Thursday, August 22, 2013


(Ed.'s Note: After reports surfaced that Fire Department Chief Lenny Perez was challenging the finding that deceased fire fighter Juan Pablo Casanova had died in the line of duty and that his widow would not be eligible to receive widow's benefits, Perez apparently felt the heat and had a sudden change of heart. He mailed this to all firefighters.) 

From: Leonardo Perez
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:09 PM
To: Fire Dept
Subject: Juan Casanova
We have been hearing rumors that Juan Casanova’s passing was not reported as a Line of Duty Death. On Sunday after his death, I contact Chris Conneally with The State Fire Marshals Office at 512-961-2999 to report his death as a Line of Duty Death and am awaiting further instructions from his Office. The department will be working on filling out the Public Safety Officers’ Benefit application for his family… Please contact my office if any clarifications on issues are needed. Thank You…..…....Chief

Leonardo L. Perez
Fire Chief
Brownsville Fire Department
1150 East Adams Street
Brownsville, Texas 78520
956-546-8539 (fax)


Anonymous said...

Ok ok ....let me get this straight....if another man sleeps with your woman and afterwards she washes herself down there, does that make it right?

Ok ok rob a bank, and decide the next week after being identified to return the money, does that make it right?

Pelado Mamon!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

huele a gas

Unknown said...

No cabron. Culero. Asi viven los covardes. Woooohoooo.

Anonymous said...

Look at the date and time when he supposedly did this ! Just hours before the meeting took place ! His trying to fix the shit storm that he started. He is trying to clean up the trail of turds that only leads to the heartless peace of shit that he is !

Anonymous said...

El pinche Guillermo look alike of Lenny Perez! This idiot Chief now has hired the ex mayor el chaparo eddie treviƱo to be his lawyer. I guess it does not feel good to be holding the shit end of the stick verda pendejo! Even if you slide away from the fraud you and the commitee you had soley approve a fake school to teach the paramedic class. Everyone knows how much a low down scumbag you are. Even your kids think you suck just ask junior pendejo!

Anonymous said...

Common man, mayor u seem to be pretty smart guy u can't tell me u haven't noticed the shit coming out of the manager and the chief the last too years these guys are not the ones to take the city forward let's move forward its time for change let's change moral ,they don't have any good ideas it takes courage

Anonymous said...

Cleaning up his refuse to secure his job is not a change of heart or compassion ... it is saving his skin and certainly not saving face in the communities eyes ...coward is a mild word!!!!!!
