Tuesday, August 27, 2013


By Juan Montoya
For months the chain-link fence on the south end of the parking lot of the Central Public Library was so overgrown with bushes that cars could not help but push against their branches to stay in the parking space and not butt out into the drive.
Patrons would park and forget about it until they got back out and complained to each other about the overgrowth.
Step in former city commission candidate Robert Uresti who can be feisty, indignant, and sarcastic to the point of almost being a smartass.
Well, Uresti had had enough of the overgrowth and having to park right against the vegetation. He manages a car wash so there might have been a smattering of indignance at having his freshly-detailed ride scratched and its finish tarnished by the overhang into the parking spaces.
So he marched off to talk to library staff and ended up talking to an assistant to the director who sprang into action and had the lawn and palm service guys come in and clear out the offending shrubbery.
Uresti says he is not entirely satisfied with the job but concedes that at least it's better than before. We ran into him the other day and he says that he has enrolled at the new leaner and meaner Texas Southmost College and that he still has some veterans benefits to pay for it. He started to tell us about some of the hurdles he had to go through and now warns that TSC students who use the Ebooks to read their assignments run the danger of having their computer habits tracked by the NSA equivalent out at TSC. We also understand that he has made his concerns known at the highest levels of the community college.
We would have loved to hear more of his take on the subject but we had a few chores to do. Maybe we can get more on the TSC student spying scandal at a late date.    


Anonymous said...

Which library director did you speak to Uresti? The Brownsville library system has many fucking directors. When will the café be shut down?

Anonymous said...

(Uresti had had enough of the overgrowth)

Yep, that's his car alright. The gray Nissan!
