There was no mention of her attempts to cover up missing child-support theft of payments by one of her clerks, no mention of her maneuvering to shield her son from punishment for stealing thousands from the dying in Sunshine Haven Hospice, no mention of her office's use by attorneys involved in the bribery and racketeering Abel Limas-Marc Rosenthal-Jim Solis corruption cases to steer their cases to friendly forums.

She said, after milking the taxpayers for more than 40 years, that she had sated her whistle enough and will not seek reelection in 2014.
Instead, she told the daily, she wants to be a homebody, enjoy her family and grand kids and "give potential candidates vying for the position the chance to begin planning their campaigns."
And despite the assertion by the local daily that "at least one name of an employee in the district clerk’s office has been mentioned on social media as a possible candidate," the fact of the matter is that Cameron County Elections Administrator's Office lists Rosie Sheldon Sotelo as a candidate who has appointed a campaign treasurer for her run for district clerk.

(Cascos' administrative assistant is none other than Cris Valadez, Sotelo's son-in-law, so his presence there might have been de rigueur.)
De la Garza issued a veiled threat in the newspaper interview. She said that she has been "asked to run as a trustee for the Brownsville Independent School District," but is sure if she’s ready for that task.
“I don’t think of anything like that right now, but if i t’s meant to be, it’s meant to be,” she said. “I would welcome any opportunity if I could to continue serving and to continue helping out as much as I can."
My first unpleasant experience with Aurorita was when she invited my boss, a former county commissioner, to dinner while we attended a county commissioners conference in Austin. I wondered how Aurora could afford to wine and dine us at the affair which featured blackened redfish, flaming chocolate ice cream, and other exotic dishes by waiters attired in black coats and white gloves.
"Aurora can afford this?" I asked him.
He told me to keep quiet.
It wasn't until Aurora asked to ride with us back to the hotel that she – sitting in the back seat between him and me – gushed: "Wasn't it nice of Heard, Goggan, Linebarger to pay for our dinner?"
In those days I was still somewhat idealistic and the fact that a company which was selling poor people's homes in our precinct because they fell behind on their property taxes was wining and dining the county's public officials repulsed me.
"Ayyyy," Aurorita would later wail and repeat endlessly when I wrote about her, "Why doesn't he like me?"
Goodbye Aurorita, and good riddance.
Good riddance to bad garbage.
Here father Mario the barber was a long time peon to the courthouse elite. His Patron's granted him favors and allowed him to tag along and bask in their glory.
Right out of High School her daddy got her a job as secretary to D.J.Lerma, then County Court At Law judge and local attorney. Her job to do DJ's bidding on her back or at her desk.
The rest as they say is history. She flat backed her way to a long term employment at county expense. She is so crooked that when she dies, they will have to screw her into the ground.
Finally. Joe Rivera, take note sucker. Your days are over as well. Aurora could read the writing on the wall.
Sure shes going to prison. Cameron countys best manipulator. Whos going to protect her criminal and abusive children? Wait Luis saenz is still there. Never mind , another 4 years of abuse and self adjudication. Jajajajaj
Cameron county's top advocate for corruption. The law was strict on all except her family.
que forma de acabar con un puesto publico.tener que dejar el hueso porque estuviste involucrada con tanta corrupcion,que lastima que una dama termine asi entre dimes y diretes.
Good riddance! She sucked the tit for too long and others financially gained from it! She is as corrupted as the others who were convicted! Eddie Lucio just got lucky but not out of the woods yet? To that Sanchez guy, who had the money taken away from him. You can sue the crap out of Eddie Lucio, now that it was brought out that he should have given you money! Same to the other guy, that snake Oscar De La Fuente! Aurora, good to see you leaving and we don't have to see you waddle in the courthouse at 10:00 in the morning and then leave at 3:00. Hopefully, the Feds will be knocking on your door soon! As for Rosie, please NO! YOu're just as questionable!
Let's hope the federal investigators are still on the job and Aurora is indicted before her term is up. Perhaps one or more the the corrupt judges and lawyers will tell the truth about the role Aurora played in Cameron County judicial corruption. Aurora is a slug.....a corrupt slug. She would fit right in at BISD with its corruption. By the way, I thought she was from Harlingen????
