecil. Do Brownsville a favor and set yourself on fire.

Anonymous said...

Marco longoria is a coward and carlos elizondo is his little puppet, dance monkey dance............

Anonymous said...


chief cool arrow said...

fuera its time for a positive change liek th eone needed and demamnded over at the county courthuose con aurora y el guay de joe river, fuera

Anonymous said...

if the plan is to get rid of corrupt, worthless piece of crap individuals, I'm glad it started with Marco Longoria. Next on the list should trickle down to his cootch where you'll find the rest of the current union board members.

Anonymous said...

What is a "crooch"? It must be pretty big if a bunch of board members will fit there.

Anonymous said...

The "naysayers" are obviously the tiny few that cannot stay away from that huge sucking sound as they kneel under Lennys desk and remain spineless and lacking huevos. It is a shame that there are those few that have to brown nose throughout their lives to get anywhere. Grow some for a change or continue to take it up the Kazoo Mamones!

Anonymous said...

“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.”

Unknown said...

Anonymous? ?????? Quien es ese? Quisiera que tuvieran los organos genitales lo suficientemente grandes como yo en el area anatomica intrapiernosa para que pudieran salirse de las sombras como todo cobarde y poner su nombre. Bola de maricones pocoshuevos. For the other PENDEJO (notice I said OTHER) who can't handle spanish, that means; grow some balls and put your name on it. When you can do that, come see me. Other than that, shut up girls. Go do what you do best, get your pacifier and go cry to mommy.

Anonymous said...

Que paso Marcos. So if you go to work do your job and stay out of trouble you are a mamon. Your the only spineless one. Didn't you put your car into a ditch while drunk driving and then had the responding truck lie and say no accident was found. Remember they took you home and covered everything up. Except you forgot the trucks have GPS and it tracked the whole thing
How quick to talk the shit. Remember also when you tried to intimidate the fire inspectors that were inspecting that bar downtown. Why were you even there. Oh that's right so you could tell them " he this bar belongs to some pd officers so make sure it passes" Tu eres El mamon!

Anonymous said...

He has never been no real chief ! Just a person who has taken the credit of all the hard working paramedics and fire fighters do every day. Has made sure that no one ever stands out in the Fire Department. In fear that someone takes the chair that he holds. The chair that needs to be burned, do to the bad smell it has ! Couse their has been one big pile of SHIT seating in it to long!! Do us a favor chief idiot ! And flush yourself down the toilet and join the rest of your friends !

Anonymous said...

Obviously someone hacked into Marco Longoria's account because he has no idea how to spell or type. Se tarda 10 horas para encontrar cada letra! Mas pendejo no hay.

Anonymous said...

People want to talk bad about Marco ya he wasn't perfect but he has helped many firefighters even firefighters he didn't get along with that's integrety, caracter if it wasn't for him where in the world would the dept be with this idiot lenny ,this guy is heartless person he has a major inferiority complex the cityhas let him get away with a lot its time the citizens and the families of these guys get to know the truth
