By Juan Montoya
Does someone allied with Erasmo Castro (The Head Cheez) have it in for the Oyster Bar II on Paredes Line Road and set them up for Ryan (Vicious) Wolf's Food Patrol?
Wolf said in his Food For Thought spot on Channel 4 that a "kitchen cop" sent a "photograph (that) exposes a sea of rodent poop at (the) seafood restaurant called the Oyster Bar II on 153 Paredes Line Road in Brownsville."
A manager denied that the rodent poop exists and says: "We have never had before," he said. "That's why I think it was a personal vendetta by someone."
Close inspection of the post indicates that Ryan copies Erasmo on his post and Tina Saldana sends and copies Erasmo. They are the ones that are saying its rodent droppings and not Wolf, a sort of plausible denial to get his station off the hook.
We happen to know that longtime owner and manager of Oyster Bar is none other than Henry Gonzalez, the former mayor and city commissioner of Brownsville. If he or any of his employees had walked into the restroom in the morning and had seen the proliferation of alleged rodent droppings, we'd bet our bottom dollar they would have taken drastic measures to correct the problem.

Wolf has been a close collaborator of Castro's Cheezmeh and sister Linda, who is a sort of Cheezmeh ad sales maven for the group. Wolf was a moderator at a Cheezmeh candidates forum some time ago and just last month was pictured with Linda at another event.
Now, looking at the amount of alleged rodent feces pictured here, it is nigh impossible for this amount of poop to be lying around without anyone saying anything about it or complaining to the management.There just to many and unless the whole Brownsville rodents had diarrhea all at once and decided to poop only on the Oyster Bar II on Paredes Line it doesn't seem possible that no employee noticed in the morning when they walked in before opening the restaurant.
Did the Oyster Bar offend someone by not contributing to some fudndraiser or refuse to buy advertising somewhere? Is it really fair to ruin someone's livelihood for self gratification?
Here's the report.
Ryan Wolf rocks!
Ta todo puto el Ryan Wolf, on his FB page, the imp is shown cooking some wieners on the grill, not sausage, wieners..(wierdoooo)...anyway, look at the is filthy! The metro sexual Wolf is a little man with a big man's syndrome. The only thing i like about him is his hot wife. She might be a closet lesbian because she choses to be with someone so feminine. I got your demerit right here mamasota!
Get real. This isn’t any sort of vendetta.
In Action 4’s defense, the Oyster Bar is a dump and flailing establishment.
It used to be the case that one would visit the Oyster Bar on special occasions for a nice family dinner.
Nowadays, a reasonable person would be hard pressed to justify visiting this establishment and many other local establishments.
Unintelligible wait staff, inedible food and dive atmosphere are just some of the things that are now the status quo at the Oyster Bar and other local establishments.
It is hard to tell whether this restaurant has gone down the tube due to lack of investment and pride or just plain complacency.
It is easy to pay $100 or more for good food, service and atmosphere. But, lately it seems local businesses expect us to drop upwards of $60 for a couple of entrees and drinks, crappy service and unintelligible wait staff.
Maybe our local businesses need big chains like Pappadeaux’s to come into town and put them out of business and their misery. Only then will they learn that they need to re-invest in their business instead of taking advantage of their clientele, who have limited options.
However, it may be the case that we as a community settle for mediocrity and take little pride in our community. Until we demand more from our local community and business owners, we will continue to find businesses who cannot comply with the simplest of city ordinances.
This isn’t a vendetta. It’s the media reporting on the status quo of the restaurant industry in Brownsville.
Ryan Wolf is a midget DICK! His fake smiles on TV and his effort to present his midget muscles is offensive. His attack on the Oyster Bar is surely politically motivated. Unfortunately, Justo Gonzalez puffed up like a blow fish and became very defensive....making things worse.
I definitely agree with Ryan on this one. Oyster Bar I,II,III,IV, etc.etc.etc. are nothing but restaurants that serve nothing but CRAP. And Ryan Wolf just proved it without a shadow of a doubt.
Igor Garcia.
Ryan Wolf is an idiot with nothing better to do... Haber cabron go do a live report from the battlefield in Matamoros?! Zap patrol and Food Report.... puras pendejadas! Get a real job, culero.
It's no surprise to see these sort of half-assed journalism. It's become the norm. Real journalism is dead and comes from bloggers like yourself (though often times one of your four readers disagree with you). Regardless, the difference is, bloggers like you don't claim to be bipartisan or not have an agenda. It's obvious you're not and you clearly have an agenda. Those clowns on TV, on every channel, do.
Those rat dropping were photographed around the chair Erasmo sits in while he runs his cheezmeh page from his filthy hovel in Austin.
Ryan Wolf uses the health department inspections...he does little except exploit the system. In the small print was the fact that the Oyster Bar had been reinspected and had only 3 demerits....Who gave Ryan Wolf the bad report. As someone said above, I find it interesting that when his newscast begins he introduces himself and while Marci is introducing herself, Ryan fakes a smile....looks like a shit-eating dog.
Man looks like a lot of butt-hurt business owners who don't give two shits about their customers are quick to come to the Rrun Rrun to jump on Ryan Wolf. The Cheezmeh trash is not far behind jumping on the Oyster Bar like mindless sheep.
I like Wolf's Food 4 Thought section but I think he dropped the ball on this one. That picture seems a bit suspicious if you ask me. It looks like as if someone sprinkled rodent droppings in that area and it simply looks out of place. Unless half of the mice population in Paredes line moved to the Oyster bar there is just no way in god's earth that the picture is correct.
As for Erasmo and the Cheezmeh page it has become Brownsville's official hangout for the illiterate garbage. So much ignorance, it's like school on sunday... No class. Wolf should distance himself from the collaborators of the page.
Just as a quick FYI, those reports/photos are requested from the health department and are legitimate photographs taken by the health inspectors. Stop speculating and if you still doubt it, you can request a copy of the report/photos yourself.
What next? Is Ryan going to close a "chicken ranch" RGV sacred whorehouse like a Marvin Zinldler? Shades of blue sun glasses. Inquiring minds want to know........
Great reportng by bryan wolf,, he is only informing the public of Health inspections of local restaurants. This is clearly not a personal vendetta as the owners claim, if añyone has doubts about the inspectors report all they have to do is request a copy of the report and photos thru open records. People need to stop blaming some else for their mistakes. The inspector should be commended for having the courage to note his findings on the report, good Job.
Ahora si lo pescaron a el ryan wolf. Tomandose fotos con jotos. Les dije que se la comia.
We have every right to know of the restaurants with poor demerits...surprised it took this long to find out about this filthy restaurant.i wonder why..but anyways if you like some poop droppings on your food...bon to clean kitchen...yummy..
Ryan go inspect the café at the brownsville public library its fucking filthy!!!!!!!!
The "rat droppings" are nothing compared to the big pile of shit the fat ass clown erasmo castro publishes in his piece of shit page. Get a real job cabron and stop trying to burn businesses, ur sources are not credible, nothing but ignorance, lies, and cagada
Funny how every stupid ass accusation is anonymous...
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