Rosie Sotelo following in her footsteps. She has not even been elected and she acting like she i s already in aurora's shoes. Thank goodness Eric Garza is running. Fresh blood. He has my vote.
I hope she takes others with her to hell like Joe Rivera, Omar Lucio, Gus Reyna the cokehead, and Vanerial Diesease Javier Reyna, and the Walrus Saenz. From BISD Escobedo, Stupid intendent Montoya, and the waste of Tax payers money Chief of Police Garcia to mention a few. This circle of dumbasses has been the downfall of this County. Lets hope we can elect some good candidates that care about the county not themselves.
There is a reason Rosie was/is Aurorita's #1. She's just as dirty. Aurora didn't conduct her corrupt schemes without Rosie knowing and taking part in some. Time for new blood.
Rosie Sotelo, Oh Yeah, she was directly responsible for assigning all those questionable civil cases to Limas' Court in order to allow justice to be "FOR SALE". Wonder if she got enough kick backs to fund her campaign?
juan good riddance for all 40 years and 2 lawsuits against the county where she collected. ah my amigos at the tax law firms, paid for all those meals que padre, they are also friends of joe rivera too and many others elected officials. time for a change indeed but not with rosie sotelo, in that case let aurrora just stay it will be the same shity place.
And I always wondered how the criminal case against the Harlingen Police Association got into Migdalia Lopez's court? Lopez is just as questionable since she got money from HPOA when she first ran for office? Lopez got into bed with that very questionable ex-DA in Yolanda De Leon. You don't have to be a brain scientist to figure out that Aurora and one of her followers to make sure certain cases got into certain courts? Why do you think the corruption in Cameron County got so rampant!
Let us prayer. God help us taxpayers with all those corrpt elected officials and wannabe elected officials, send us some new faces, new people that want to really serve and not just want to get elected because i am the right hand of some corrupt elected official already in. Please no more of these recyclable current or former county employees, we want new persons. Lord thank you and please hear our prayers. Amen
corruption, corruption, corruption at its best, glad to see some of the filth and shit leaving the county courthouse grounds and being flushed down the toilet. Joe rivera I recommend you might want to reconsider retiring as well. but there is plenty more shit to go around in the courthouse. plenty of more work to be done to cleanse the courthouse, right juan? adios
Don Cleto,cool arrow and southmost kid are all Karlos Kaskos. Que paso Maclovio? Your boss aint worth a shit vato...
mr 3.38 pm i beg to differ with you i ain tno karlos kascos aka carlos cascos o maclovio either and yes these people need to go and we need new poeple to come in. I am just voicing my opiniion ayyatollad.
Flush the toilet, cleanse the toilet, cesspool or outhouse? which one do you want el Pinosol or fabuloso or mr clean. Heard, goggin, Calame, linbarger and purdue brandon plus other tax attys make millions $$$$$ Dollars off the city county and school delinquent tax payers and yes they do wine and dine these elected officials for the last 30 years or so, plus give them a contribution fo rthes elections or reelections just check the books, many have take their offers like aurora, tony, joe and many others elected officlas at every election. So who is really the king of the pit here the tax attys or our elected officials? You make the call, sk
ay aurora its a rainy night in cameron county now that your leaving. Hum so sad, so sad so sad, im going to miss all the shenigans you and other elected offcials like joe, tony ernie etc alwyas pull and then we aint gonna have anyone to point the finger at once you leave in december 2013, so sad, im depressed.
Too bad she wasn't prosecuted as she so deserves! I thought she might be, but alas no. I thought there might be a God and Equal Justice, but I guess not...well, not in the County of Cameroon anyway! Good Riddance, you diabolically evil old hag!
Its about time she left....ofcourse shes got to...corruption charges are biting her pruny ass.... bitch needs to get checked.... I hope all go flying with her and hire new competent people... from her office to child support division to jury supervisor...who is also crooked...that gets money from attorneys to do away with cases to Erick who wants to know who can reccommend u for any position regardless of ur education or experience... adios a todosssss pinche bola de coruptos!!!!
One whore trying to replace another
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