Friday, August 30, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Apparently, Cameron County's overpaid Administrator assistant David Garcia ($115,000) hadn't read the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority's (his side gig at and additional $75,000) agenda that included an item relating to his part-time salary there.
Wit Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza – his benefactor on the commissioners' court – out of town, he never expected that the CCRMA would remove his $75,000 lump of gravy from the 2013-2014 budget.
But that's what they did and after Garza returned form one of his many trips out of the county, both are said to be hopping to see if they can rescind the budget and amend it so that poor David can get back the cash.
After all, how does one expect anyone to live on a measly $115,000 – more than the county judge, commissioners, and department heads make  make – when one has gotten used to raking in the candy money from the CCRMA.
The report of the double dipping had apparently reached proportions that had become politically untenable, court observers say.
"As soon as Garza came back, he started calling CCRMA board members and asking what can be done to get David back some of the extra $75,000," said one. "They are trying to get the board to see if they can change it."
Cameron County and the CCRMA, in response to criticism of the peculiar salary arrangements, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on future work done by county employees for the authority. With this MOU, they hope to prevent the kind of double-, triple and quadruple-dipping that had developed over time that allowed Garcia to get paid more for a side gig than a county commission gets paid for full-time work.
Now the CCRMA will have to reimburse the county for work its employees perform for the regional authority, and not the employees who are on county time.
According to the salary schedule listed with the county auditor's office, this (minus benefits) is what Garcia is taking home.
Planning and Inspection (asst.): $56,089
Veterans Bridge (Assistant): $16,222
Los Indios Bridge (Asst.): $16,222
Gateway Bridge (Asst.): $17,121
Total (County) $105,654
With the additional $75,000, he was making about $185,000 a year. Now, can anyone really believe that one person can handle all those responsibilities and do a good job?
We'll keep you posted on whether commissioner Garza is able to twist a few arms and get poor David his cash back.


Anonymous said...

Big David is threatening the removal of the CCRMA board members that don't buckle under to his demands. He wants his little traveling and drinking buddy put back on the payroll so their escapades can continue at Taxpayer expense but under the radar. Both Davids like those $100.00 bottles of wine!

el chupabara said...

Mamones es todo daivd y david son puro cabritos los dos i say.

don cleto said...

Ah pobre de manitas he cant make it on $115k dollars per year needs the other 75k, big david go them for him, fetch. dc

Anonymous said...

que no ven lo que esta pasando con LIMAS.pinche par de pendejos y cuando les descubren todo lo que se han chingado, despues se dicen inocentes.pinche par de parasitos al rato se los van a chingar los federales.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But Garcia has other sources of income. He is also moonlighting for a Company called DOS Logistics. That is a conflict of INTREST because this company does BUSSINESS with County.

Anonymous said...

David Garcia always has been a slug. The amount paid to hiom is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I want to know where that lard ass of Sally Gonzales has the right to ask for a hefty raise? Also, that very questionable law enforcement officer in Abelardo Gomez? Sally's office doesn't even answer phones and then after listening to the automated service, you can't leave a message? What kind of customer service is this for an elected official? What's the matter Sally? Gambling too much and not enough weddings to make that extra money? As for Abel, you're dirty and a lot of us in Precinct 2 know that!
