Wednesday, August 14, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Enrollment at Texas Southmost College crept toward 3,000 Tuesday as local students and their parents congregated at the Arnulfo Oliveria Student Center to take advantage of reduced tuition rates that saved them $1,000 on a full-schedule semester.
TSC officials said that as of Tuesday afternoon, there were 2,860 registered students for the Fall semester. With enrollment due to end Friday, they predicted the 3,000 mark would be within reach.
"(TSC President) Lily Tercero hit it right on the mark," said one. "She said that we would be enrolling about 3,000 this Fall and it looks like she hit it right on the money."
Meanwhile, even as UT Brownsville announced ti had registered some 8,000, there were nagging doubts as to whether that figure included some 2,000 students who failed to meet the more stringent admission requirements of the UT System. A TSC official who requested anonymity, said that college administrators had been told by UTB officials that at least that many students had been turned down for a variety of reasons.
"They said that they have 8,000 students registered but that doesn't mean that they have 8,000 enrolled," said the source. "That includes those 2,000 who were turned down. Some of those may be making up the 3,000 we have enrolled. Some may not have enrolled anywhere at all or required remedial classes."
TSC officials say their 3,000 figure does not include the estimate 700 to 1,000 high school students who are in dual-enrollment classes. That figure, plus those last-minute registrations will undoubtedly swell the final enrollment figures to nearly 4,000, the estimate.
"This is a respectable number for the first year of TSC's operational independence," he said. "We'll work out the kinks as we go along. With the school district's graduating class next year, we'll easily top 5,000."
Meanwhile, the signs of the separation between UTB and TSC were visible along International Boulevard. Workers with torches were changing the UTB-TSC portals along that thoroughfare late Tuesday to erect the TSC logo alone.


Anonymous said...

It is a new day for Brownsville and Matamoros potential UTB students. Having to meet the UT system standards will cause many of them to not be admitted to UTB. Under the Juliet Garcia standard during the UTB/TSC days, anyone was admitted. She wanted maximum enrollment, regardless of whether many of the students were not ready for college work.

Anonymous said...

Dual enrollment classes are NOT going to be with UTB.
TSTC has a contract with BISD so high school students can take the COMPASS exam, TSC handles dual enrollment for undergraduate courses. WHERE does UTB come up with those numbers?

Joaquin said...

This is outstanding. If you don't have the grades or SAT\ACT scores, you have no business at UTB. Students can take classes at TSC (who will accept anyone who breathes) until they're ready for a real University.

You're making it sound like this is a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

No doubt the UTB figures are inflated, sort of like Juliet's ego. You can bet that the UTB enrollment includes high schoolers and possibly even the TSC students. Julieta is a fox and we can believe nothing she or UTB says.

Anonymous said...

People who do not meet admission standards are not able to enroll in classes. This means if 2000 people did not meet admission standards they are not included in a total of 8000 who are registered.

Don Cleto said...

yawn yawn yawn so what else is new???? Does that mean that BISD produces nothing but bad students or what? Come on, give me a break, students need to put more mustard into it if they want to graduate with a higher grade or grades, be it BISD or TSC or UTB or any school for that matter. Nothing is free in life, those pell grants thay are not free, taxpayers pay for them. adios dc

Anonymous said...

The key question is how many freshmen end up enrolled at UTB. That is where you will see the devastation. How can you have a UT institution that will end up with fewer than one thousand freshmen? There is no way to support a UT caliber institution in Brownsville with a Community College drawing students away. The UT regents are idiots for getting sucked into this cheap border novela.

Anonymous said...

The webpage for the new university says there will be a new presidente by February. Old utb ser eliminado. All this comparing UTB con TSC will mean even less than it does already. El pasado no es el futuro.
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja!

The Pissed Off Conservative said...

That 8,000 figure has been flying around since early June and it has been touted by Julieta's brown nosers to everyone who puts a microphone on their mouths. Unfortunately the UTB cheerleaders are too stupid to figure out that they are being taken for a ride. How come those numbers have remained the same for over 10 weeks now?

Didn't thought about that huh?

Oh and the amount of students being turned down (including freshman) is over 2,300 not 2,000

Red Pepper said...

Long Live TSC!
